Grace Brennan, Postdoctoral Scholar
Representative Publications:
(More Publications)
- Brennan, GM; Moffitt, TE; Bourassa, KJ; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, RM; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A (2024). The Continuity of Adversity: Negative Emotionality Links Early Life Adversity With Adult Stressful Life Events. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association for Psychological Science. [doi] [abs]
- Brennan, GM; Moffitt, TE; Ambler, A; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, RM; Mani, R; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A (2023). Tracing the origins of midlife despair: association of psychopathology during adolescence with a syndrome of despair-related maladies at midlife.. Psychological Medicine, 53(16), 7569-7580. [doi] [abs]
- Bourassa, KJ; Caspi, A; Brennan, GM; Hall, KS; Harrington, H; Houts, R; Kimbrel, NA; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Taylor, GA; Moffitt, TE (2023). Which Types of Stress Are Associated With Accelerated Biological Aging? Comparing Perceived Stress, Stressful Life Events, Childhood Adversity, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.. Psychosom Med, 85(5), 389-396. [doi] [abs]
- Langevin, S; Caspi, A; Barnes, JC; Brennan, G; Poulton, R; Purdy, SC; Ramrakha, S; Tanksley, PT; Thorne, PR; Wilson, G; Moffitt, TE (2022). Life-Course Persistent Antisocial Behavior and Accelerated Biological Aging in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14402. [doi] [abs]
- Brennan, GM; Bansal, PS; Waxmonsky, JG; Waschbusch, DA; Babinski, DE (2022). Associations among ADHD symptoms, ODD symptoms, and borderline personality features: A network analysis.. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(11), 1399-1414. [doi] [abs]