Math @ Duke
Publications [#355087] of Lenhard L. Ng
Papers Published
- Ng, L; Rutherford, D; Shende, V; Sivek, S; Zaslow, E, Augmentations are sheaves,
Geometry and Topology, vol. 24 no. 5
(January, 2020),
pp. 2149-2286, Mathematical Sciences Publishers [doi]
(last updated on 2025/03/13)
Abstract: We show that the set of augmentations of the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of a
Legendrian link underlies the structure of a unital A-infinity category. This
differs from the non-unital category constructed in [BC], but is related to it
in the same way that cohomology is related to compactly supported cohomology.
The existence of such a category was predicted by [STZ], who moreover
conjectured its equivalence to a category of sheaves on the front plane with
singular support meeting infinity in the knot. After showing that the
augmentation category forms a sheaf over the x-line, we are able to prove this
conjecture by calculating both categories on thin slices of the front plane. In
particular, we conclude that every augmentation comes from geometry.
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