Publications of Dalene K. Stangl :chronological alphabetical combined bibtex listing:
- Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion. National Academies Press, 2005.
- Meta-Analysis in Medicine and Health Policy, Marcel Dekker, 2000. Edited by Dalene Stangl and Donald Berry. 2000. [htm]
- Bayesian Biostatistics. Edited by Donald Berry and Dalene Stangl. 1996. [htm]
- Stangl, D., Executive Editor. "Chance." Springer Verlag, 2004
Issue #1: Special Topic Issue on Counterterrorism -- “Statistics and Counterterrorism,” by Jon Kettenring
Issue #2: Inference about Testosterone Abuse Among Athletes," by Donald Berry and LeeAnn Chastain
Issue #3: Special Issue on Data Confidentiality - "making the Release of Confidential Data from Multi-Way Tables count," by Stephen Feinberg and Aleksandra Slavkovic
Issue #4: Special Issue on Musicology - "Music --- Chaos, Fractals, and Information," by Jan Beran - Stangl, D., Executive Editor. "Chance." Springer Verlag, 2003
Issue #1: “A Possum’s Tale—How Statistics Revealed a New Mammal Species,” by Peter Hall
Issue #2: Special Topic Issue on Sylometry -- “Who Wrote the 15th Book of Oz?” by Jose Binongo
Issue #3: “Setting Water Quality Standards in the Everglades,” by Song Qian and Michael Lavine
Issue #4: Special Topic Issue on Proteomics --“Proteomics: A Frontier Between Genomics and Metabolomics,” by David Banks - Stangl, D., Executive Editor. "Chance." Springer Verlag, 2002
Issue #1: "Statistics for Homeland Defense," by David Banks
Issue #2: "Anatomy of a Jury Challenge," by Joseph Kadane
Issue #3: "Teacher Course Evaluations and Student Grades: An Academic Tango," Valen Johnson
Issue #4: Statistics and Slobodan: Using Data Analysis and Statistics in the War Crimes Trial of Former President Milosevic," by Patrick Ball and Jana Asher
Papers Published
- Schramm-Sapyta, NL; Cauley, MC; Stangl, DK; Glowacz, S; Stepp, KA; Levin, ED; Kuhn, CM. "Role of individual and developmental differences in voluntary cocaine intake in rats.." Psychopharmacology 215.3 (June, 2011): 493-504. [21347641], [doi] [abs]
- Stangl, DK. "A Review of Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health Care Evaluations." Journal of the American Statistical Association (2009).
- Stangl, DK. "A Review of Uncertain Judgements: Eliciting Experts' Probabilities." Journal of the American Statistical Association (2008).
- Stangl, DK. "A Review of Introductory Applied Biostatistics." The American Statistician (2008).
- Stangl, DK. "A Review of Encyclopedia of Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences." Journal of the American Statistical Association (2008).
- Stangl, DK. "Using CHANCE to Engage Undergraduates in the Study of Statistics." Chance Winter (2008).
