Department of Mathematics
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Former Ph.D. Students of Michael C. Reed

  • Laurent, Thomas (2002 - 2006)
    New Phenomena in Non-local Partial Differential Equations
  • Anderson, David (2001 - 2005)
    Stochastic Perturbations of Biochemical Reaction Systems
  • Colleen Mitchell (1998 - 2003)
    Mathematical Properties of Time Windowing in in Neural Systems
  • Jonathan Bihari (2001)
    A New Approach to Delay Differential Equations
  • Alexander Solodovnikov (2000)
    Absolute Intensity Independence in a Directional Hearing Model
  • Kirsten Travers (1998)
    Ultra-Singularities of Semilinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
  • Elizabeth Brooks (1996)
    Probabilistic Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
  • Danielle Carr (1993)
    Reaction-Hyperbolic Systems in One Space Dimension
  • Nailor, Jeanne (1991)
    Behavior of Equilibria in Quasi-thermodynamic Chemical Reaction Networks with Mass-action Kinetics
  • Porter-Locklear, Freda (1991)
    A Numerical Study of Propagation of Singularities for Semilinear Hyperbolic Systems
  • Shin, Insun (1990)
    Diffusion With Periodic Obstacles and Applications to Intracellular Diffusion
  • Layton, Harold (1986)
    A Mazthematical Model of the Urine Concentrating Mechanism
  • Israel, Karen (1984)
    Monotone Behavior for Equilibria of Dynamical Systems
  • Messer, Thomas (1984)
    The Propagation and Creation of Singularities of Solutions of Quasilinear, Strictly HYperbolic Systems in One Space Dimension
  • Micheli, Lucio (1984)
    Propagation of Singularities for Non-strictly Hyperbolic Semi-linear Systems in One Space Dimension
  • Oberguggenberger, Michael (1981)
    Propagation of Singularities for Semilinear Mixed Hyperbolic Systems in Two Variables
  • Holder, E. Jeffrey (1980)
    On the Existence, Scattering, Blow Up, and Decay of Solutions to Systems of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
  • Battle, Guy A. (1977)
    The Application of Banach Algebra Techniques to the Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Continuous, Infinite Systems
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320