publications by Adam P. Wax.

Papers Published

  1. Wax, A; Thomas, JE, Measurement of Smoothed Wigner Phase Space Distributions in Multiple Scattering Media, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1998), pp. 348-352 .
    (last updated on 2023/06/01)

    We use a simple heterodyne method to measure smoothed Wigner phase space distributions for light transmitted through a turbid medium. A three component distribution is seen to emerge from the sample, consisting of a ballistic peak, a narrow diffractive pedestal and a broad background. The narrow pedestal is found to decay with an extinction coefficient that is 0.65 as large as that of the ballistic component. These results are in excellent agreement with a simple analytical model that treats diffractive scattering explicitly, but includes large angle scattering only as a loss.