- Pence, BW; Reif, S; Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Stangl, D; Swartz, M; Thielman, N; Mugavero, MJ. "Minorities, the poor, and survivors of abuse: HIV-infected patients in the US deep South.." Southern Medical Journal 100.11 (November, 2007): 1114-1122. [17984744], [doi] [abs]
- Leserman, J; Pence, BW; Whetten, K; Mugavero, MJ; Thielman, NM; Swartz, MS; Stangl, D. "Relation of lifetime trauma and depressive symptoms to mortality in HIV.." American Journal of Psychiatry 164.11 (November, 2007): 1707-1713. [17974936], [doi] [abs]
- Mugavero, MJ; Pence, BW; Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Swartz, M; Stangl, D; Thielman, NM. "Childhood abuse and initial presentation for HIV care: an opportunity for early intervention.." AIDS Care 19.9 (2007): 1083-1087. [18058391], [doi] [abs]
- Mugavero, MJ; Pence, BW; Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Swartz, M; Stangl, D; Thielman, NM. "Predictors of AIDS-related morbidity and mortality in a southern U.S. Cohort.." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 21.9 (2007): 681-690. [17919095], [doi] [abs]
- Lesserman, J; Pence, BW; Whetten, K; Mugavero, MM; Thielman, NM; Schwartz, MS; Stangl, D. "Relation of Lifetime Trauma and Depressive Symptoms to Mortality in HIV." American Journal of Psychiatry 164.11 (2007): 1704-1713. [17974936], [doi] [abs]
- Mugavero, M; Ostermann, J; Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Swartz, M; Stangl, D; Thielman, N. "Barriers to antiretroviral adherence: the importance of depression, abuse, and other traumatic events.." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 20.6 (June, 2006): 418-428. [16789855], [doi] [abs]
- Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Lowe, K; Stangl, D; Thielman, N; Swartz, M; Hanisch, L; Van Scoyoc, L. "Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and physical trauma in an HIV-positive sample from the deep south.." American journal of public health 96.6 (June, 2006): 1028-1030. [16670226], [doi] [abs]
- Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Whetten, R; Ostermann, J; Thielman, N; Swartz, M; Stangl, D. "Exploring lack of trust in care providers and the government as a barrier to health service use.." American journal of public health 96.4 (April, 2006): 716-721. [16507725], [doi] [abs]
- Mugavero, M., J. Ostermann, K. Whetten, J. Leserman, M. Swartz, D. Stangl, N. Thielman. "Barriers to Antiretroviral Adherence: The Importance of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Other Traumatic Events." AIDS Patient Care and STDs 20.6 (2006): 418-428.
- Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Lowe, K; Stangl, D; Thielman, N; Swartz, M; Hanisch, L; Van Scoyoc, L. "Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abuse in a Southern HIV-Positive Cohort." American Journal of Public Health 96.6 (2006): 1028-1030. [16670226], [doi] [abs]
- Whetten, K; Leserman, J; Whetten, R; Ostermann, J; Thielman, N; Swartz, M; Stangl, D. "Exploring Trust as a Barrier to Health Service Use." American Journal of Public Health 96.4 (2006): 716-721. [16507725], [doi] [abs]
- Leserman, J; Whetten, K; Lowe, K; Stangl, D; Swartz, MS; Thielman, NM. "How trauma, recent stressful events, and PTSD affect functional health status and health utilization in HIV-infected patients in the south.." Psychosomatic Medicine 67.3 (May, 2005): 500-507. [15911916], [doi] [abs]
- Stangl, DK. "Teaching Bayesian Thought to Nonstatisticians." Handbook of Statistics 25 (2005): 983-992. [doi] [abs]
- Stangl, DK. "Bridging the gap between statistical analysis and decision making in public health research." Statistics in Medicine 24.4 (2005): 503-511. [doi] [abs]
- Stangl, D.. "A Review of Bayesian Statistics 6." Biometrics 57 (2001): 644-645.
- Stangl, D. "A Primer on Hierarchical Models." STATS 32 (2001): 3-9.
- Stangl, D; Huerta, G. "Assessing the impact of managed-care on the distribution of length-of-stay using Bayesian hierarchical models.." Lifetime Data Analysis 6.2 (June, 2000): 123-139. [10851838] [abs]
- Stangl, D; Huerta, G. "Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Assess the Impact of Managed-Care Strategies." Lifetime Data Analysis 6.2 (2000): 123-139. [10851838] [abs]
- Farmer, EM; Stangl, DK; Burns, BJ; Costello, EJ; Angold, A. "Use, persistence, and intensity: patterns of care for children's mental health across one year.." Community Mental Health Journal 35.1 (February, 1999): 31-46. [10094508] [abs]
- Angold, A; Messer, SC; Stangl, D; Farmer, EM; Costello, EJ; Burns, BJ. "Perceived parental burden and service use for child and adolescent psychiatric disorders.." American journal of public health 88.1 (1998): 75-80. [9584037] [abs]
- Stangl, D; Berry, D. "Bayesian Statistics in Medicine: Where We Are and Where We Should Be Going"." Invited Paper, Sankhya. Series B 60 (1998): 176-195.
