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Oscar HijuelosOscar Hijuelos  
Professor of the Practice and Blackburn Writer in Residence

Office Location: 304C Allen Building
Office Phone: 668-0314
Email Address: oh8@duke.edu

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Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1.  Beautiful Maria of My Soul. Hyperion, 2010.  [author's comments]
  2.  Dark Dude.  2008.  [author's comments]
  3.  A Simple Habana Melody.  2007.
  4.  Our House in the Last World.  2002.
  5.  Empress of the Splendid Season.  1999.
  6.  Mr. Ives' Christmas.  1996.
  7.  The Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien.  February, 1994.
  8.  The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love.  1990.

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