Kenneth A. Dodge

Publications of Kenneth A. Dodge    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  by type  bibtex listing:


  1. Lansford, JE; Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Mothers' and fathers' autonomy-relevant parenting: longitudinal links with adolescents' externalizing and internalizing behavior., Journal of youth and adolescence, vol. 43 no. 11 (November, 2014), pp. 1877-1889, ISSN 1573-6601 [24337705], [doi]  [abs] [family structure, parenting]
  2. Lansford, JE; Woodlief, D; Malone, PS; Oburu, P; Pastorelli, C; Skinner, AT; Sorbring, E; Tapanya, S; Tirado, LMU; Zelli, A; Al-Hassan, SM; Alampay, LP; Bacchini, D; Bombi, AS; Bornstein, MH; Chang, L; Deater-Deckard, K; Di Giunta, L; Dodge, KA, A longitudinal examination of mothers' and fathers' social information processing biases and harsh discipline in nine countries., Development and psychopathology, vol. 26 no. 3 (August, 2014), pp. 561-573, ISSN 0954-5794 [doi]  [abs] [parenting]
  3. Appleyard, K; Berlin, LJ; Rosanbalm, KD; Dodge, KA, Preventing early child maltreatment: implications from a longitudinal study of maternal abuse history, substance use problems, and offspring victimization., Prev Sci, vol. 12 no. 2 (June, 2011), pp. 139-149 [21240556], [doi]  [abs] [child maltreatment, substance abuse, violence prevention, child development, early childhood, mental health, parenting, violence]
  4. Kam, C-M; Greenberg, MT; Bierman, KL; Coie, JD; Dodge, KA; Foster, ME; Lochman, JE; McMahon, RJ; Pinderhughes, EE; Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Maternal depressive symptoms and child social preference during the early school years: mediation by maternal warmth and child emotion regulation., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 39 no. 3 (April, 2011), pp. 365-377 [21080053], [doi]  [abs] [family structure, child development, early childhood, parenting, violence prevention]
  5. Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Laird, RD; Shaw, DS; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Reciprocal relations between parents' physical discipline and children's externalizing behavior during middle childhood and adolescence., Development and psychopathology, vol. 23 no. 1 (February, 2011), pp. 225-238 [21262050], [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, child development, child maltreatment, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors, violence prevention]
  6. Berlin, L.J., Appleyard, K., & Dodge, K.A., Intergenerational continuity in child maltreatment: Mediating mechanisms and implications for prevention, Child Development, vol. 82 no. 1 (2011), pp. 162-176 [doi] [child maltreatment, family structure, parenting]
  7. Deater Deckard, K; Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Alampay, LP; Sorbring, E; Bacchini, D; Bombi, AS; Bornstein, MH; Chang, L; Di Giunta, L; Dodge, KA; Oburu, P; Pastorelli, C; Skinner, AT; Tapanya, S; Tirado, LMU; Zelli, A; Al Hassan, SM, The association between parental warmth and control in thirteen cultural groups, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 25 no. 5 (2011), pp. 791-794, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi]  [abs] [child development, mental health, early childhood, family structure, parenting, cross-cultural comparisons]
  8. Donahue, KL; D'Onofrio, BM; Bates, JE; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Early exposure to parents' relationship instability: implications for sexual behavior and depression in adolescence., The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, vol. 47 no. 6 (December, 2010), pp. 547-554, ISSN 1054-139X [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, child development, domestic violence, family structure, mental health, parenting, problem behaviors]
  9. Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Dodge, KA; Chang, L; Chaudhary, N; Tapanya, S; Oburu, P; Deater-Deckard, K, Children's Perceptions of Maternal Hostility as a Mediator of the Link between Discipline and Children's Adjustment in Four Countries., International journal of behavioral development, vol. 34 no. 5 (September, 2010), pp. 452-461, ISSN 0165-0254 [doi]  [abs] [child development, cross-cultural comparisons, parenting]
  10. Yu, T; Pettit, GS; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, The Interactive Effects of Marital Conflict and Divorce on Parent-Adult Children's Relationships., Journal of marriage and the family, vol. 72 no. 2 (April, 2010), pp. 282-292, ISSN 0022-2445 [doi]  [abs] [family structure, mental health, parenting, single parents]
