Publications [#361444] of Mark A. Stern

Papers Published

  1. Cerbo, LFD; Stern, M, On the Betti Numbers of Finite Volume Hyperbolic Manifolds (September, 2020)
    (last updated on 2024/10/18)

    We obtain strong upper bounds for the Betti numbers of compact complex-hyperbolic manifolds. We use the unitary holonomy to improve the results given by the most direct application of the techniques of [DS17]. We also provide effective upper bounds for Betti numbers of compact quaternionic- and Cayley-hyperbolic manifolds in most degrees. More importantly, we extend our techniques to complete finite volume real- and complex-hyperbolic manifolds. In this setting, we develop new monotonicity inequalities for strongly harmonic forms on hyperbolic cusps and employ a new peaking argument to estimate $L^2$-cohomology ranks. Finally, we provide bounds on the de Rham cohomology of such spaces, using a combination of our bounds on $L^2$-cohomology, bounds on the number of cusps in terms of the volume, and the topological interpretation of reduced $L^2$-cohomology on certain rank one locally symmetric spaces.