publications by Adam P. Wax.
Papers Published
- Steelman, ZA; Ho, D; Chu, KK; Wax, A, Scanning system for angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry.,
Optics Letters, vol. 42 no. 22
(November, 2017),
pp. 4581-4584 [doi] .
(last updated on 2023/06/01)Abstract:
Angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry (a/LCI) detects precancer by enabling depth-resolved measurements of nuclear morphology in vivo. A significant limitation of a/LCI is the point-probe nature of the method, sampling <0.5 mm2 before probe relocation is necessary. In this work, we demonstrate a scanning method capable of assessing an area >100 mm2 without repositioning. By utilizing a reflection-only three-optic rotator prism and a two-axis scanning mirror, we demonstrate radial scans of a sample with a linear range of 12 mm and a full rotational range of 180°. Use of this design will improve the diagnostic utility of a/LCI for wide-area screening of tissue health.