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Publications of Janice A. Radway    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature.  second edition and with a new introduction Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, January, 2009 (1-276 pp.).  [abs]
  2. with Carl Kaestle. Print in Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880-1945. A History of the Book in America, Vol. IV.  University of North Carolina Press, Fall, 2008.
  3. with Radway, JA; Gaines, K; Shank, B; Eschen, PV. American Studies: An Anthology.  Blackwell Publishers, August, 2008.
  4. Radway, JA; Kaestle, C. A History of the Book in America, Vol. IV.  University of North Carolina Press, 2008.
  5. Radway, JA. A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste and Middle Class Desire.  Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1999. (paperback edition)
  6. Radway, JA. A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste and Middle Class Desire.  Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, October, 1997. (slsected reviews: The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times)
  7. Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature.  Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1991. (Selected Reviews: New York Times, December 30, 1984; Women's Review of Books, April, 1985; American Literature, October, 1985; Journal of Communication, Spring, 1985; Contemporary Sociology, November, 1985; Qualitative Sociology, The Canadian Review of American Studies, Spring, 1986. Selected by the American Education Studies Association in 1985 as one of the "outstanding recent books in educational studies")
  8. Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature.  London: Verso Press, 1987. (with a new introduction)

Articles in a Journal

  1. Radway, JA. "Learned and Literary Print Cultures in an Age of Professionalization and Diversification." Print In Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880-1945  (Fall, 2008).
  2. Radway, JA. "What’s the Matter with Reception Study?: Some Thoughts on the Disciplinary Origins, Conceptual Constraints and Persistent Viability of a Paradigm." Reception Study  (2008).
  3. Radway, JA. "Bridget Jones, Girls' Zines and the Problem of the Future: Gender, Narrative, and Subjectivity in the Nineties." Narrative  (2008).
  4. Radway, JA. "Little Magazines, Underground Publications and Zine Culture." PMLA  (2008).
  5. Radway, JA. "Pisanje Cintanja romance." Politka teorije: Zbornik rasprava iz kulturalnigh studija  (2007): 247-266.
  6. Radway, JA. "The Library as Place, Collection, or Service: Promoting Book Circulation in Durham, NC and at the Book-of-the-Month Club." Institutions of Reading: The Social Life of Libraries in the United States  (Fall, 2007): 231-263.
  7. Radway, JA; Williams, J. "The Culture of Books: An Interview with Janice A. Radway." The Minnesota Review 65-66 (Spring, 2006): 133-148.
  8. Radway, JA. "Richard Ohmann's Voice." Works and Days 45/46.1/2 (2006): 1-9.
  9. Radway, JA. "Research Universities, Periodical Publication and the Circulation of Professional Expertise: On the Significance of Middlebrow Authority." Critical Inquiry 31.1 (Fall, 2004): 203-228.
  10. Radway, JA. "What’s In a Name?." The Futures of American Studies  (2003): 45-75.
  11. Radway, JA. "Girls, Reading, and Narrative Gleaning: Crafting Repertoires for Self-Fashioning Within Everyday Life." Narrative Impact: Social and Cognitive Foundations  (2002): 176-208.
  12. Radway, JA. "What's In a Name?: Presidential Address to the American Studies Association." American Quarterly 51 (March, 1999): 1-32.
  13. Radway, JA. "Books and Reading in the Age of Mass Production: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Middlebrow Culture and the Transformation of the Literary Field in the U.S., 1926-1940."   (1996). Published as the 1996 Adam Helm Lecture
  14. Radway, JA. "On the Gender of the Middlebrow Consumer and the Threat of the Culturally Fraudulant Female." South Atlantic Quarterly  (Fall, 1994): 871-893.
  15. Radway, JA. "Beyond Mary Bailey and Old Maid Librarians: Reimagining Readers and Thinking Reading." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 35 (Fall, 1994): 1-21.
  16. Radway, JA. "Romance and the Work of Fantasy: Struggling with Female Subjectivity and Sexuality at Century’s End." Viewing, Reading, Listening: Reconceptualizing Audiences  (1993).
  17. Radway, JA. "Dialogue About Instituting Cultural Studies: Gerald Graff, Janice Radway, Gita Rajan, and Robert Con Davis." English Studies/Cultural Studies: Institutionalizing Change  (1993).
  18. Radway, JA. "Mail Order Culture and Its Critics: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Commodification, Consumption and the Problem of Cultural Authority." Cultural Studies  (1992): 512-531.
  19. Radway, JA. "The Scandal of the Middlebrow: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Class Fracture and Cultural Authority." South Atlantic Quarterly 89 (Fall, 1990): 703-736.
  20. Radway, JA. "Ethnography Among Elites: Comparing Discourses of Power." Journal of Communication Inquiry  (Fall, 1990).
  21. Radway, JA. "Maps and the Construction of Boundaries: A Response to Michael Dennings." International Labor and Working Class History 37 (Spring, 1990): 19-26.
  22. Radway, JA. "The Book-of-the-Month Club and the General Reader." Readings in America  (1989): 259-284.
  23. Radway, JA. "Reception Study: Ethnography and the Problems of Dispersed Audiences and Nomadic Subjects." Cultural Studies 2 (October, 1988): 359-376.
  24. Radway, JA. "The Book-of-the-Month Club and the General Readers: On the Uses of Serious Fiction." Critical Inquiry 14 (Spring, 1988): 516-538.
  25. Radway, JA. "Reading is Not Eating: Mass-Produced Literature and the Theoretical, Methodological, and Political Consequences of A Metaphor." Book Research Quarterly 2.3 (Fall, 1986): 7-29. [doi]
  27. Radway, JA. "American Studies, Reader Theory, and the Literary Text: From the Study of Material Objects to the Study of Social Processes." American Studies in Transition  (1985).
  28. Radway, JA. "Interpretive Communities and Variable Literacies: The Functions of Romance Reading." Daedalus 113 (Summer, 1984): 49-73.
  29. Radway, JA. "Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context." Feminist Studies 9.1 (Spring, 1983): 53-53. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  30. Radway, JA. "The Aesthetic in Mass Culture: Reading and the ’Popular’ Literary Text." Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, Festschrift in Honor of Felix Vodicka  (1982): 397-429.
  31. Radway, JA. "The Utopian Impluse in Popular Literature: Gothic Romances and 'Feminist' Protest." American Quarterly 33 (Summer, 1981): 140-162.
  32. Radway, JA. "Popular Culture as Play." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 22 (Summer, 1980): 138-153.
  33. Radway, JA. "Popular Verse and Poetry." Handbook of American Popular Culture  (1980): 345-63.
  34. Radway, JA. "Phenomenology, Linguistics, and Popular Literature." The Journal of Popular Culture 12.1 (Summer, 1978): 88-98. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]


  1. Radway, JA. "Preface to Avery F. Gordon, Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination."  University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
  2. Radway, JA. "Girls, Zines, and Their Afterlives: Sex, Gender, Capitalism, and Everyday Life in the Nineties and Beyond."  2007.
  3. Radway, JA. "Richard Ohmann’s Voice." Foreward to Richard Ohmann, Politics of Knowledge: the Commercialization of the University, the Professions, and Print Culture. Wesleyan University Press, 2003: vi-xi.

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