  11. Lansford, JE; Alampay, LP; Al-Hassan, S; Bacchini, D; Bombi, AS; Bornstein, MH; Chang, L; Deater-Deckard, K; Di Giunta, L; Dodge, KA; Oburu, P; Pastorelli, C; Runyan, DK; Skinner, AT; Sorbring, E; Tapanya, S; Tirado, LMU; Zelli, A, Corporal punishment of children in nine countries as a function of child gender and parent gender., International journal of pediatrics, vol. 2010 (January, 2010), pp. 672780 [20976255], [doi]  [abs] [child development, child maltreatment, cross-cultural comparisons, parenting]
  12. Rosanbalm, KD; Dodge, KA; Murphy, R; O'Donnell, K; Christopoulos, C; Gibbs, SW; Appleyard, K; Daro, D, Evaluation of a Collaborative Community-Based Child Maltreatment Prevention Initiative., Prot Child, vol. 25 no. 4 (2010), pp. 8-23 [repository] [child development, child maltreatment, parenting, program evaluation, public policy, violence prevention]
  13. Coleman, D; Dodge, K; Campbell, S, Where and How to Draw the Line Between Reasonable Corporal Punishment and Abuse, Law & Contemporary Problems, vol. 73 no. 2 (2010), pp. 107-165, ISSN 0023-9186 [repository] [child maltreatment, child development, parenting, violence]
  14. Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Dodge, KA; Shaw, DS; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Trajectories of physical discipline: early childhood antecedents and developmental outcomes., Child development, vol. 80 no. 5 (September, 2009), pp. 1385-1402 [19765007], [doi]  [abs] [child development, child maltreatment, early childhood, parenting, problem behaviors]
  15. Laird, RD; Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Developmental Trajectories and Antecedents of Distal Parental Supervision., The Journal of early adolescence, vol. 29 no. 2 (April, 2009), pp. 258-284, ISSN 0272-4316 [doi]  [abs] [parenting]
  16. Miller-Johnson; S; Gorman-Smith; D; Sullivan; T; Orpinas; P; Dodge, TM-SVPPKA; member, Parent and peer predictors of physical dating violence perpetration in early adolescence: Tests of moderation and gender differences, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, vol. 38 no. 4 (2009), pp. 535-550 [doi] [adolescence, parenting, peer influence, violence prevention]
  17. Hurley, S; The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group; Bierman, KL; Coie, JD; Dodge, KA; Greenberg, MT; Lochman, JE; McMahon, RJ; Pinderhughes, EE, Disentangling Ethnic and Contextual Influences Among Parents Raising Youth in High-Risk Communities., Applied developmental science, vol. 12 no. 4 (October, 2008), pp. 211-219, ISSN 1088-8691 [19777084], [doi]  [abs] [parenting, high-risk communities, cross-cultural comparisons]
  18. Lansford, JE; Erath, S; Yu, T; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, The developmental course of illicit substance use from age 12 to 22: links with depressive, anxiety, and behavior disorders at age 18., Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, vol. 49 no. 8 (August, 2008), pp. 877-885 [18564069], [doi]  [abs] [parenting, substance use, disorders]
  19. Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA, Cultural Norms for Adult Corporal Punishment of Children and Societal Rates of Endorsement and Use of Violence., Parenting, science and practice, vol. 8 no. 3 (July, 2008), pp. 257-270, ISSN 1529-5192 [19898651], [doi]  [abs] [parenting, corporal punishment]
  20. Laird, RD; Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Parents' monitoring knowledge attenuates the link between antisocial friends and adolescent delinquent behavior., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 36 no. 3 (April, 2008), pp. 299-310, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi]  [abs] [parenting, peer influence, adolescence]
  21. Dick, D.M., Latendresse, S.J., Lansford, J.E., Budde, J.P., Goate, A., Dodge, K.A., Pettit, G.S., & Bates, J.E., The role of GABRA2 in trajectories of externalizing behavior across development and evidence of moderation by parental monitoring, Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 66 (2009), pp. 649-657. [doi] [parenting, problem behaviors]
  22. Nix; L, R; Bierman; L, K; McMahon; J, R; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, How attendance and quality of therapeutic engagement affect treatment response in parent behavior management training, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 77 (2008), pp. 429-438 [doi] [parenting]
  23. Goodnight, JA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA, Parents' campaigns to reduce their children's conduct problems: Interactions with temperamental resistance to control, European Journal of Developmental Science, vol. 2 no. 1/2 (2008), pp. 100-119 [repository], [doi]  [abs] [parenting, problem behaviors]
  24. Pettit, GS; Keiley, MK; Laird, RD; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Predicting the developmental course of mother-reported monitoring across childhood and adolescence from early proactive parenting, child temperament, and parents' worries., Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), vol. 21 no. 2 (June, 2007), pp. 206-217, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi]  [abs] [parenting, adolescence]
