Papers Published
- McKay, KS; Lu, FP; Kim, J; Yi, C; Brown, AS; Hawkins, AR, Band discontinuity measurements of the wafer bonded InGaAsSi heterojunction,
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 90 no. 22
pp. 222111-222111, AIP Publishing [1.2745254], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/03/09)Abstract:
p -type InGaAsSi heterojunctions were fabricated through a wafer fusion bonding process. The relative band alignment between the two materials at the heterointerface was determined using current-voltage (I-V) measurements and applying thermionic emission-diffusion theory. The valence and conduction band discontinuities for the InGaAsSi interface were determined to be 0.48 and -0.1 eV, respectively, indicating a type-II band alignment. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.Keywords:
chemical interdiffusion;conduction bands;elemental semiconductors;gallium arsenide;III-V semiconductors;indium compounds;interface states;semiconductor heterojunctions;silicon;thermionic electron emission;valence bands;