publications by G. Allan Johnson.
Papers Published
- Black, RD; Middleton, HL; Cates, GD; Cofer, GP; Driehuys, B; Happer, W; Hedlund, LW; Johnson, GA; Shattuck, MD; Swartz, JC, In vivo He-3 MR images of guinea pig lungs.,
Radiology, vol. 199 no. 3
(June, 1996),
pp. 867-870 [8638019], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/02/12)Abstract:
The authors imaged the lungs of live guinea pigs with hyperpolarized (HP) helium-3 as a magnetic resonance (MR) signal source. HP He-3 gas produced through spin exchange with rubidium metal vapor was delivered through an MR-compatible, small-animal ventilator. Two- and three-dimensional lung images acquired with ventilation-gated, radial k-space sampling showed complete ventilation of both lungs. All images were of high quality, demonstrating that HP He-3 allows high-signal-intensity MR imaging in living systems.