Math @ Duke
Papers Published
- Bertolini, M; Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR, Fixed points of (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg renormalization group flows and the chiral algebra,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2022 no. 9
(September, 2022), ISSN 1029-8479 [doi] [abs]
- Bertolini, M; Plesser, MR, (0,2) hybrid models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2018 no. 9
(September, 2018), Springer Nature America, Inc [doi] [abs]
- Jockers, H; Katz, S; Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, SU(N) Transitions in M-Theory on Calabi–Yau Fourfolds and Background Fluxes,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 351 no. 2
(April, 2017),
pp. 837-871, Springer Nature [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR; Wang, K, Mirror Symmetry and Discriminants
(February, 2017) [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, General mirror pairs for gauged linear sigma models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2015 no. 11
(November, 2015),
pp. 1-33, Springer Nature [doi] [abs]
- Morrison, DR; Ronen Plesser, M, Special Lagrangian torus fibrations of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds: A geometric conjecture,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 898
(September, 2015),
pp. 751-770, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0550-3213 [doi] [abs]
- Bertolini, M; Plesser, MR, Worldsheet instantons and (0,2) linear models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2015 no. 8
(August, 2015), Springer Nature [4541], [doi] [abs]
- Bertolini, M; Melnikov, I; Plesser, M, Massless spectrum for hybrid CFTs
(December, 2014),
pp. 221-230, American Mathematical Society [doi]
- Bertolini, M; Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR, Accidents in (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg theories,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2014 no. 12
(January, 2014), Springer Nature [4266], [doi] [abs]
- Bertolini, M; Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR, Hybrid conformal field theories,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2014 no. 5
(January, 2014),
pp. 043, Springer Nature [1307.7063v1], [doi] [abs]
- M. Bertolini, I.V. Melnikov, and M.Ronen Plesser, Massless spectrum for hybrids CFTs,
in Proceedings of String-Math 2013
(2014) [1751] [abs]
- Intriligator, K; Jockers, H; Mayr, P; Morrison, DR; Ronen Plesser, M, Conifold transitions in m-theory on calabi-yau fourfolds with background fluxes,
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 17 no. 3
(December, 2013),
pp. 601-699, International Press of Boston [1203.6662v2], [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Melnikov, IV; Ronen Plesser, M, (0,2) elephants,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2012 no. 1
(February, 2012), Springer Nature [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, Elusive Worldsheet Instantons in Heterotic String Compactifications, edited by Block, J; Distler, J; Donagi, R; Sharpe, E,
STRING-MATH 2011, vol. 85
(January, 2012),
- Melnikov, IV; Ronen Plesser, M, A (0,2) mirror map,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2011 no. 2
(September, 2011),
pp. 1-15, Springer Nature, ISSN 1126-6708 [1003.1303v2], [doi] [abs]
- Kreuzer, M; McOrist, J; Melnikov, IV; Ronen Plesserd, M, (0,2) Deformations of linear sigma models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2011 no. 7
(January, 2011),
pp. 044, Springer Nature, ISSN 1126-6708 [1001.2104v2], [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, Decompactifications and massless D-branes in hybrid models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2010 no. 7
(January, 2010),
pp. 078, Springer Nature, ISSN 1126-6708 [0909.0252v1], [doi] [abs]
- Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR, A-Model correlators from the Coulomb branch,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 06 no. 2
(February, 2006),
pp. 044, ISSN 1029-8479 [0507187v1], [doi] [abs]
- Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR, The Coulomb branch in gauged linear sigma models,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 0506 no. 6
(June, 2005),
pp. 239-270, Institute of Physics, ISSN 1029-8479 [0501238v2], [doi] [abs]
- I.V. Melnikov, M. Plesser, and S. Rinke, Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions for the N=2 Sigma Model,
in Quantum Theory and Symmetries: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, edited by P C Argyres et al
(October, 2004), World Scientific [0309223] [abs]
Quantum Theory and Symmetries
(October, 2004),
pp. 250-255, WORLD SCIENTIFIC [doi]
- Morrison, DR; Narayan, K; Plesser, MR, Localized tachyons in ℂ3/ℤN,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 8 no. 8
(August, 2004),
pp. 1305-1345, Springer Nature [0406039v2], [doi] [abs]
- Morrison, DR; Narayan, K; Plesser, MR, Localized tachyons in ℂ3/ℤN,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 8 no. 8
pp. 1263-1303 [doi] [abs]
- Morrison, DR; Narayan, K; Plesser, MR, Localized tachyons in ℂ3/ℤN,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 8 no. 8
pp. 1305-1345 [doi] [abs]
- Narayan, K; Plesser, MR, Coarse-graining quivers
(September, 2003) [0309171] [abs]
- Beasley, CE; Plesser, MR, Toric duality is seiberg duality,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 5 no. 12
(January, 2001),
