publications by Adam P. Wax.
Papers Published
- Drake, TK; Desoto, MG; Peters, JJ; Henderson, MH; Murtha, AP; Katz, DF; Wax, A, Design and validation of a multiplexed low coherence interferometry instrument for in vivo clinical measurement of microbicide gel thickness distribution.,
Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 2 no. 10
(October, 2011),
pp. 2850-2858 [doi] .
(last updated on 2023/06/01)Abstract:
We present a multiplexed, Fourier-domain low coherence interferometry (mLCI) instrument for in vivo measurement of intravaginal microbicide gel coating thickness distribution over the surface of the vaginal epithelium. The mLCI instrument uses multiple delivery fibers to acquire depth resolved reflection profiles across large scanned tissue areas. Here mLCI has been adapted into an endoscopic system with a custom imaging module for simultaneous, co-registered measurements with fluorimetric scans of the same surface. The resolution, optical signal-to-noise, and cross-talk of the mLCI instrument are characterized to evaluate performance. Validation measurements of gel thickness are made using a calibration socket. Initial results from a clinical study are presented to show the in vivo capability of the dual-modality system for assessing the distribution of microbicide gel vehicles in the lower human female reproductive tract.