Joel A Greenberg, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Office Location: 183 Physics
Office Phone: 919-660-2512
Email Address:
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Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
PhD, Duke University, 2012
Certificate in Photonics, Duke, 2012
M.A., Duke University, 2008
BSE, Princeton University, 2005
Research Categories: Quantum Optics, Nonlinear Optics, fiber optics, Cold Atoms, quantum information computational imaging, slow light, x-ray imaging
Research Description: Light-based technologies, like fiber optics, have revolutionized how we communicate and receive information. In order to push optical information networks to their fundamental quantum limit, we require the capacity to control the degree to which light and matter interact (even down to the most fundamental, quantum level). To this end, I am looking into new ways to prepare matter (in my case, a gas of atoms) so that incident photons (light particles) interact with the matter with a controllable strength. More specifically, I am investigating new schemes that enable atoms to scatter light in a cooperative manner in order to "super charge" the nonlinear optical interaction between light and matter in a controllable way.
Typical Courses Taught:
- Physics 265, Advanced optics
- This course presents a rigorous treatment of topics in Photonics and Optics targeted at students with an existing photonics or optics background. Topics will include, Optical Sources, Statistical Optics and Coherence Theory, Detection of Radiation; Nonlinear Optics; Waveguides and Optical Fibers; Modern Optical Modulators; Ultrafast lasers and Applications.
Recent Publications
(More Publications)
- J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance,
submitted for publication
(Submitted, 2012) .
- J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, High-order optical nonlinearity at low light levels,
submitted for publication
(Submitted, 2012) .
- R. Zhang, J.A. Greenberg, M. C. Fischer and D. J. Gauthier, Controllable ultra-broadband slow light in a warm Rubidium vapor,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 28
pp. 2578 .
- J.A. Greenberg, B.L. Schmittberger, and D.J. Gauthier, Bunching-induced optical nonlinearity and instability in cold atoms [Invited],
Opt. Express, vol. 19
pp. 22535 .
- J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, Superradiance in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor,
in OSA Optics and Photonics Congress Technical Digest
(2009) [abs].
Curriculum Vitae
I am interested in studying nonlinear optics at low light levels. Because the nonlinear response of a material is typically very small, large intensities (i.e., large numbers of photons) are needed to see significant nonlinear effects. In my research, I am investigating ways to enhance the material's nonlinear susceptibility by coherently modifying its properties.
- Selected Talks
- Practical tabletop X-ray scatter tomography, October 15, 2015, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics Seminar, Duke University
- X-ray scatter imaging applications in medicine, January 26, 2015, Medical Physics seminar series, Duke University
- Steady-state superradiance via emergent order in a cold atomic vapor, 2014, Physics of Quantum Electronics (Salt Lake City, UT)
- Structured illumination for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography, 2014, SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging: Computational Imaging XII (San Francisco, CA)
- Coding and sampling for compressive tomography, 2013, SPIE Optics + Photonics (San Diego, CA)
- Real-time volumetric molecular imaging using coded apertures, 2013, Aviation Security Technology Industry Day (Washington, DC)
- Super-charging nonlinear optical processes via cooperative effects., July 6, 2010, International Laser Physics Workshop, Foz do Iguazu, Brazil
- Self-phase matched four-wave mixing in cold vapor, 2010, Frontiers in Optics/Division of Laser Science annual meeting (Rochester, NY)
- Superradiance in an ultracold thermal vapor, July 15, 2009, OSA NLO (Honolulu, HI)
- Transient enhancement of the nonlinear atom-photon coupling via recoil-induced resonances, May 22, 2009, APS DAMOP meeting (UVA, Charlottesville, VA)
- Investigation of the Saturation Mechanism of Recoil-induced Resonances, July, 2008, APS DAMOP meeting (State College, PA)