  25. Orrell-Valente, JK; Hill, LG; Brechwald, WA; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, "Just three more bites": an observational analysis of parents' socialization of children's eating at mealtime., Appetite, vol. 48 no. 1 (January, 2007), pp. 37-45, ISSN 0195-6663 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting]
  26. Lansford, JE; Malone, PS; Castellino, DR; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Trajectories of internalizing, externalizing, and grades for children who have and have not experienced their parents' divorce or separation., Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), vol. 20 no. 2 (June, 2006), pp. 292-301, ISSN 0893-3200 [16756405], [doi]  [abs] [child development, single parents, parenting]
  27. Dodge, KA; Malone, PS; Lansford, JE; Miller-Johnson, S; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Toward a dynamic developmental model of the role of parents and peers in early onset substance use, in Families count: Effects on child and adolescent development, edited by A. Clarke-Stewart and J. Dunn (January, 2006), pp. 104-132, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521847537 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, parenting, substance abuse]
  28. Nix; L, R; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Improving parental involvement: Evaluating treatment effects in the Fast Track Program, The Evaluation Exchange, vol. X (2006), pp. 5 [pdf] [child development, parenting]
  29. Erath; A, S; Bierman; L, K; Group, TCPPR, Aggressive marital conflict, maternal harsh punishment, and child aggressive-disruptive behavior: Evidence for direct and mediated relations, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 20 no. 2 (2006), pp. 217-226, American Psychological Association (APA) [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, single parents]
  30. Milan; S; Pinderhughes; E, E; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Family instability and child maladjustment trajectories during elementary school, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 34 no. 1 (2006), pp. 43-56, ISSN 0091-0627 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, problem behaviors]
  31. Dodge, K.A., McLoyd, V.C., & Lansford, J.E., The cultural context of physically disciplining children, in Emerging Issues in African American Family Life: Context, Adaptation, and Policy, edited by V.C. McLoyd, N.E. Hill, & K.A. Dodge (2005), pp. 245-263, Guilford Press [child abuse, parenting]
  32. Smith, EP; Gorman-Smith, D; Quinn, WH; Rabiner, DL; Tolan, PH; Winn, D-M; Multisite Violence Prevention Project, Community-Based multiple family groups to prevent and reduce violent and aggressive behavior: the GREAT Families Program., American journal of preventive medicine, vol. 26 no. 1 Suppl (January, 2004), pp. 39-47 [doi]  [abs] [parenting, violence prevention]
  33. Dodge, KA; Berlin, LJ; Epstein, M; Spitz-Roth, A; O'Donnell, K; Kaufman, M; Amaya-Jackson, L; Rosch, J; Christopoulos, C, The Durham Family Initiative: a preventive system of care., Child Welfare, vol. 83 no. 2 (2004), pp. 109-128, ISSN 0009-4021 [15068214]  [abs] [parenting]
  34. Hill, NE; Lansford, J; Castellino, DR; Nowlin, P; Dodge, KA; Bates, J; Petit, G, Parent-academic involvement as related to school behavior, achievement and aspirations: Demographic variations across adolescence, Child Development, vol. 75 no. 4 (2004), pp. 1491-1509, ISSN 0009-3920 [15369527], [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, demographics, parenting, education]
  35. Deater-Deckard, K; Lansford, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, The development of attitudes about physical punishment: an 8-year longitudinal study., Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), vol. 17 no. 3 (September, 2003), pp. 351-360 [doi]  [abs] [parenting]
  36. Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Change in parents' monitoring knowledge: Links with parenting, relationship quality, adolescent beliefs, and antisocial behavior, Social Development, vol. 12 no. 3 (August, 2003), pp. 401-419, WILEY [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, parenting, problem behaviors]
  37. Keiley, MK; Lofthouse, N; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Differential risks of covarying and pure components in mother and teacher reports of externalizing and internalizing behavior across ages 5 to 14., Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 31 no. 3 (June, 2003), pp. 267-283 [doi]  [abs] [education, parenting, child development]
