- Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. second edition and with a new introduction Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, January, 2009 (1-276 pp.). [abs]
- with Carl Kaestle. Print in Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880-1945. A History of the Book in America, Vol. IV. University of North Carolina Press, Fall, 2008.
- with Radway, JA; Gaines, K; Shank, B; Eschen, PV. American Studies: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishers, August, 2008.
- Radway, JA; Kaestle, C. A History of the Book in America, Vol. IV. University of North Carolina Press, 2008.
- Radway, JA. A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste and Middle Class Desire. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1999. (paperback edition)
- Radway, JA. A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste and Middle Class Desire. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, October, 1997. (slsected reviews: The Nation, The New York
Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles
- Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1991. (Selected Reviews: New York Times, December
30, 1984; Women's Review of Books, April,
1985; American Literature, October, 1985;
Journal of Communication, Spring, 1985;
Contemporary Sociology, November, 1985;
Qualitative Sociology, The Canadian Review
of American Studies, Spring, 1986.
Selected by the American Education Studies
Association in 1985 as one of
the "outstanding recent books in educational
- Radway, JA. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. London: Verso Press, 1987. (with a new introduction)
Articles in a Journal
- Radway, JA. "Learned and Literary Print Cultures in an Age of Professionalization and Diversification." Print In Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880-1945 (Fall, 2008).
- Radway, JA. "What’s the Matter with Reception Study?: Some Thoughts on the Disciplinary Origins, Conceptual Constraints and Persistent Viability of a Paradigm." Reception Study (2008).
- Radway, JA. "Bridget Jones, Girls' Zines and the Problem of the Future: Gender, Narrative, and Subjectivity in the Nineties." Narrative (2008).
- Radway, JA. "Little Magazines, Underground Publications and Zine Culture." PMLA (2008).
- Radway, JA. "Pisanje Cintanja romance." Politka teorije: Zbornik rasprava iz kulturalnigh studija (2007): 247-266.
- Radway, JA. "The Library as Place, Collection, or Service: Promoting Book Circulation in Durham, NC and at the Book-of-the-Month Club." Institutions of Reading: The Social Life of Libraries in the United States (Fall, 2007): 231-263.
- Radway, JA; Williams, J. "The Culture of Books: An Interview with Janice A. Radway." The Minnesota Review 65-66 (Spring, 2006): 133-148.
- Radway, JA. "Richard Ohmann's Voice." Works and Days 45/46.1/2 (2006): 1-9.
- Radway, JA. "Research Universities, Periodical Publication and the Circulation of Professional Expertise: On the Significance of Middlebrow Authority." Critical Inquiry 31.1 (Fall, 2004): 203-228.
- Radway, JA. "What’s In a Name?." The Futures of American Studies (2003): 45-75.
- Radway, JA. "Girls, Reading, and Narrative Gleaning: Crafting Repertoires for Self-Fashioning Within Everyday Life." Narrative Impact: Social and Cognitive Foundations (2002): 176-208.
- Radway, JA. "What's In a Name?: Presidential Address to the American Studies Association." American Quarterly 51 (March, 1999): 1-32.
- Radway, JA. "Books and Reading in the Age of Mass Production: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Middlebrow Culture and the Transformation of the Literary Field in the U.S., 1926-1940." (1996). Published as the 1996 Adam Helm Lecture
- Radway, JA. "On the Gender of the Middlebrow Consumer and the Threat of the Culturally Fraudulant Female." South Atlantic Quarterly (Fall, 1994): 871-893.
- Radway, JA. "Beyond Mary Bailey and Old Maid Librarians: Reimagining Readers and Thinking Reading." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 35 (Fall, 1994): 1-21.
- Radway, JA. "Romance and the Work of Fantasy: Struggling with Female Subjectivity and Sexuality at Century’s End." Viewing, Reading, Listening: Reconceptualizing Audiences (1993).
- Radway, JA. "Dialogue About Instituting Cultural Studies: Gerald Graff, Janice Radway, Gita Rajan, and Robert Con Davis." English Studies/Cultural Studies: Institutionalizing Change (1993).
- Radway, JA. "Mail Order Culture and Its Critics: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Commodification, Consumption and the Problem of Cultural Authority." Cultural Studies (1992): 512-531.
- Radway, JA. "The Scandal of the Middlebrow: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Class Fracture and Cultural Authority." South Atlantic Quarterly 89 (Fall, 1990): 703-736.
- Radway, JA. "Ethnography Among Elites: Comparing Discourses of Power." Journal of Communication Inquiry (Fall, 1990).
- Radway, JA. "Maps and the Construction of Boundaries: A Response to Michael Dennings." International Labor and Working Class History 37 (Spring, 1990): 19-26.
- Radway, JA. "The Book-of-the-Month Club and the General Reader." Readings in America (1989): 259-284.
- Radway, JA. "Reception Study: Ethnography and the Problems of Dispersed Audiences and Nomadic Subjects." Cultural Studies 2 (October, 1988): 359-376.
- Radway, JA. "The Book-of-the-Month Club and the General Readers: On the Uses of Serious Fiction." Critical Inquiry 14 (Spring, 1988): 516-538.
- Radway, JA. "Reading is Not Eating: Mass-Produced Literature and the Theoretical, Methodological, and Political Consequences of A Metaphor." Book Research Quarterly 2.3 (Fall, 1986): 7-29. [doi]
- Radway, JA. "American Studies, Reader Theory, and the Literary Text: From the Study of Material Objects to the Study of Social Processes." American Studies in Transition (1985).
- Radway, JA. "Interpretive Communities and Variable Literacies: The Functions of Romance Reading." Daedalus 113 (Summer, 1984): 49-73.
- Radway, JA. "Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context." Feminist Studies 9.1 (Spring, 1983): 53-53. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Radway, JA. "The Aesthetic in Mass Culture: Reading and the ’Popular’ Literary Text." Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, Festschrift in Honor of Felix Vodicka (1982): 397-429.
- Radway, JA. "The Utopian Impluse in Popular Literature: Gothic Romances and 'Feminist' Protest." American Quarterly 33 (Summer, 1981): 140-162.
- Radway, JA. "Popular Culture as Play." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 22 (Summer, 1980): 138-153.
- Radway, JA. "Popular Verse and Poetry." Handbook of American Popular Culture (1980): 345-63.
- Radway, JA. "Phenomenology, Linguistics, and Popular Literature." The Journal of Popular Culture 12.1 (Summer, 1978): 88-98. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Radway, JA. "Preface to Avery F. Gordon, Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination." University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
- Radway, JA. "Girls, Zines, and Their Afterlives: Sex, Gender, Capitalism, and Everyday Life in the Nineties and Beyond." 2007.
- Radway, JA. "Richard Ohmann’s Voice." Foreward to Richard Ohmann, Politics of Knowledge: the Commercialization of the University, the Professions, and Print Culture. Wesleyan University Press, 2003: vi-xi.