Publications of Marc D. Ryser
Papers Published
- Nguyen, DL; Shelley Hwang, E; Ryser, MD; Grimm, LJ, Imaging Changes and Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Active Monitoring for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: Seven-Year Follow-up Study.,
Acad Radiol, vol. 31 no. 7
(July, 2024),
pp. 2654-2662
- Iyer, M; Mallo, D; Maley, CC; Fortunato, A; Cisneros, L; King, LM; Ryser, MD; Lo, JY; Hall, A; Marks, JR; Hwang, S, Abstract A038: Evaluating DCIS progression: A comparative analysis of CNA predictive power derived from lpWGS and WES data,
Cancer Research, vol. 84 no. 3_Supplement_2
(February, 2024),
pp. A038-A038, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- Liu, X; Ren, Y; Ryser, M; Grimm, LJ; Lo, JY, A Residual-Attention Multimodal Fusion Network (ResAMF-Net) for Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer,
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 12927
(January, 2024), ISBN 9781510671584
- Schmitz, RSJM; van den Belt-Dusebout, AW; Clements, K; Ren, Y; Cresta, C; Timbres, J; Liu, Y-H; Byng, D; Lynch, T; Menegaz, BA; Collyar, D; Hyslop, T; Thomas, S; Love, JK; Schaapveld, M; Bhattacharjee, P; Ryser, MD; Sawyer, E; Hwang, ES; Thompson, A; Wesseling, J; Lips, EH; Schmidt, MK; Grand Challenge PRECISION consortium, Association of DCIS size and margin status with risk of developing breast cancer post-treatment: multinational, pooled cohort study.,
BMJ, vol. 383
(October, 2023),
pp. e076022
- Ryser, MD; Greenwald, MA; Sorribes, IC; King, LM; Hall, A; Geradts, J; Weaver, DL; Mallo, D; Holloway, S; Monyak, D; Gumbert, G; Vaez-Ghaemi, S; Wu, E; Murgas, K; Grimm, LJ; Maley, CC; Marks, JR; Shibata, D; Hwang, ES, Growth Dynamics of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Recapitulate Normal Breast Development.,
(October, 2023)
- Lange, J; Zhao, Y; Gogebakan, KC; Olivas-Martinez, A; Ryser, MD; Gard, CC; Etzioni, R, Test sensitivity in a prospective cancer screening program: A critique of a common proxy measure.,
Stat Methods Med Res, vol. 32 no. 6
(June, 2023),
pp. 1053-1063
- Byng, D; Thomas, SM; Rushing, CN; Lynch, T; McCarthy, A; Francescatti, AB; Frank, ES; Partridge, AH; Thompson, AM; Retèl, VP; van Harten, WH; Grimm, LJ; Hyslop, T; Hwang, ES; Ryser, MD, Surveillance Imaging after Primary Diagnosis of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ.,
Radiology, vol. 307 no. 1
(April, 2023),
pp. e221210
- Etzioni, R; Gulati, R; Owens, L; Lange, J; Ryser, MD, Abstract IA018: Opportunity for interception as a driver of benefit in cancer early detection: implications for multi-cancer early detection testing,
Cancer Prevention Research, vol. 16 no. 1_Supplement
(January, 2023),
pp. IA018-IA018, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- Etzioni, R; Gulati, R; Owens, L; Lange, J; Ryser, MD, Opportunity for interception as a driver of benefit in cancer early detection: implications for multi-cancer early detection testing.,
pp. 6-6
- Lynch, T; Basila, D; Schnitt, SJ; Marks, JR; Strand, SH; Hyslop, T; Badve, SS; Watson, MA; Le-Petross, HT; Grimm, L; West, RB; Weiss, A; Rapperport, A; King, L; Factor, RE; Ryser, MD; Partridge, AH; Hwang, E-SS; Thompson, AM; Collyar, DE, From the lab to the clinic: Lessons learned from a translational working group.,
- Fridman, I; Chan, L; Thomas, J; Fish, LJ; Falkovic, M; Brioux, J; Hunter, N; Ryser, DH; Hwang, ES; Pollak, KI; Weinfurt, KP; Ryser, MD, A web-based personalized decision support tool for patients diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ: development, content evaluation, and usability testing.,
Breast Cancer Res Treat, vol. 192 no. 3
(April, 2022),
pp. 517-527
