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Publications [#372441] of Kirsten G. Wickelgren

Papers Published

  1. Bachmann, T; Wickelgren, K, On quadratically enriched excess and residual intersections, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 2023 no. 802 (September, 2023), pp. 77-123 [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    We use recent duality results of Eisenbud and Ulrich to give tools to study quadratically enriched residual intersections when there is no excess bundle. We use this to prove a formula for the Witt-valued Euler number of an almost complete intersection. We give example computations of quadratically enriched excess and residual intersections.
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320