Psychology and Neuroscience Post Docs Database
Psychology and Neuroscience
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Duke University

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Psychology and Neuroscience: Course Listing for Summer Term 2, 2003   [all time]

Please note this course listing is updated nightly from the registrar data; see the registrar for the official listings.

[Undergraduate Courses]  
Course Instructor Course Title Time, Room Synopsis
PSY 11B.01 Maxson, Pam  INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY MTuWThF 09:30 AM-10:45 AM,  Soc/Psych 127    
PSY 97.01 Bouffard, Suzanne  DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY MTuWThF 11:00 AM-12:15 PM,  Soc/Psych 127   Synopsis 
PSY 101.01 Jones, Neil  RES METH PSYCHOLOG SCI MTuWThF 12:30 PM-01:45 PM,  Soc/Psych 127    
PSY 119A.01 Craft, Stacie  ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY MTuTh 05:00 PM-07:05 PM,  Soc/Psych 127    
PSY 117.01 Martinez-Martinez, Martha Argelia  STATISTICAL METHODS MTuWThF 12:30 PM-01:45 PM,  Soc/Psych 128    
PSY 170JS.01 Aspnes, Ann  SELECTED PROBLEMS (TOP) MTuWThF 03:30 PM-04:45 PM,  Soc/Psych 128   Synopsis 
PSY 170PS.01 Schneider, Kristin  SELECTED PROBLEMS (TOP) MTuTh 05:00 PM-07:05 PM,  Soc/Psych 128   Synopsis 
PSY 117.02 Choi, Youngon  STATISTICAL METHODS MTuWThF 12:30 PM-01:45 PM,  Soc/Psych 129    
PSY 170IS.01 Maxson, Pam  SELECTED PROBLEMS (TOP) MTuWThF 11:00 AM-12:15 PM,  Soc/Psych 129    
PSY 113A.01 Friedman, Jack  SELF AND SOCIETY MTuWThF 12:30 PM-01:45 PM,  Social Sciences 225    

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