publications by Adam P. Wax.

Papers Published

  1. Giacomelli, MG; Wax, A, Imaging beyond the ballistic limit in coherence imaging using multiply scattered light., Optics Express, vol. 19 no. 5 (February, 2011), pp. 4268-4279 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2023/06/01)

    We present an imaging system based on low coherence interferometric detection of multiply scattered light for extended depth imaging into highly scattering media. By incorporating angle-resolved detection, coherence imaging with multiply scattered photons is shown to be both feasible and potentially superior to existing techniques for performing time-resolved measurements of scattered light. Imaging is demonstrated through nearly 100 mean free paths of scattering phantom in a single-ended geometry. The resolution and imaging contrast are compared to those obtained with conventional OCT systems which chiefly detect singly scattered light.