- Ryser, MD; Lange, J; Inoue, LYT; O'Meara, ES; Gard, C; Miglioretti, DL; Bulliard, J-L; Brouwer, AF; Hwang, ES; Etzioni, RB, Estimation of Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis in a U.S. Breast Screening Cohort.,
Ann Intern Med, vol. 175 no. 4
(April, 2022),
pp. 471-478
- Schapiro, D; Yapp, C; Sokolov, A; Reynolds, SM; Chen, Y-A; Sudar, D; Xie, Y; Muhlich, J; Arias-Camison, R; Arena, S; Taylor, AJ; Nikolov, M; Tyler, M; Lin, J-R; Burlingame, EA; Human Tumor Atlas Network; Chang, YH; Farhi, SL; Thorsson, V; Venkatamohan, N; Drewes, JL; Pe'er, D; Gutman, DA; Herrmann, MD; Gehlenborg, N; Bankhead, P; Roland, JT; Herndon, JM; Snyder, MP; Angelo, M; Nolan, G; Swedlow, JR; Schultz, N; Merrick, DT; Mazzili, SA; Cerami, E; Rodig, SJ; Santagata, S; Sorger, PK, MITI minimum information guidelines for highly multiplexed tissue images.,
Nat Methods, vol. 19 no. 3
(March, 2022),
pp. 262-267
- Schmitz, RSJM; van den Belt-Dusebout, SW; Cresta, C; Liu, Y-H; Schaapveld, M; Clements, K; Timbres, J; Byng, DT; Ryser, MD; Ren, Y; Lynch, T; Hyslop, T; Menegaz, B; Collyar, D; Hwang, S; Thompson, A; Sawyer, E; Wesseling, J; Lips, EH; Schmidt, MK, Abstract P1-22-02: Subsequent risk of ipsilateral breast events in a multinational DCIS cohort of 48.619 patients: A meta-analysis within the PRECISION consortium,
Cancer Research, vol. 82 no. 4_Supplement
(February, 2022), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- Ryser, MD; Lange, J; Inoue, L; O'Meara, ES; Gard, C; Miglioretti, DL; Bulliard, J-L; Brouwer, AF; Hwang, ES; Etzioni, RB, Abstract GS4-06: Estimation of breast cancer overdiagnosis in a US breast screening cohort,
Cancer Research, vol. 82 no. 4_Supplement
(February, 2022), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- Grimm, LJ; Rahbar, H; Abdelmalak, M; Hall, AH; Ryser, MD, Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: State-of-the-Art Review.,
Radiology, vol. 302 no. 2
(February, 2022),
pp. 246-255
- Schmitz, RS; van den Belt-Dusebout, AW; Clements, K; Ren, Y; Cresta, C; Timbres, J; Liu, Y-H; Byng, D; Lynch, T; Menegaz, B; Collyar, D; Hyslop, T; Schaapveld, M; Sawyer, E; Hwang, SE; Thompson, A; Ryser, MD; Wesseling, J; Lips, EH; Schmidt, MK, Subsequent invasive breast cancer risk after DCIS treatment in multinational PRECISION consortium cohorts comprising 48,576 patients,
CANCER RESEARCH, vol. 82 no. 12
- Murgas, KA; Ma, Y; Shahidi, LK; Mukherjee, S; Allen, AS; Shibata, D; Ryser, MD, A Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate DNA methylation conservation in colorectal tumors.,
Bioinformatics, vol. 38 no. 1
(December, 2021),
pp. 22-29
- van Seijen, M; Lips, EH; Fu, L; Giardiello, D; van Duijnhoven, F; de Munck, L; Elshof, LE; Thompson, A; Sawyer, E; Ryser, MD; Hwang, ES; Schmidt, MK; Elkhuizen, PHM; Grand Challenge PRECISION Consortium; Wesseling, J; Schaapveld, M, Long-term risk of subsequent ipsilateral lesions after surgery with or without radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.,
Br J Cancer, vol. 125 no. 10
(November, 2021),
pp. 1443-1449
- Byng, D; Retel, VP; van Harten, W; Rushing, CN; Thomas, SM; Lynch, T; McCarthy, A; Francescatti, AB; Frank, ES; Partridge, AH; Thompson, AM; Grimm, L; Hyslop, T; Hwang, E-SS; Ryser, MD, Disparities in surveillance imaging after breast conserving surgery for primary DCIS.,
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 39 no. 15_suppl
(May, 2021),
pp. 6516-6516, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
pp. E284-E286
- Ryser, MD; Rushing, CN; Thomas, SM; Lynch, T; McCarthy, A; Mohammed, ZA; Francescatti, AB; Frank, ES; Partridge, AH; Thompson, AM; Hyslop, T; Hwang, ES, Ipsilateral invasive cancer risk after diagnosis with ductal carcinoma in situ in patients with and without index surgery: The effects of endocrine therapy and radiation treatment,
