publications by Adam P. Wax.
Papers Published
- Pyhtila, JW; Boyer, JD; Chalut, KJ; Wax, A, Fourier-domain angle-resolved low coherence interferometry through an endoscopic fiber bundle for light-scattering spectroscopy.,
Optics Letters, vol. 31 no. 6
(March, 2006),
pp. 772-774 [OL.31.000772], [doi] .
(last updated on 2023/06/01)Abstract:
We present a novel endoscopic fiber bundle probe incorporated in a Fourier-domain angle-resolved low coherence interferometry system for the measurement of depth-resolved angular scattering distributions to permit the determination of scatterer size via elastic scattering properties. Depth resolution is achieved with a superluminescent diode via a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The sample is illuminated with a collimated beam, and a Fourier plane image of the backscattered light is collected by a coherent fiber bundle. The angular scattering distribution relayed by the fiber bundle is mixed with the reference field and made to coincide with the input slit of an imaging spectrograph. The data collected are processed in real time, producing a depth-resolved angular scattering distribution in 0.37 s. The data are used to determine the sizes of polystyrene microspheres with subwavelength precision and accuracy.Keywords:
backscatter;biomedical optical imaging;endoscopes;fibre optic sensors;Fourier transform optics;light coherence;light interferometry;light scattering;superluminescent diodes;