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Publications of Oscar Hijuelos    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. O. Hijuelos. La Bella Maria de Mi Alma. SUMA, Madrid, Spain, September, 2012.  [author's comments]
  2. O. Hijuelos. Los Reyes del Mambo Tocan Canciones de Amore. SUMA, Madrid, Spain, September, 2012.  [author's comments]
  3. O. Hijuelos. Introduction to "The Business of Writing". The Business of Writing.  September, 2012.
  4. O. Hijuelos. Thoughts Without Cigarettes (paperback) June 2012.  June, 2012.  [author's comments]
  5. O. Hijuelos. Beautiful Maria of My Soul, translations.  2011.  [author's comments]
  6.  Thoughts Without Cigarettes. Gotham/Penguin, forthcoming, June 2011.  [abs]
  7.  Beautiful Maria of My Soul. Hyperion, 2010.  [author's comments]
  8.  Dark Dude.  2008.  [author's comments]
  9.  A Simple Habana Melody.  2007.
  10.  Our House in the Last World.  2002.
  11.  Empress of the Splendid Season.  1999.
  12.  Mr. Ives' Christmas.  1996.
  13.  The Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien.  February, 1994.
  14.  The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love.  1990.


  1. O. Hijuelos. "Reivindicacion Latina." El Mundo, newspaper, Madrid, Spain (December 9, 2012).  [author's comments]
  2. "An Interview with Oscar Hijuelos for Phati'tude Magazine." Phati'tude Literary Magazine (May, 2012).  [author's comments]
  3. O. Hijuelos. "Interview/profile with the Wall Street Journal." (May, 2012).
  4. O. Hijuelos. "Interview with Oscar Hijuelos." Slice Magazine (April, 2012).  [author's comments]
  5. O. Hijuelos. "A View from my Window." New York Times, Home Section (June, 2011).

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