publications by Adam P. Wax.
Papers Published
- Georgakoudi, I; Backman, V; Müller, M; Wallace, M; Jacobson, B; Badizadegan, K; Wax, A; Kalashnikov, M; Hunter, M; Dasari, R; Van Dam, J; Feld, M, Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy as an in vivo tool for characterizing changes in tissue organization during neoplastic development,
Optics Infobase Conference Papers
(January, 2002),
pp. 649-651 .
(last updated on 2023/06/01)Abstract:
Diffuse reflectance spectra are analyzed using a light-diffusion-theory-based model, which assumes that tissue scattering can be simulated by Mie scattering with an inverse power-law particle size distribution. Diagnostic information related to tissue organization is extracted.