Math @ Duke
Publications [#235798] of Robert Calderbank
Papers Published
- Calderbank, AR; Sloane, NJA, Four‐Dimensional Modulation With an Eight‐State Trellis Code,
AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64 no. 5
(January, 1985),
pp. 1005-1018, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi]
(last updated on 2025/02/21)
Abstract: A trellis code is a “sliding window” method for encoding a binary data stream {ai}, ai = 0, 1, as a sequence of signal points drawn from Rn. The rule for assigning signal points depends on the state of the encoder. In this paper n = 4, and the signal points are 4‐tuples of odd integers. We describe an infinite family of eight‐state trellis codes. For k = 3, 4, 5, … we construct a trellis encoder with a rate of k bits/four‐dimensional signal. We propose that the codes with rates k = 8 and 12 be considered for use in modems designed to achieve data rates of 9.6 kb/s and 14.4 kb/s, respectively. © 1985 AT&T Technical Journal
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Mathematics Department
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