publications by Adam P. Wax.
Papers Published
- Giacomelli, M; Zhu, Y; Lee, J; Wax, A, Size and shape determination of spheroidal scatterers using two-dimensional angle resolved scattering,
Optics Express, vol. 18 no. 14
pp. 14568-14576 [doi] .
(last updated on 2023/06/01)Abstract:
We demonstrate accurate determination of the size and shape of spherical and spheroidal scatterers through inverse analysis of twodimensional solid-angle and depth resolved backscattered light intensities. Intensity of scattered light is measured over a wide range of solid angles using a novel scanning fiber optic interferometer from both individual and ensembles of scatterers. T-matrix based inverse analysis of these twodimensional angular measurements yields completely unique size and aspect ratio determinations with subwavelength precision over a large range of possible scatterer geometries. ©2010 Optical Society of America.