  38. Lansford, JE; Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Friendship Quality, Peer Group Affiliation, and Peer Antisocial Behavior as Moderators of the Link Between Negative Parenting and Adolescent Externalizing Behavior., Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, vol. 13 no. 2 (May, 2003), pp. 161-184, ISSN 1050-8392 [20209019], [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, peer influence, parenting, problem behaviors]
  39. Laird, RD; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Parents' monitoring-relevant knowledge and adolescents' delinquent behavior: evidence of correlated developmental changes and reciprocal influences., Child development, vol. 74 no. 3 (May, 2003), pp. 752-768 [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, parenting, crime and delinquency]
  40. Beyers, JM; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA, Neighborhood structure, parenting processes, and the development of youths' externalizing behaviors: a multilevel analysis., American journal of community psychology, vol. 31 no. 1-2 (March, 2003), pp. 35-53, ISSN 0091-0562 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, peer influence, problem behaviors]
  41. McCarty; A, C; McMahon; J, R; Group, TCPPR, Mediators of the Relation Between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Internalizing and Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 17 no. 4 (2003), pp. 545-556, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, problem behaviors]
  42. Chang, LE; Schwartz, D; Dodge, KA; McBride Chang, CA, Harsh Parenting in Relation to Child Emotion Regulation and Aggression, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 17 no. 4 (2003), pp. 598-606, ISSN 0893-3200 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, problem behaviors]
  43. Criss, MM; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Lapp, AL, Family adversity, positive peer relationships, and children's externalizing behavior: a longitudinal perspective on risk and resilience., Child development, vol. 73 no. 4 (July, 2002), pp. 1220-1237, ISSN 0009-3920 [doi]  [abs] [child development, parenting, peer influence, problem behaviors]
  44. Dodge, K.A., Mediation, Moderation, and Mechanisms in How Parenting Affects Children's Aggressive Behavior, in Parenting and the Child's World, edited by J. Borkowski (2002), pp. 215-229, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum [child development, parenting, problem behaviors]
  45. Colwell, MJ; Pettit, GS; Meece, D; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Cumulative Risk and Continuity in Nonparental Care from Infancy to Early Adolescence., Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press), vol. 47 no. 2 (April, 2001), pp. 207-234 [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, parenting, child maltreatment]
  46. Pettit, GS; Laird, RD; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Criss, MM, Antecedents and behavior-problem outcomes of parental monitoring and psychological control in early adolescence., Child development, vol. 72 no. 2 (March, 2001), pp. 583-598 [available here], [doi]  [abs] [child development, adolescence, parenting]
  47. Pinderhughes; E, E; Nix; R; Foster; M, E; Jones; D; Dodge, TCPPRGKA; member, Parenting in context: Impact of neighborhood poverty, residential stability, public services, social networks, and danger on parental behaviors, Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 63 no. 4 (2001), pp. 941-953, WILEY [doi]  [abs] [family structure, poverty, parenting]
  48. Stormshak; A, E; Bierman; L, K; McMahon; J, R; Lengua; L; Group, TCPPR, Parenting Practices and Child Disruptive Behavior Problems in Early Elementary School, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, vol. 29 no. 1 (2000), pp. 17-29 [available here], [doi]  [abs] [parenting, problem behaviors, elementary school]
  49. Schwartz, D; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS; Bates, JE, Friendship as a moderating factor in the pathway between early harsh home environment and later victimization in the peer group. The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group., Developmental Psychology, vol. 36 no. 5 (2000), pp. 646-662, ISSN 0012-1649 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs] [child development, peer influence, family structure, child maltreatment, parenting]
  50. Pinderhughes, EE; Zelli, A; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS, Discipline Responses: Direct and Mediated Influences of SES, Ethnic Group Status, Parenting Beliefs, Stress, and Parent Cognitive-Emotional Processes, Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 14 no. 3 (2000), pp. 380-400 [available here]  [abs] [parenting, child development]
