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Publications [#371888] of Cynthia D. Rudin

Papers Published

  1. Peloquin, J; Kirillova, A; Mathey, E; Rudin, C; Brinson, LC; Gall, K, Tensile performance data of 3D printed photopolymer gyroid lattices., Data in brief, vol. 49 (August, 2023), pp. 109396 [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/11/20)

    Additive manufacturing has provided the ability to manufacture complex structures using a wide variety of materials and geometries. Structures such as triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) lattices have been incorporated into products across many fields due to their unique combinations of mechanical, geometric, and physical properties. Yet, the near limitless possibility of combining geometry and material into these lattices leaves much to be discovered. This article provides a dataset of experimentally gathered tensile stress-strain curves and measured porosity values for 389 unique gyroid lattice structures manufactured using vat photopolymerization 3D printing. The lattice samples were printed from one of twenty different photopolymer materials available from either Formlabs, LOCTITE AM, or ETEC that range from strong and brittle to elastic and ductile and were printed on commercially available 3D printers, specifically the Formlabs Form2, Prusa SL1, and ETEC Envision One cDLM Mechanical. The stress-strain curves were recorded with an MTS Criterion C43.504 mechanical testing apparatus and following ASTM standards, and the void fraction or "porosity" of each lattice was measured using a calibrated scale. This data serves as a valuable resource for use in the development of novel printing materials and lattice geometries and provides insight into the influence of photopolymer material properties on the printability, geometric accuracy, and mechanical performance of 3D printed lattice structures. The data described in this article was used to train a machine learning model capable of predicting mechanical properties of 3D printed gyroid lattices based on the base mechanical properties of the printing material and porosity of the lattice in the research article [1].
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