publications by G. Allan Johnson.


Papers Published

  1. MacFall, JR; Wehrli, FW; Breger, RK; Johnson, GA, Methodology for the measurement and analysis of relaxation times in proton imaging., Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 5 no. 3 (1987), pp. 209-220 [3041152], [doi] .
    (last updated on 2025/02/12)

    Measurements of proton T1 and T2 were performed on GdCl3 solutions (20 less than T2 less than 500 msec, 90 less than T1 less than 1000 msec) on large-bore NMR imaging systems operating at 1.0T and 1.5T. CPMG multi-echo (ME), multiple saturation recovery (MSR) and modified fast inversion recovery (MFIR) pulse sequences as well as a sequence that combines and interleaves T1 and T2 weighted data acquisition (which we call "multiple saturation-recovery multiple-echo" (MSRME) were used. The relaxation data are compared to those obtained on a small bore NMR spectrometer operated at 1.5T. T1 and T2 values for the solutions were found to be the same within 10% for the two fields. Reproducibility of measurements of T1, T2 and the unnormalized spin density of the solutions was better than 5%. Systematic errors, amenable to correction through calibration, are noted in the imager T1 and T2 values. T1 and T2 values for some typical neural tissues at 1.5T and body tissue at 1.0T for human volunteers were obtained and are tabulated.