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Publications [#378591] of Yu Tong

Papers Published

  1. Abrahamsen, N; Tong, Y; Bao, N; Su, Y; Wiebe, N, Entanglement area law for one-dimensional gauge theories and bosonic systems, Physical Review A, vol. 108 no. 4 (October, 2023), American Physical Society (APS) [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    We prove an entanglement area law for a class of one-dimensional quantum systems involving infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces. This class of quantum systems includes bosonic models and lattice gauge theories in one spatial dimension. Our proof relies on results concerning the robustness of the ground state and spectral gap to the truncation of Hilbert space, applied within the approximate-ground-state projector (AGSP) framework. Our result provides theoretical justification for using tensor networks to study the ground-state properties of quantum systems with infinite local degrees of freedom.
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821

Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320