CANCER RESEARCH, vol. 81 no. 4
- Butt, J; Blot, WJ; Visvanathan, K; Le Marchand, L; Wilkens, LR; Chen, Y; Sesso, HD; Teras, L; Ryser, MD; Hyslop, T; Wassertheil-Smoller, S; Tinker, LF; Potter, JD; Song, M; Berndt, SI; Waterboer, T; Pawlita, M; Epplein, M, Auto-antibodies to p53 and the Subsequent Development of Colorectal Cancer in a U.S. Prospective Cohort Consortium.,
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, vol. 29 no. 12
(December, 2020),
pp. 2729-2734
- Brouwer, AF; He, K; Chinn, SB; Mondul, AM; Chapman, CH; Ryser, MD; Banerjee, M; Eisenberg, MC; Meza, R; Taylor, JMG, Time-varying survival effects for squamous cell carcinomas at oropharyngeal and nonoropharyngeal head and neck sites in the United States, 1973-2015.,
Cancer, vol. 126 no. 23
(December, 2020),
pp. 5137-5146
- Rodriguez-Homs, LG; Hammill, BG; Ryser, MD; Phillips, HR; Mosca, PJ, Relationship Between HCAHPS Scores and Survey Response Rate Is Linked to Hospital Size.,
J Patient Exp, vol. 7 no. 6
(December, 2020),
pp. 1543-1548
- Epplein, M; Le Marchand, L; Cover, TL; Song, M; Blot, WJ; Peek, RM; Teras, LR; Visvanathan, K; Chen, Y; Sesso, HD; Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A; Berndt, SI; Potter, JD; Ryser, MD; Haiman, CA; Wassertheil-Smoller, S; Tinker, LF; Waterboer, T; Butt, J, Association of Combined Sero-Positivity to Helicobacter pylori and Streptococcus gallolyticus with Risk of Colorectal Cancer.,
Microorganisms, vol. 8 no. 11
(October, 2020)
- Shehata, MN; Rahbar, H; Flanagan, MR; Kilgore, MR; Lee, CI; Ryser, MD; Lowry, KP, Risk for Upgrade to Malignancy After Breast Core Needle Biopsy Diagnosis of Lobular Neoplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.,
J Am Coll Radiol, vol. 17 no. 10
(October, 2020),
pp. 1207-1219
- Williamson, T; Ryser, MD; Ubel, PA; Abdelgadir, J; Spears, CA; Liu, B; Komisarow, J; Lemmon, ME; Elsamadicy, A; Lad, SP, Withdrawal of Life-supporting Treatment in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.,
JAMA Surg, vol. 155 no. 8
(August, 2020),
pp. 723-731
- Chootipongchaivat, S; van Ravesteyn, NT; Li, X; Huang, H; Weedon-Fekjær, H; Ryser, MD; Weaver, DL; Burnside, ES; Heckman-Stoddard, BM; de Koning, HJ; Lee, SJ, Modeling the natural history of ductal carcinoma in situ based on population data.,
Breast Cancer Res, vol. 22 no. 1
(May, 2020),
pp. 53
- Rozenblatt-Rosen, O; Regev, A; Oberdoerffer, P; Nawy, T; Hupalowska, A; Rood, JE; Ashenberg, O; Cerami, E; Coffey, RJ; Demir, E; Ding, L; Esplin, ED; Ford, JM; Goecks, J; Ghosh, S; Gray, JW; Guinney, J; Hanlon, SE; Hughes, SK; Hwang, ES; Iacobuzio-Donahue, CA; Jané-Valbuena, J; Johnson, BE; Lau, KS; Lively, T; Mazzilli, SA; Pe'er, D; Santagata, S; Shalek, AK; Schapiro, D; Snyder, MP; Sorger, PK; Spira, AE; Srivastava, S; Tan, K; West, RB; Williams, EH; Human Tumor Atlas Network, The Human Tumor Atlas Network: Charting Tumor Transitions across Space and Time at Single-Cell Resolution.,
Cell, vol. 181 no. 2
(April, 2020),
pp. 236-249
- Ryser, MD; Mallo, D; Hall, A; Hardman, T; King, LM; Tatishchev, S; Sorribes, IC; Maley, CC; Marks, JR; Hwang, ES; Shibata, D, Minimal barriers to invasion during human colorectal tumor growth.,
Nat Commun, vol. 11 no. 1
(March, 2020),
pp. 1280
- Ryser, MD; Hwang, ES, Response to Habel and Buist.,
J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 112 no. 2
(February, 2020),
pp. 216-217
(January, 2020),
- Ryser, MD; Sorribes, IC; Greenwald, M; Wu, E; Hall, A; Mallo, D; King, LM; Hardman, T; Simpson, L; Maley, CC; Marks, JR; Shibata, D; Hwang, ES, Inferring the evolutionary dynamics of ductal carcinoma in situ through multi-regional sequencing and mathematical modeling.,