- Farmer, EMZ; Stangl, DK; Burns, BJ; Costello, EJ; Angold, A. "Use, Persistence, and Intensity: Patterns of Care for Children's Mental Health Across One Year. Community Mental Health Across One Year." Community Mental Health Journal 35.1 (1998): 31-46.
- Stangl, DK; Greenhouse, JB. "Assessing Placebo Response Using Bayesian Hierarchical Survival Models." Lifetime Data Analysis 4.1 (1998): 5-28. [abs]
- Erkanli, A; Soyer, R; Stangl, D. "Bayesian inference in two-phase prevalence studies.." Statistics in Medicine 16.10 (1997): 1121-1133. [9179978] [abs]
- Erkanli, E; Soyer, R; Stangl, D. "Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis for Prevalence Estimation." Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics 3 (1997): 325-346.
- Costello, EJ; Angold, A; Burns, BJ; Erkanli, A; Stangl, DK; Tweed, DL. "The Great Smoky Mountains Study of Youth. Functional impairment and serious emotional disturbance.." Archives of General Psychiatry 53.12 (1996): 1137-1143. [8956680] [abs]
- Costello, EJ; Angold, A; Burns, BJ; Stangl, DK; Tweed, DL; Erkanli, A; Worthman, CM. "The Great Smoky Mountains Study of Youth. Goals, design, methods, and the prevalence of DSM-III-R disorders.." Archives of General Psychiatry 53.12 (1996): 1129-1136. [8956679] [abs]
- Koenig, HG; George, LK; Robins, CJ; Stangl, D; Tweed, DL. "The Development of a Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale for Medically Ill Elders (DASMIE)." Clinical Gerontologist 15.2 (1994): 3-22. [doi] [abs]
- Koenig, HG; George, LK; Stangl, D; Tweed, DL. "Hospital stressors experienced by elderly medical inpatients: developing a Hospital Stress Index.." International journal of psychiatry in medicine 25.1 (1995): 103-122. [7649715], [doi] [abs]
- Burns, BJ; Costello, EJ; Angold, A; Tweed, D; Stangl, D; Farmer, EM; Erkanli, A. "Children's mental health service use across service sectors.." Health Affairs 14.3 (1995): 147-159. [7498888] [abs]
- Stangl, DK. "Prediction and decision making using Bayesian hierarchical models." Statistics in Medicine 14.20 (1995): 2173-2190. [abs]
- Pfohl, B; Rederer, M; Coryell, W; Stangl, D. "Association between post-dexamethasone cortisol level and blood pressure in depressed inpatients." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 179.1 (1991): 44-47. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Coryell, WH; Corenthal, C; Stangl, D. "Major depression and personality disorder." Journal of Affective Disorders 22.4 (1991): 199-210. [doi] [abs]
- Greenhouse, J; Stangl, D; Kupfer, D; Prien, R. "Methodological Issues in Maintenance Therapy Clinical Trials." Archives of General Psychiatry 48.3 (1991): 313-318. [abs]
- Greenhouse, JB; Stangl, D; Kupfer, DJ; Prien, RF. "Methodologic issues in maintenance therapy clinical trials." Archives of General Psychiatry 48.4 (1991): 313-318. [abs]
- Stangl, D; Greenhouse, JB. "Selection bias in a randomized controlled clinical trial." Controlled Clinical Trials 11.4 (1990): 258-.
