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Publications [#243991] of Arlie O. Petters

Papers Published

  1. Petters, AO, A Cusp—Counting Formula For Caustics Due To Multiplane Gravitational Lensing, Symposium International Astronomical Union, vol. 173 no. 173 (1996), pp. 281-282, Cambridge University Press (CUP), ISSN 0074-1809 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
    (last updated on 2020/09/06)

    Consider a gravitational lens system with K planes. If light rays are traced back from the observer to the light source plane, then the points on the first lens plane where a light ray either terminates, or, passes through and terminates before reaching the light source plane, are “obstruction points.” More precisely, tracing rays back to the source plane induces a K-plane lensing map η : UR2R2 of the form η(x1) = x1 −∑i=1k αi(xi(xi)). We then define an obstruction point of η to be a point a of U where limx1→ai(xi(x1))| = ∞ for some “deflection angle” αi.
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