Niny J. Arcila-Maya, William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor

Niny J. Arcila-Maya
Office Location:  045 Physics
Email Address: send me a message
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Ph.D.University of British Columbia (Canada)2021
M.Sc.Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)2016
B.Sc.Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)2013

Algebraic topology • Applied Topology • Homotopy theory • Topological Data Analysis

Recent Publications

  1. Arcila-Maya, N; Bethea, C; Opie, M; Wickelgren, K; Zakharevich, I, Compactly supported A1-Euler characteristic and the Hochschild complex, Topology and its Applications, vol. 316 (July, 2022) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Arcila-Maya, N, Decomposition of Topological Azumaya Algebras (June, 2021) [doi]
  3. Arcila-Maya, N; Bethea, C; Opie, M; Wickelgren, K; Zakharevich, I, Compactly supported $\mathbb{A}^{1}$-Euler characteristic and the Hochschild complex (March, 2020)  [abs]