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "What happens when ECT does not work? A prospective follow-up study of ECT failures." Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2.1 (1990): 47-51. [abs]
- Greenhouse, JB; Stangl, D; Bromberg, J. "An Introduction to Survival Analysis: Statistical Methods for Analysis of Clinical Trial Data." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 57.4 (1989): 536-544. [doi] [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Stangl, D. "Diagnosing Personality Disorder in Depressed Patients." Archives of General Psychiatry 45.8 (August, 1988): 733-737. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Stangl, D; Pfohl, B; Coryell, W. "Past loss as a symptom formation factor in depression." Journal of Affective Disorders 14.3 (May-June 1988): 235-237. [doi] [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Prognostic validity of the familial subtypes of depression." European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 237.3 (1988): 166-170. [doi] [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "The reliability of the family history method for psychiatric diagnoses." Archives of General Psychiatry 45.4 (April, 1988): 320-322. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Stangl, D; Corenthal, C. "Diagnosing personality disorder in depressed patients. A comparison of patient and informant interviews." Archives of General Psychiatry 45.8 (1988): 733-737. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Validation of Definitions of Endogenous Depression - Reply letter." Archives of General Psychiatry 44.4 (April, 1987): 390-391.
- Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Zimmerman, M; Stangl, D. "Prognostic validity of self-report and interview measures of personality disorder in depressed inpatients." Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 48.12 (December, 1987): 468-472. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "An American validation study of the Newcastle Diagnostic Scale. II. Relationship with clinical, demographic, familial and psychosocial features." British Journal of Psychiatry 150.APR. (April, 1987): 526-532. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Stangl, D; Pfohl, B. "Validity of an operational definition for neurotic unipolar major depression." Journal of Affective Disorders 12.1 (January-February 1987): 29-40. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Stangl, D. "The prognostic validity of DSM-III axis IV in depressed inpatients." American Journal of Psychiatry 144.1 (January, 1987): 102-106. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Corenthal, C; Stangl, D. "ECT Response in Depressed Patients with versus without Personality Disorder." American Journal of Psychiatry 143.8 (August, 1986): 1030-1032.
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Life Events Assessment: A Comparison of Self-Report and Interview Formats." Journal of Human Stress 12.1 (Spring, 1986): 13-19. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Corenthal, C. "Assessment of DSM-III personality disorders: The importance of interviewing an informant." Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 47.5 (May, 1986): 261-263.
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Stangl, D; Pfohl, B. "An American validation study of the Newcastle Scale. III. Course during index hospitalization and six-month prospective follow-up." Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 73.4 (April, 1986): 412-415.
- Stangl, D; Pfohl, B; Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Corenthal, C. "The Relationship Between Age and the Dexamethasone Suppression Test: A Test of Three Hypotheses." Journal of Affective Disorders 11.3 (November-December 1986): 185-197. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Coryell, W. "An American validation study of the Newcastle diagnostic scale. I. Relationship with the dexamethasone suppression test." British Journal of Psychiatry 149.NOV. (November, 1986): 627-630. [abs]
- Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Stangl, D; Zimmerman, M. "Body weight and reported versus measured weight loss as confounders of the dexamethasone suppression test." Biological Psychiatry 21.10 (August, 1986): 931-938. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Validity of the Hamilton endogenous subscale: An independent replication." Psychiatry Research 18.3 (July, 1986): 209-215. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "The validity of four definitions of endogenous depression. II. Clinical, demographic, familial, and psychosocial correlates." Archives of General Psychiatry 43.3 (March, 1986): 234-244. [abs]
- Pfohl, B; Coryell, W; Zimmerman, M; Stangl, D. "DSM-III personality disorders: Diagnostic overlap and internal consistency of individual DSM-III criteria." Comprehensive Psychiatry 27.1 (January-February 1986): 21-34. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Life events assessment of depressed patients: A comparison of self-report and interview formats." Journal of Human Stress 12.1 (1986): 13-19. [abs]
- Stangl, D; Pfohl, B; Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Corenthal, C. "The relationship between age and post-dexamethasone cortisol: A test of three hypotheses." Journal of Affective Disorders 11.3 (1986): 185-197. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Coryell, W. "The Validity of DSM-III Axis IV." American Journal of Psychiatry 142.12 (December, 1985): 1437-1441. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Stangl, D. "Iowa discriminant index for endogenous depression: Family history correlates." Psychiatry Research 16.1 (September, 1985): 45-50. [doi] [abs]
- Stangl, D; Pfohl, B; Zimmerman, M; Bowers, W; Corenthal, C. "A structured interview for the DSM-III personality disorders. A preliminary report." Archives of General Psychiatry 42.6 (June, 1985): 591-596. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Stangl, D; Coryell, W. "The research diagnostic criteria for endogenous depression and the dexamethasone suppression test: a discriminant function analysis." Psychiatry Research 14.3 (March, 1985): 197-208. [doi] [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Coryell, W; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D. "Four definitions of endogenous depression and the dexamethasone suppression test." Journal of Affective Disorders 8.1 (January-February 1985): 37-45. [doi] [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Coryell, W. "The validity of DSM-III axis IV (severity of psychosocial stressors)." American Journal of Psychiatry 142.12 (1985): 1437-1441. [abs]
- Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Zimmerman, M. "The implications of DSM-III personality disorders for patients with major depression." Journal of Affective Disorders 7.3-4 (December, 1984): 309-318. [abs]
- Zimmerman, M; Stangl, D; Pfohl, BM; Coryell, W. "Diagnosing RDC endogenous depression and DSM-III melancholia." Psychiatry Research 12.2 (June, 1984): 173-174.
- Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Zimmerman, M. "Increasing Axis-II Reliability (letter)." American Journal of Psychiatry 140.2 (February, 1983): 271-272.
- Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Tsuang, MT. "The association between early parental loss and diagnosis in the Iowa 500." Archives of General Psychiatry 40.9 (September, 1983): 965-967. [abs]
- Pfohl, B; Stangl, D; Zimmerman, M. "Increasing Axis II reliability.." American Journal of Psychiatry 140.2 (1983): 270-271.
Book Reviews
- D.K. Stangl. "A Review of Bayesian Statistics 6". ed. J. Bernardo, J. Berger, P. Dawid, and A. Smith. Biometrics 57 (2001): 644-645.
- Spiegelhalter, D.J., and Marshal, E.C.. "Discussion of Inference-Robust Institutional Comparisons: A Case Study of School Examination Results". ed. J. Bernardo, J. Berger, P. Dawid, and A. Smith. Bayesian Statistics 6 (2000).
- Stangl, D.. Introducing Multi-Level Modeling by I. Dreft and J.D. Leeuw. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (1999): 985.
- Stangl, D.. A Review of Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis, by Carlin and Louis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 7.2 (1998): 205.
- D.K. Stangl. "Bridging the Gap Between Statistical Analysis and Decision Making in Public Health Research." 2004
- D.K. Stangl. ""Do's and Don'ts of Teaching Bayesian Methods to Health Care Professionals"." American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Section on Teaching Health Statistics. 2003
- D.K. Stangl. ""Bayesian Education at Many Levels"." American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Bayesian Section. 2002
- D.K. Stangl. ""Explaining 'Bayesian' to Clinicians: What Should They Know?"." American Statistical Proceedings of the Teaching Statistics in the Health Section. 2002
- D.K. Stangl. ""From Testing to Decision Making: Changing How We Teach Statistics to Health Care Professionals"." Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching Statistics. 2002
- D.K. Stangl. ""A Primer on Hierarchical Models"." 2001: 3-9.
- D.K. Stangl. ""Meta-analysis in Clinical Trials: An Overview of the Issues"." Proceedings of the Society of Women's Health Issues: Sex Differences in Clinical Trials, Subgroup Analysis and Statistical Design. 2001
- D.K. Stangl, Huerta, G.. ""Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Assess the Impact of Managed-Care Stategies"." 2000: 123-139.
