publications by Adam P. Wax.

Papers Published

  1. Yang, C; Wax, A; Dasari, RR; Feld, MS, 2π ambiguity-free optical distance measurement with subnanometer precision with a novel phase-crossing low-coherence interferometer, Opt. Lett. (Usa), vol. 27 no. 2 (2002), pp. 77-79 .
    (last updated on 2023/06/01)

    We report a highly accurate phase-based technique for measuring arbitrarily long optical distance with subnanometer precision. The method employs a Michelson interferometer with a pair of harmonically related light sources, one cw and the other low coherence. By slightly detuning (~2 nm) the center wavelength of the low-coherence source between scans of the target sample, we can use the phase relationship between the heterodyne signals of the cw and the low-coherence light to measure the separation between reflecting interfaces with subnanometer precision. As this technique is completely free of 2π ambiguity, an issue that plagues most phase-based techniques, it can be used to measure arbitrarily long optical distances without loss of precision. We demonstrate one application of this technique, the high-precision determination of the differential refractive index

    distance measurement;laser ranging;Michelson interferometers;refractive index measurement;