Victoria S Akin, Assistant Professor of the Practice

Victoria S Akin

I am an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Mathematics Department. I work primarily on teaching and math education. I am currently interested in the retention of women in STEM fields and the effect of intervention programs on girls' attitudes and beliefs about math. I am co-directing the Girls Exploring Math (GEM) program as part of this research effort. Additional interests include grading systems, facilitating whole-class discussions, and the impact of professional development programs on graduate student teaching.

Office Location:  
Office Phone:  (919) 660-2869
Email Address: send me a message
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Office Hours:

Office: Physics 125

Math 242/Compsci 232: Spring 2024

EHD 396: Spring 2024
By appointment

Ph.D.The University of Chicago2017

Education and instruction in mathematics • Geometric group theory • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Recent Publications

  1. Akin, V; Viel, S, Equity in Grading Systems: Moving Away From “Fair” Towards Transparency and Inclusion in Coordinated Calculus Courses, in Justice through the lens of calculus: Framing new possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion., edited by Voigt, M; Hagaman, J; Gehrtz, J; Ratliff, B; Alexander, N; Levy, R, vol. 96 (September, 2023), MAA Press
  2. Akin, V; Bookman, J; Braley, E, Modeling Active Learning in Professional Development for Teaching, The journal of faculty development, vol. 37 no. 3 (September, 2023), pp. 28-39, Magna Publications
  3. Akin, V; Viel, S, Interpreting Student Evaluations of Teaching, edited by Maki, D; Bookman, J; Jacobson, M; Speer, N; Murphy, TJ (2019)
  4. Akin, VS, An algebraic characterization of the point-pushing subgroup, vol. 541 (June, 2017), pp. 98-125 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Handel, A; Akin, V; Pilyugin, SS; Zarnitsyna, V; Antia, R, How sticky should a virus be? The impact of virus binding and release on transmission fitness using influenza as an example., Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, vol. 11 no. 92 (March, 2014), pp. 20131083 [doi]  [abs]
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