- D.K. Stangl. ""A Case Study that Makes the Case for Teaching Bayesian Methods to Undergraduates" Education Section." 2000
- D.K. Stangl. ""Meta-analysis: Past and Present Challenges"." Meta-Analysis in Medicine. Ed. Don Berry and Darlene Stangl, Marcel Dekker 2000
- D.K. Stangl, Berry, D.. ""Statistical and Decision-Theoretical Issues in Recent Applications of Bayesian Methods to Clinical Trials"." American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Pharmaceutical Section. 2000
- D.K. Stangl. ""Design of an Internet Course for Training Medical Researchers in Bayesian Statistical Methods"." Training Researchers in the Use of Statistics. Ed. Carmen Batnero International Association for Statistical Education, 2000
- D.K. Stangl. ""The Use of Reference Priors and Bayes Factors in the Analysis of Clinical Trials"." Statistical Methods in Epidemiology, the Environment, and Clinical Trials. Ed. M.E. Halloran and D.A. Berry Springer, 2000: 237-250.
- D.K. Stangl. ""The Field of Statistics: What I Do and How I Got Here"." Committee on Minorities in Statistics. American Statistical Association, 1999
- Stangl, D.. "Classical and Bayesian Paradigms: Can We Teach Both." Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Ed. L. Pereira-Mendoza, L.S. Kea, T.W. Kee, W. Wong International Statistics Institute, 1998: 251-258.
- Stangl, D.. "Statistical Software for Bayesian Calculations, Invited Paper." American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Pharmaceutical Section. 1997: 11-20.
- Berry, D. and Stangl, D.. "Bayesian Methods in Health Related Research." Bayesian Biostatistics. Ed. Don Berry and Dalene Stangl, Marcel Dekker, 1996: 3-66.
- Qian, J., Stangl, D., and George, S.. "A Weibull Model for Survival Data: Using Predictions to Decide When to Stop a Clinical Trial." Bayesian Biostatistics. Ed. Don Berry and Dalene Stangl Marcel Dekker, 1996: 187-205.
- Sangl, D.. "Hierarchical Analysis of Continuous Time Survival Models." Bayesian Biostatistics. Ed. Don Berry and Dalene Stangl Marcel Dekker, 1996: 429-450.
- Stangl, D.. "Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Clinical Trials: A Discussion." ASA Proceedings. American Statistical Association, 1995: 7-9.
- Stangl, D., Coombs, T., Stinnett, S.. "" (2001). A website to teach undergraudate statistics in the social, health, and natural sciences
- D.K. Stangl. "A First Course in Statistics for Math Majors at Duke University." A Report to the Committee on the Undergraduate Program of the Mathematical Association of American from the Statistics Disciplinary CRAFTY Workshop (2000).
- Stangl, D. and Schulman, K.. "The Impact of Carolina Alternatives on Private Contract Service Providers: Follow-up '97." A Report of the North Carolina Financial Initiatives Section of the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (1997).
- Stangl, D. and Schulman, K.. "The Impact of Carolina Alternatives on Private Contract Service Providers." A Report of the North Carolina Financial Initiatives Section of the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (1996).
- Stangl, D. and Crowell, S.. "An Evaluation of the Managed Care Technical Assistance Program (MCTAP)." A Report to the North Carolina Financial Initiatives Section of the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (1996).
- Stangl, D., Tweed, D., Farmer, B., Langmeyer, D., et al.. "Public-sector Managed Care of Child Mental Health Services: Stakeholder's Perspectives." Proceedings of A System of Care for Childern's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base (1996).
- Erkanli, A., Stangl, D., Mueller, P.. "A Bayesian Analysis of Ordinal Data Using Mixtures." American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (1993): 51-56.
- Pfohl, B., Blum, N., Zimmerman, M., and Stangl, D.. "Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality (SODP-R)." University of Iowa. (1993).
- Pfohl, B., Stangl, D., and Zimmerman, M.. "Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality (SIDP)." University of Iowa. (1982).
Book Chapter
- D.K. Stangl. "Invited Discussion of "Bayesian Point Null Hypothesis Testing Via the Posterior Likelihood Ratio by Richard Boys, Thom Chadwick, Murray Aitkin." 2005 "Bayesian Model Comparison: Review and Discussion" by C. Alston, Pl Kuhnert, S. Low Choy, R. McVinish, K. Mengersen, "An Integrated Mathematical Statistics Primer: Objective Bayesian Construction, Frequentist Evaluation" by Jose M. Bernardo Invited discussion