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Publications of Reynolds Price    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1.  Ardent Spirits.  2009.
  2.  Letter to a Godchild. Scribner, 2006.
  3.  The Good Priest's Son. Scribner, Spring,2005. circa 300 pp. pp.  [author's comments]
  4.  A Serious Way of Wondering: the Ethics of Jesus Imagined. Scribner, 2003.  [author's comments]
  5.  Noble Norfleet. scribner, Spring, 2002.  [author's comments]
  6.  A Perfect Friend. Atheneum, 2000. (a novel)
  7.  Feasting the Heart. Scribner, 2000. (fifty-two commentaries for the air)
  8.  Letter to a Man in the Fire: Does God Exist and Does He Care?. Scribner, 1999. (an epistolary essay)
  9.  Roxanna Slade. Scribner, 1998. (a novel)
  10.  Learning a Trade: A Craftsman's Notebooks, 1955-1997. Duke UP, 1998.
  11.  The Collected Poems. Scribner, 1997. (poems)
  12.  Three Gospels. Scribner, 1996. (translations of The Gospels of Mark and John with a modern apocryphal gospel)
  13.  The Promise of Rest. Scribner, 1995. (a novel)
  14.  A Whole New Life. Atheneum, 1994. (a memoir: later in German)
  15.  Full Moon and Other Plays. Theatre Communications Group, 1993. (three plays)
  16.  The Collected Stories. Atheneum, 1993. (short stories)
  17.  Blue Calhoun. Atheneum, 1992. (a novel)
  18.  The Foreseeable Future. Atheneum, 1991. (three stories)
  19.  Conversations with Reynolds Price. Edited by Jefferson Humphries. UP of Mississippi, 1991. (interviews, 1966-1990)
  20.  The Tongues of Angels. Atheneum, 1990. (a novel)
  21.  The Use of Fire. Atheneum, 1990. (poems)
  22.  New Music. Theatre Communications Group, 1990. (a trilogy of plays)
  23.  Clear Pictures: First Loves, First Guides. Atheneum, 1989. (a memoir)
  24.  A Common Room: Essays 1954-1987. Atheneum, 1988.
  25.  Good Hearts. Atheneum, 1988. (a novel: later in Swedish)
  26.  Kate Vaiden. Atheneum, 1986. (a novel: later in French, German, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese and Hebrew translations)
  27.  The Laws of Ice. Atheneum, 1986. (poems)
  28.  Private Contentment. Atheneum, 1984. (a play)
  29.  Vital Provisions. Atheneum, 1982. (poems)
  30.  The Source of Light. Atheneum, 1981. (a novel)
  31.  A Palpable God: Thirty Stories Translated from the Bible with an Essay on the Origins and Life of Narrative. Atheneum, 1978.
  32.  Early Dark. Atheneum, 1977. (a play)
  33.  The Surface of Earth. Atheneum, 1975. (a novel: later in Russian)
  34.  Things Themselves. Atheneum, 1972. (essays and scenes)
  35.  Permanent Errors. Atheneum, 1970. (short stories)
  36.  Love and Work. Atheneum, 1968. (a novel: later in Dutch)
  37.  A Generous Man. Atheneum, 1966. (a novel: later in French and German translations)
  38.  A Long and Happy Life. Atheneum, 1962. (a novel: later published in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Greek, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian. In 1987, the twenty-fifth anniversary of its publication, the novel was reissued by Atheneum in the orignial clothbound format)
  39.  The Names and Faces of Heroes. Atheneum, 1962. (short stories: later in French and German translations)

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. "John Milton." [Literary Genius]. Ed. Joseph Epstein.  2005.   [author's comments]


  1. "A Glad Welcome." Duke Magazine 90.6 (2005): 1.  [author's comments]


  1. "A complete bibliography, through 1984, is available--Reynolds Price: A Bibliography 1948-84 by Stuart Wright and James L.W. West III (University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville), 122 pp.." (1986). There have been numerous special and limited editions through the years, the contents of which were mostly included in the above listed full-length volumes. Contributions to magazines, newspapers, anthologies etc. run into the hundreds of items and are catalogued in the above-mentioned bibliography and in the Special Collections Department of the Duke University Library

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