Publications [#253859] of James Shah

Journal Articles

  1. Pontus Leander, N; Shah, JY; Chartrand, TL (2009). Moments of weakness: the implicit context dependencies of temptations.. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 35(7), 853-866.
    (last updated on 2024/11/25)

    The implicit appeal of temptations may vary by the social and self-regulatory contexts in which they are encountered. In each of four studies, participants were subliminally primed with the name of someone associated with either drug use or drug abstinence, after which their own motives toward drug use were assessed. Results indicate that the appeal of this temptation often depended on participants' chronicity of indulgence (Study 1), relationship closeness with the tempter (Study 2), self-regulatory effectiveness (Study 3), and goal disengagement tendencies (Study 4). Although the influence of tempters may be automatic, it is also a dynamic process and these findings suggest that the appeal of temptations varies both situationally and motivationally.