Chad M. Topaz, VIGRE postdoc

Chad M. Topaz
Office Location:  029B Physics Bldg
Office Phone:  (919) 660-2872
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:

Office Hours:

M. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., Tu. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Ph.D. in applied mathematics, Northwestern University, 2002 M.S. in applied mathematics, Northwestern University, 1997 A.B. in applied mathematics, Harvard University, 1996
Research Interests: Applied nonlinear dynamics, pattern formation

My research interest is the study of nonlinear dynamics, with a special emphasis on systems in which spatial patterns may form. Spontaneous pattern formation is a widespread natural phenomenon which has been observed in fluid convection, nonlinear optics, chemical reaction-diffusion experiments, colonies of swimming micro-organisms, visual hallucinations and a host of other physical, chemical and biological systems. Many pattern forming systems can be described by nonlinear partial differential equations. Theoretical studies of these equations are valuable because they help us understand pattern formation in real systems, and because they may yield insight into other dynamical behaviors. I use tools from elementary group theory, dynamical systems theory, asymptotic analysis, and scientific computing to study dynamics these systems. I am currently focusing my efforts on two problems, namely vertically vibrated fluid layers (Faraday waves) and swarming biological populations. A detailed research statement is available at http://, or by request.

Recent Publications

  1. B. Cook, D. Marthaler, C.M. Topaz, A. Bertozzi, and M. Kemp, Fractional bandwidth reacquisition algorithms for VSW-MCM, Proceedings of the ONR Multi-Robot System Workshop (Submitted, 0)
  2. C.M. Topaz, M. Silber, Resonances and superlattice pattern selection in two-frequnecy forced Faraday Waves, Physica D 172 (2002) 1-29
  3. C.M. Topaz, Pattern formation in two-frequency forced Faraday waves, Ph.D. dissertation (2002)
  4. M. Silber, C.M. Topaz and A.C. Skeldon, Two-frequency forced Faraday waves: Weakly damped modes and pattern selection, Physica D 143 (2000) 205-225

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