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Publications [#359782] of Mark Haskins

Papers Published

  1. FOSCOLO, L; HASKINS, M; NORDSTRÖM, J, Complete noncompact g2-manifolds from asymptotically conical calabi-yau 3-folds, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 170 no. 15 (October, 2021), pp. 3323-3416 [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    We develop a powerful new analytic method to construct complete noncompact Ricci-flat 7-manifolds, more specifically G2-manifolds, that is, Riemannian 7- manifolds .M;g/ whose holonomy group is the compact exceptional Lie group G2. Our construction gives the first general analytic construction of complete noncompact Ricci-flat metrics in any odd dimension and establishes a link with the Cheeger-Fukaya-Gromov theory of collapse with bounded curvature. The construction starts with a complete noncompact asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau 3-fold B and a circle bundle M ! B satisfying a necessary topological condition. Our method then produces a 1-parameter family of circle-invariant complete G2-metrics g_ on M that collapses with bounded curvature as _ ! 0 to the original Calabi-Yau metric on the base B. The G2-metrics we construct have controlled asymptotic geometry at infinity, so-called asymptotically locally conical (ALC) metrics; these are the natural higher-dimensional analogues of the asymptotically locally flat (ALF) metrics that are well known in 4-dimensional hyper-Kähler geometry. We give two illustrations of the strength of our method. First, we use it to construct infinitely many diffeomorphism types of complete noncompact simply connected G2-manifolds; previously only a handful of such diffeomorphism types was known. Second, we use it to prove the existence of continuous families of complete noncompact G2-metrics of arbitrarily high dimension; previously only rigid or 1-parameter families of complete noncompact G2-metrics were known.
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