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Reynolds PriceReynolds Price  
James B. Duke Professor of English

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B.Litt., Merton College, Oxford University

A.B. (summa cum laude), Duke University

British Literature
Creative Writing
Reynold Price is James B. Duke Professor of English and distinguished novelist, poet, dramatist and essayist, is the author of twenty-five books, among the most recent of which are The Collected Stories (1993), A Whole New Life, and The Promise of Rest (1995). His work has been translated into sixteen languages.

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1.  Ardent Spirits.  2009.
  2.  Letter to a Godchild. Scribner, 2006.
  3.  The Good Priest's Son. Scribner, Spring,2005. circa 300 pp. pp.  [author's comments]
  4. "A Glad Welcome." Duke Magazine 90.6 (2005): 1.  [author's comments]
  5. "John Milton." [Literary Genius]. Ed. Joseph Epstein.  2005.   [author's comments]

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