pp. 1-37, Institute of Physics, ISSN 1029-8479 [0109053v1], [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, D-branes, discrete torsion and the McKay correspondence,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 5 no. 2
pp. XIX-25, Institute of Physics, ISSN 1029-8479 [0009042v2], [doi] [abs]
- Beasley, C; Greene, BR; Lazaroiu, CI; Plesser, MR, D3-branes on partial resolutions of abelian quotient singularities of Calabi-Yau threefolds,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 566 no. 3
(February, 2000),
pp. 599-641, Elsevier BV [9907186], [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, Heterotic string corrections from the dual type-II string,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 4 no. 4
pp. XXXIV-21, Institute of Physics [9910248v2], [doi] [abs]
- Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, Non-spherical horizons, I,
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 3 no. 1
(January, 1999),
pp. 1-81, International Press of Boston, ISSN 1095-0761 [9810201], [doi] [abs]
- Aspinwall, PS; Plesser, MR, T-duality can fail,
Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 3 no. 8
pp. XI-18, Institute of Physics, ISSN 1029-8479 [9905036v1], [doi] [abs]
- Argyres, PC; Plesser, MR; Shapere, AD, N = 2 moduli spaces and N = 1 dualities for SO(nc) and USp(2nc) super-QCD,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 483 no. 1-2
pp. 172-186, Elsevier BV [9608129v1], [doi] [abs]
- Katz, S; Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, Enhanced gauge symmetry in type II string theory,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 477 no. 1
(October, 1996),
pp. 105-140, Elsevier BV [9601108], [doi] [abs]
- Argyres, PC; Plesser, MR; Seiberg, N, The moduli space of vacua of N = 2 SUSY QCD and duality in N = 1 SUSY QCD,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 471 no. 1-2
(July, 1996),
pp. 159-194, Elsevier BV [9603042], [doi] [abs]
- Argyres, PC; Plesser, MR; Seiberg, N; Witten, E, New N = 2 superconformal field theories in four dimensions,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 461 no. 1-2
(February, 1996),
pp. 71-84, Elsevier BV [9511154], [doi] [abs]
- Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, Towards mirror symmetry as duality for two dimensional Abelian gauge theories,
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, vol. 46 no. 1-3
(January, 1996),
pp. 177-186, Elsevier BV [9508107], [doi] [abs]
- Greene, BR; Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, Mirror manifolds in higher dimension,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 173 no. 3
(November, 1995),
pp. 559-597, Springer Nature, ISSN 0010-3616 [9402119], [doi] [abs]
- Argyres, PC; Plesser, MR; Shapere, AD, Coulomb Phase of N=2 Supersymmetric QCD.,
Physical review letters, vol. 75 no. 9
(August, 1995),
pp. 1699-1702 [10060369], [doi]
- Morrison, DR; Plesser, MR, Summing the instantons: Quantum cohomology and mirror symmetry in toric varieties,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 440 no. 1-2
(April, 1995),
pp. 279-354, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0550-3213 [9412236], [doi] [abs]
- Hanany, A; Oz, Y; Ronen Plesser, M, Topological Landau-Ginzburg formulation and integrable structure of two-dimensional string theory,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 425 no. 1-2
(August, 1994),
pp. 150-172, Elsevier BV [9401030], [doi] [abs]
- Dijkgraaf, R; Moore, G; Plesser, R, The partition function of two-dimensional string theory,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 394 no. 2
(April, 1993),
pp. 356-382, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0550-3213 [doi] [abs]
- Dijkgraaf Gregory, R; Moore, W; Plesser, MR, The partition function of 2d string theory,
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 394
pp. 356-382, Elsevier [9208031]
- Moore, G; Ronen Plesser, M; Ramgoolam, S, Exact S-matrix for two-dimensional string theory,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 377 no. 1-2
(June, 1992),
pp. 143-190, Elsevier BV [9111035], [doi] [abs]
- Moore, G; Plesser, R, Classical scattering in (1 + 1)-dimensional string theory,
Physical Review D, vol. 46 no. 4
(January, 1992),
pp. 1730-1736, American Physical Society (APS), ISSN 0556-2821 [9203060], [doi] [abs]
in PASCOS 1991, edited by NATH, P; REUCROFT, S,
(January, 1992),
pp. 648-666, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD [9110014]
Modern Physics Letters A, vol. 06 no. 07
(March, 1991),
pp. 591-603, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt, ISSN 0217-7323 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Ginsparg, P; Goulian, M; Plesser, MR; Zinn-Justin, J, (p, q) string actions,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 342 no. 3
(October, 1990),
pp. 539-563, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0550-3213 [doi] [abs]
- Greene, BR; Plesser, MR, Duality in Calabi-Yau moduli space,
Nuclear Physics, Section B, vol. 338 no. 1
(July, 1990),
pp. 15-37, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0550-3213 [doi] [abs]
- Marco Bertolini, Ilarion V. Melnikov, M. Ronen Plesser, Fixed points of (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg renormalization group flows and the chiral algebra
(June, 2021) [2106.00105] [abs]
- P.S. Aspinwall and M. Ronen Plesser, Elusive Worldsheet Instantons in Heterotic String Compactifications
(June, 2011) [1106.2998v1] [abs]
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