Romance Studies
Publications Matteo Gilebbi
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Articles in a Journal

  1. Gilebbi, M. "Testimoni dei Macelli. Uomini e Animali nella poesia di Ivano Ferrari.." Ecozon@ : European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 7:1 Animal Humanities (2016).
  2. Gilebbi, M. "L' "inesauribile segreto del nulla" in 'Poesie Disperse' e 'Altre poesie ritrovate' di Giuseppe Ungaretti." L'Anello che Non Tiene: journal of modern Italian literature 22 (2010).

Articles in a Collection

  1. Gilebbi, M. "Eco-feminism, anti-speciesism and eco-activism. An Interview with Carol J. Adams." The Carol J. Adams Reader. Writings and Conversations 1995-2015.. Bloomsbury, 2016.
  2. Gilebbi, M. "Animal Metaphors, Biopolitics, and the Animal Question: Mario Luzi, Giorgio Agamben, and the Human-Animal Divide." Thinking Italian Animals Human and Posthuman in Modern Italian Literature and Film. Palgrave MacMillan, September, 2014.  [abs]
  3. Gilebbi, M. "Poets vs. Berlusconismo: The Case of "Poesia del Dissenso" and "Calpestare l’Oblio"." The Politics of Poetics Poetry and Social Activism in Early-Modern Through Contemporary Italy. Cambridge Scholars Pub, May, 2013.  [abs]
  4. Gilebbi, M. "La poesia dell'aderenza. Suggestioni di lettura da "Il Ramarro" di Paolo Volponi." Pianeta Volponi saggi interventi testimonianze : giornate di studio dedicate a Paolo Volponi (Urbino-Urbania-Cagli, 2-4 novembre 2004). 2007.