Database FAQs

Top > Annual Report FAQs for Faculty
  1. Are there general instructions for faculty on updating the annual report?

    Yes, two types of instructions are available:

  2. Who can view my annual report?

    Your annual report may be viewed by:

    The A&S deans can see a version of your annual report which you can review by clicking the "dean's view" link at the top of your annual report.  The dean's view includes some additional information such as research interests and education.  It does not include:

    For more information about the privacy of your information in the database, see the Faculty Database Privacy Policy.

  3. What is the "dean's view" of the annual report?

    The "dean's view" is a modified version of the annual report which is available to the deans. It includes some information not included on your regular report, such as the information about your research interests and education that also appears on your web page.

    The dean's view does not include:

    You can see the "dean's view" of your report by clicking the link at the top of your annual report.

    For more information about the privacy of your information in the database, see the Faculty Database Privacy Policy.

  4. I entered information on my annual report, but it doesn't show up, or it appears in the wrong year. What happened?

    The date of the entry may have been entered incorrectly.

    In most of the database entry forms, the Date field has two parts:

    1. Fields for entering year, month and day
    2. A "Custom Date" field

    The date entered in the first section (year/month/day) determines how the entry is listed chronologically.  This date must fall within the time period specified on the report form in order for the entry to appear on the report.  This date will also determine the order in which the entry is displayed on the report.

    The "Custom Date" field shows the date that will display in the entry.  It can be modified if the date for display needs to be different than the chronological date entered above it.

  5. How can I locate an entry that is not appearing on my report?

    Click the Database link that appears on the left-hand side of your annual report. A list of links will appear under Database corresponding to the categories of information that can be entered in the database (Publications, Lectures, Comm(ittees)/Service, Grants, etc.). Click the relevant category to see and edit a list of all the entries in that category.

  6. Why are courses I didn't teach appearing on my annual report? Is there a way to remove them?

    The course information listed in the faculty database is pulled in from the SISS system. As a result, all courses listed in SISS, even independent studies in which no students were enrolled, also appear in the faculty database. You can remove these courses from your annual report by clicking the "edit" link next to them and checking the "omit from annual report" checkbox that appears at the top of the form.

  7. Who should I contact if I need to request a change to the annual report form for my department?

    Contact or you may write directly to .

  8. Can I give someone else access to update my annual report without sharing my password?

    Yes. To give another person "proxy" access so they can enter and update information for you:

  9. Can I format the text I'm entering for my annual report?

    Yes. A built-in text editor has been added to the database so you can format text without having to use HTML.

    Note: This feature was made possible by new web-browser technology and is only available in the following recent browser versions  (contact your local computer support if you need  one of these browsers installed):
    Windows: Internet Explorer 4.0 and later; Mozilla 1.3 and later
    Mac: Mozilla 1.3 and later
    Linux: Galleon

    When copying and pasting formatted text into a database form, you can retain at least general formatting if you activate the text editor before you paste.

  10. How does the custom date field work?

    Some of the forms used to enter information (e.g., Publications, Lectures, Committee/Service) have a "Custom Date" field. The Custom Date field shows the date that will be displayed in the citation.

    By default, the Custom Date field is auto-filled with a text version of the numeric date entered in the fields above it.

    To display a different date than the one filled in automatically, just edit the text of the custom date field.

    Note:  Say you enter a publication, edit the custom date text so it's just right, and submit the form.  Later you edit the entry and change the year or the month, causing your carefully composed custom date to be overwitten by the auto-fill.  All is not lost: simply click the green cycling arrow icon to the right of the Custom Date field    to restore the previous custom date. 

  11. Can I customize the text of links to online publications?

    Yes. When you include a link to an online publication in the "Web URL" field of the publication form, the link that appears in the citation is the last part of the URL that was entered. (E.g., the link would display in the citation as [pdf])

    To specify other text for this link, enter the URL of the publication in the "Web URL" field on the publication form, then append a space at the end, followed by the desired text.
    For example, if the URL of your publication is:

    and you want the link to be [MyArticleX] rather than [pdf],  enter the URL like this: MyArticleX

    The link can be any word, but it cannot contain any spaces.

  12. Can I upload a file containing my publications, instead of entering them one by one?

    Yes, you can upload your publications from a file of any of the following types:
    AIP Spin (BibTeX format)

    1. Open a blank "Add a new publication" form.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the form and find the "BibTeX/EndNote/Refer/ProCite/MedLine Upload" section: click the Upload button.
    3. Select the type of file you wish to upload.
    4. Browse for and select the file. Then click the Submit button.
    5. At the top of the form is a table with the publication types indicated in your file on the left and the FDS publications types on the right. Select the type on the right that corresponds with the type on the left--once you have done this the first time, the FDS will remember your choices.
    6. Specify the criterion by which the system should identify duplicate entries (the "Title with" options only work if the fields match exactly).
    7. Choose Update or Overwrite (the difference is explained on the form).
    8. Click the Submit button.
    9. Finally, you will see a list of all the publications that will be uploaded. From here you can choose not to upload certain entries, and to do some last-minute editing. Then click Submit one more time to upload the publications to the database.

  13. Can I import my publications directly from another online database into the faculty database?

    The FDS supports import of publications directly from PubMed. This option is available in departments known to use PubMed. If you would like to use this feature but do not have the import option in your publications form, please write to to have it turned on for your department.

  14. Can I attach files, such as images or other documents, to my annual report?

    Yes. In all of the forms used to enter data for the report, a small paper clip icon appears near the bottom of the form:
    To attach a file to an entry:

    To add contextual images:

    By default, attached files will appear at the end of the entry to which they are attached.  If you would like the attachment to appear within the text of an entry (e.g., if you wish to include images contextually within your research statement) you can do this with only a few additional steps, by using the text editor to place a "tag" to your image in the body of your text.

  15. I need to make changes to last year's report, but I can only get to the report for the current year. How can I access a previous year's report?

    You can access a report from a previous year by going to your current annual report and appending
    -2004 (substituting the desired year for 2004)
    to the end of the url.

    For example, if the url for your current report is:
    you can access your 2004 report by ammending the url as follows:

  16. How do I indicate to my department chair that my annual report is complete?

    At the top of the annual report form, click the link that says "Click here to indicate that this report is ready for the chair to review."

    When the report has been marked ready, the text will read "This report is ready for the chair to review. Click here to mark it "not ready", if you choose.

Last Update: 2008/11/25 13:07:47.