CANCER RESEARCH, vol. 80 no. 21
- Ryser, MD; Hendrix, L; Thomas, SM; Lynch, T; McCarthy, A; Mohammed, Z; Francescatti, AB; Frank, ES; Partridge, AH; Thompson, AM; Hyslop, T; Hwang, E-SS, Ipsilateral invasive cancer risk after diagnosis with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Comparison of patients with and without index surgery.,
- Williamson, T; Ryser, MD; Abdelgadir, J; Lemmon, M; Barks, MC; Zakare, R; Ubel, PA, Surgical decision making in the setting of severe traumatic brain injury: A survey of neurosurgeons.,
PLoS One, vol. 15 no. 3
pp. e0228947
- Ryser, MD; Weaver, DL; Zhao, F; Worni, M; Grimm, LJ; Gulati, R; Etzioni, R; Hyslop, T; Lee, SJ; Hwang, ES, Cancer Outcomes in DCIS Patients Without Locoregional Treatment.,
J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 111 no. 9
(September, 2019),
pp. 952-960
- Ryser, MD; Hendrix, LH; Worni, M; Liu, Y; Hyslop, T; Hwang, ES, Incidence of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in the United States, 2000-2014.,
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, vol. 28 no. 8
(August, 2019),
pp. 1316-1323
- Grimm, LJ; Miller, MM; Thomas, SM; Liu, Y; Lo, JY; Hwang, ES; Hyslop, T; Ryser, MD, Growth Dynamics of Mammographic Calcifications: Differentiating Ductal Carcinoma in Situ from Benign Breast Disease.,
Radiology, vol. 292 no. 1
(July, 2019),
pp. 77-83
- Shen, Y; Dong, W; Gulati, R; Ryser, MD; Etzioni, R, Estimating the frequency of indolent breast cancer in screening trials.,
Stat Methods Med Res, vol. 28 no. 4
(April, 2019),
pp. 1261-1271
- Ryser, MD; Gulati, R; Eisenberg, MC; Shen, Y; Hwang, ES; Etzioni, RB, Identification of the Fraction of Indolent Tumors and Associated Overdiagnosis in Breast Cancer Screening Trials.,
Am J Epidemiol, vol. 188 no. 1
(January, 2019),
pp. 197-205
- Ryser, MD; Yu, M; Grady, W; Siegmund, K; Shibata, D, Epigenetic Heterogeneity in Human Colorectal Tumors Reveals Preferential Conservation And Evidence of Immune Surveillance.,
Sci Rep, vol. 8 no. 1
(November, 2018),
pp. 17292
- Ryser, MD; Min, B-H; Siegmund, KD; Shibata, D, Spatial mutation patterns as markers of early colorectal tumor cell mobility.,
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 115 no. 22
(May, 2018),
pp. 5774-5779
- Grimm, LJ; Ryser, MD; Hyslop, T, Role of Preoperative Variables in Reducing the Rate of Occult Invasive Disease for Women Considering Active Surveillance for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.,
JAMA Surg, vol. 153 no. 3
(March, 2018),
pp. 290-291
- Ryser, MD; Horton, JK; Hwang, ES, How Low Can We Go-and Should We? Risk Reduction for Minimal-Volume DCIS.,
Ann Surg Oncol, vol. 25 no. 2
(February, 2018),
pp. 354-355
- Grimm, LJ; Ryser, MD; Partridge, AH; Thompson, AM; Thomas, JS; Wesseling, J; Hwang, ES, Surgical Upstaging Rates for Vacuum Assisted Biopsy Proven DCIS: Implications for Active Surveillance Trials.,
Annals of surgical oncology, vol. 24 no. 12
(November, 2017),
pp. 3534-3540
- Cao, Y; Feng, Y; Ryser, MD; Zhu, K; Herschlag, G; Cao, C; Marusak, K; Zauscher, S; You, L, Programmable assembly of pressure sensors using pattern-forming bacteria.,
Nat Biotechnol, vol. 35 no. 11
(November, 2017),
pp. 1087-1093
- Ryser, MD; Rositch, A; Gravitt, PE, Modeling of US Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Seroprevalence by Age and Sexual Behavior Indicates an Increasing Trend of HPV Infection Following the Sexual Revolution.,
J Infect Dis, vol. 216 no. 5
(September, 2017),
pp. 604-611
- Ryser, MD; Gravitt, PE; Myers, ER, Mechanistic mathematical models: An underused platform for HPV research.,
