Publications of Neal C. Bell

  1. Bell, NC. "shadow of himself." The Civilians: An Anthology of Six Plays. Playscripts, Inc., February, 2009
  2. Bell, NC. "Spatter Pattern." Plays From Playwrights Horizons. Broadway Play Publishing, Spring, 2009
  3. Neal Bell. "Spatter Pattern."  Broadway Play Publishing, NY, 2006
  4. Neal Bell. "Monster."  Broadway Play Publishing, NY, 2004
  5. Bell, N. "Somewhere in the Pacific." Asking and Telling: a Collection of Gay Drama for the 21st Century. Ed. Clum, JM NY: Stage and Screen, 2001
  6. Neal Bell. "Therese Raquin."  Broadway Play Publishing, 1998
  7. Neal Bell. "Plays by Neal Bell."  Broadway Play Publishing, 1998
  8. Bell, NC. "Ragged Dick." Plays by Neal Bell. Broadway Play Publishing, 1998
  9. Bell, N. "Drive." Ten-Minute Plays: Volume 3 from Actors Theatre of Louisville. Samuel French, 1995
  10. Neal Bell. "On the Bum."  Dramatists Play Service, 1994
  11. Bell, N. "Out the Window." More Ten-Minute Plays from Actors Theatre of Louisville. Samuel French, 1992
  12. Bell, N. "A Time-Piece." Tough Acts to Follow: Onc-Act Plays on the Gay/Lesbian Experience. Ed. Barnes, N; Deutsch, N Alamo Square Press, 1992
  13. Neal Bell. "Ready for the River."  Dramatists Play Service, 1991
  14. Neal Bell. "Sleeping Dogs."  Dramatists Play Service, 1990
  15. Neal Bell. "Cold Sweat."  Dramatists Play Service, 1988
  16. Neal Bell. "Raw Youth."  Dramatists Play Service, 1986
  17. Neal Bell. "Operation Midnight Climax."  Dramatists Play Service, 1982
  18. Neal Bell. "Two Small Bodies."  Dramatists Play Service, 1980
  19. Bell, N. Gone to Be Snakes Now. Popular Library, 1974.