publications by G. Allan Johnson.
Papers Published
- Johnson, GA; Cates, G; Chen, XJ; Cofer, GP; Driehuys, B; Happer, W; Hedlund, LW; Saam, B; Shattuck, MD; Swartz, J, Dynamics of magnetization in hyperpolarized gas MRI of the lung.,
Magn Reson Med, vol. 38 no. 1
(July, 1997),
pp. 66-71 [9211381], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/02/12)Abstract:
The magnetization in hyperpolarized gas (HP) MRI is generated by laser polarization that is independent of the magnet and imaging process. As a consequence, there is no equilibrium magnetization during the image acquisition. The competing processes of gas inflow and depolarization of the spins lead to large changes in signal as one samples k-space. A model is developed of dynamic changes in polarization of hyperpolarized 3He during infusion and in vivo imaging of the lung and verified experimentally in a live guinea pig. Projection encoding is used to measure the view-to-view variation with temporal resolution < 4 ms. Large excitation angles effectively sample the magnetization in the early stages of inflow, highlighting larger airways, while smaller excitation angles produce images of the more distal spaces. The work provides a basis for pulse sequences designed to effectively exploit HP MRI in the lung.