Publications [#363574] of Sayan Mukherjee

Papers Published

  1. Luo, G; Mukherjee, S, In Search of Chaos and Complexity of a Cognitive Language-Learning System, Complexity, vol. 2020 (January, 2020)
    (last updated on 2025/02/22)

    In this article, we investigate the long-term dynamics of a known cognitive-based language-learning system under the variation of a system parameter. Stability of the equilibrium points is studied. Period root to chaos is investigated by bifurcation analysis. A Lyapunov analysis is performed to verify the complex dynamics in the system. Existence of chaos is confirmed by 0-1 test. A noise-induced cognitive phenomenon is proposed under the effect of power noise. Chaotic and nonchaotic dynamics are explored in the noise-induced system. Furthermore, disorder as well as complexity, are investigated for both the systems using the concept of weighted recurrence. The whole analysis can be effective to understand the dynamical features and nonlinear structure of the cognitive language-learning model.