publications by G. Allan Johnson.
Papers Published
- MacFall, JR; Benveniste, H; Maki, J; Johnson, GA; Hedlund, L; Copher, G, MR diffusion measurements in stroke models in rat brains,
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology no. pt 1
(December, 1990),
pp. 67-68 .
(last updated on 2025/02/12)Abstract:
It is shown that tissue self-diffusion coefficients can be calculated from a series of diffusion-weighted MR (magnetic resonance) images. By variation of the time between diffusion sensitizing gradient pulses, the motions of tissue water may be characterized on varying length scales from 10 μm to 100 μm. Typically, the diffusion coefficient decreases as this diffusion time increases. Such characterization of tissue water properties may be of use in the study of the course of pathology in disease models.