Papillomavirus Res, vol. 3
(June, 2017),
pp. 46-49
- Ryser, MD; Murgas, KA, Bone remodeling as a spatial evolutionary game.,
J Theor Biol, vol. 418
(April, 2017),
pp. 16-26
- Storey, K; Ryser, MD; Leder, K; Foo, J, Spatial Measures of Genetic Heterogeneity During Carcinogenesis.,
Bull Math Biol, vol. 79 no. 2
(February, 2017),
pp. 237-276
- Ryser, MD; Lee, WT; Ready, NE; Leder, KZ; Foo, J, Quantifying the Dynamics of Field Cancerization in Tobacco-Related Head and Neck Cancer: A Multiscale Modeling Approach.,
Cancer Res, vol. 76 no. 24
(December, 2016),
pp. 7078-7088
- Ryser, MD; Worni, M; Turner, EL; Marks, JR; Durrett, R; Hwang, ES, Outcomes of Active Surveillance for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: A Computational Risk Analysis.,
J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 108 no. 5
(May, 2016),
pp. djv372
- Cao, Y; Ryser, MD; Payne, S; Li, B; Rao, CV; You, L, Collective Space-Sensing Coordinates Pattern Scaling in Engineered Bacteria.,
Cell, vol. 165 no. 3
(April, 2016),
pp. 620-630
- Worni, M; Akushevich, I; Greenup, R; Sarma, D; Ryser, MD; Myers, ER; Hwang, ES, Trends in Treatment Patterns and Outcomes for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.,
J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 107 no. 12
(December, 2015),
pp. djv263
- Ryser, MD; McGoff, K; Herzog, DP; Sivakoff, DJ; Myers, ER, Impact of coverage-dependent marginal costs on optimal HPV vaccination strategies.,
Epidemics, vol. 11
(June, 2015),
pp. 32-47, ISSN 1755-4365
- Ryser, MD; Myers, ER; Durrett, R, HPV clearance and the neglected role of stochasticity.,
PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 11 no. 3
(March, 2015),
pp. e1004113
- Ryser, MD; Komarova, SV, Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Metastases,
in Computational Bioengineering
(January, 2015),
pp. 211-230, CRC, ISBN 9781466517561
- Foo, J; Leder, K; Ryser, MD, Multifocality and recurrence risk: a quantitative model of field cancerization.,
J Theor Biol, vol. 355
(August, 2014),
pp. 170-184
- Payne, S; Li, B; Cao, Y; Schaeffer, D; Ryser, MD; You, L, Temporal control of self-organized pattern formation without morphogen gradients in bacteria.,
Mol Syst Biol, vol. 9 no. 697
(October, 2013),
pp. 697
- Ryser, MD; Nigam, N; Tupper, PF, On the well-posedness of the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation in two dimensions,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 231 no. 6
(March, 2012),
pp. 2537-2550
- Hairer, M; Ryser, M; Weber, H, Triviality of the 2D stochastic Allen-Cahn equation,
Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 17 no. none
(January, 2012), Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Ryser, MD; Qu, Y; Komarova, SV, Osteoprotegerin in bone metastases: mathematical solution to the puzzle.,
PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 8 no. 10
pp. e1002703
- Ryser, MD; Komarova, SV; Nigam, N, The cellular dynamics of bone remodeling: A mathematical model,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 70 no. 6
(April, 2010),
pp. 1899-1921
- Ryser, MD; Nigam, N; Komarova, SV, Mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics of a single bone multicellular unit.,
J Bone Miner Res, vol. 24 no. 5
(May, 2009),
pp. 860-870
- Lehning, M; Loewe, H; Ryser, MD; Raderschall, N, Inhomogeneous precipitation distribution and snow transport in steep terrain,
Water Resour. Res.
- Buenzli, PR; Martin, PA; Ryser, MD, Thermal quantum electrodynamics of nonrelativistic charged fluids.,
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, vol. 75 no. 4 Pt 1
(April, 2007),
pp. 041125, ISSN 1539-3755