Publications [#361768] of Thomas M. Newpher

Journal Articles

  1. Newpher, TM (2022). Methods to Visualize Structural and Functional Changes at Synapses.. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove, 179(179).
    (last updated on 2023/06/01)

    Pekarek, B. T., Hunt, P. J., Belfort, B. D. W., Liu, G., Arenkiel, B. R. Imaging and quantification of intact neuronal dendrites via CLARITY tissue clearing. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. (170), e62532 (2021). Frankfurt, M., Bowman, R. Rapid Golgi stain for dendritic spine visualization in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. (178), e63404 (2021). Śliwińska, M. A., Cały, A., Szymański, J., Radwańska, K. Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBEM) for the study of dendritic spines. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. (176), e62712 (2021). Chan, U., Gautam, D., West, A. E. Utilizing in vivo postnatal electroporation to study cerebellar granule neuron morphology and synapse development. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. (172), e62568 (2021). Cuentas-Condori, A., Miller III, D. M. Imaging dendritic spines in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. (175), e62676 (2021).