publications by Adam P. Wax.

Papers Published

  1. Giacomelli, M; Zhu, Y; Lee, J; Wax, A, Determining size, shape, and orientation of non-spherical scatterers using the fiber optic interferometric two-dimensional scattering (FITS) system, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 7907 (March, 2011), SPIE [doi] .
    (last updated on 2023/06/01)

    Angle-resolved scattering measurements have shown promise as a method of detecting neoplasia and analyzing cellular structure. Recently we have developed new systems for interferometric measurement of two-dimensional, depth resolved scattered fields with excellent depth resolution and polarization sensitivity. We present inverse analysis of oriented ensembles of micro-spheroidal phantoms and cells showing sub-wavelength accuracy in size and shape determination, and additionally precise estimates of scatterer orientation. Finally we show that inverse fits provided are essentially free of multiple solutions over a wide range of possible scatterer sizes and shapes. © 2011 SPIE.