  51. Kohl, GO; Lengua, LJ; McMahon, RJ; Bierman, K; Dodge, KA; Coie, JD; Greenberg, MT; Lochman, JE; Pinderhughes, EE, Parent Involvement in School: Conceptualizing Multiple Dimensions and Their Relations with Family and Demographic Risk Factors, Journal of School Psychology, vol. 38 no. 6 (2000), pp. 501-523, Elsevier BV [repository], [doi]  [abs] [education, problem behaviors, parenting]
  52. Nix, RL; Pinderhughes, EE; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; McFadyen-Ketchum, SA, The relation between mothers' hostile attribution tendencies and children's externalizing behavior problems: the mediating role of mothers' harsh discipline practices., Child development, vol. 70 no. 4 (July, 1999), pp. 896-909, ISSN 0009-3920 [doi]  [abs] [problem behaviors, parenting, child maltreatment, family structure, violence prevention]
  53. Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Meece, DW, The impact of after-school peer contact on early adolescent externalizing problems is moderated by parental monitoring, perceived neighborhood safety, and prior adjustment., Child development, vol. 70 no. 3 (May, 1999), pp. 768-778, ISSN 0009-3920 [doi]  [abs] [adolescence, peer influence, problem behaviors, parenting]
  54. Bates, J.E., Pettit, G.S., Dodge, K.A., & Ridge, B., Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting in the development of externalizing behavior(Reprint), in Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development (1999) [child development, parenting]
  55. Orrell Valente, JK; Pinderhughes, EE; Valente, E; Laird, RD; The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, EE, If It's Offered, Will They Come? Influences on Parents' Participation in a Community-Based Conduct Problems Prevention Program, American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 27 (1999), pp. 757-787 [available here] [problem behaviors, parenting, family structure]
  56. Bates, JE; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Ridge, B, Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting in the development of externalizing behavior., Developmental psychology, vol. 34 no. 5 (September, 1998), pp. 982-995, ISSN 0012-1649 [doi]  [abs] [parenting, child development]
  57. Deater Deckard, K; Dodge, KA, Spare the rod, spoil the authors: Emerging themes in research on parenting and child development, Psychological Inquiry, vol. 8 (1997), pp. 230-235 [doi] [parenting, child development]
  58. Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Supportive parenting, ecological context, and children’s adjustment, Child Development, vol. 68 no. 5 (1997), pp. 908-923 [doi]  [abs] [parenting, child development]
  59. McFadyen-Ketchum, SA; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA; Pettit, GS, Patterns of change in early childhood aggressive-disruptive behavior: gender differences in predictions from early coercive and affectionate mother-child interactions., Child development, vol. 67 no. 5 (October, 1996), pp. 2417-2433 [9022248], [doi]  [abs] [child development, early childhood, parenting]
  60. Pettit, GS; Clawson, MA; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Stability and change in peer-rejected status: The role of child behavior, parenting, and family ecology, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 42 no. 2 (April, 1996), pp. 267-294 [23087880]  [abs] [parenting, peer influence, family structure]
  61. Bierman, K.L., Greenberg, M.T., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (K.A. Dodge, member), Integrating social skill training interventions with parent training and family-focused support to prevent conduct disorder in high risk populations: The FAST Track Multi-Site Demonstration Project, in Understanding aggressive behavior in children, edited by C.F. Ferris & T. Grisso (1996), pp. 256-264, New York, NY: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences [doi] [parenting, family structure]
  62. Harrist, AW; Pettit, GS; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE, Dyadic synchrony in mother-child interaction: Relations with children's subsequent kindergarten adjustment, Family Relations, vol. 43 (1994), pp. 417-424 [585373] [early childhood, parenting, education]
  63. Pettit, GS; Bates, JE; Dodge, KA, Family interaction patterns and children's conduct problems at home and school: A longitudinal perspective, School Psychology Review, vol. 22 (1993), pp. 401-418 [education, parenting, family structure, problem behaviors]
  64. Strassberg, Z; Dodge, KA; Bates, JE; Pettit, GS, The relation between parental conflict strategies and children's standing in kindergarten, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 38 (1992), pp. 477-493 [23087323] [education, parenting]
  65. Gurwitz, SB; Dodge, KA, Adults' evaluations of a child as a function of sex of adult and sex of child., Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 32 no. 5 (November, 1975), pp. 822-828, ISSN 0022-3514 [doi]  [abs] [family structure, parenting]