Publications of Carol L. Meyers    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. The Bible in the Public Square: Its Enduring Influence in American Life, edited by Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM; Chancey, MA, vol. 27 (2014), Society of Biblical Literature
  2. Meyers, EM; Meyers, CL; Balouka, M; de Vincenz, A, The Pottery from Ancient Sepphoris, edited by Meyers, EM; Meyers, CL, vol. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 227 pages, Eisenbrauns, ISBN 9781575062693  [abs]
  3. Meyers, CL, Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context (2012), pp. xvi + 295 pages, New York: Oxford University Press [acprof-9780199734559]
  4. EXODUS--New Horizon Biblical Studies Series (2010), Ming Dao Press, Hong Kong (“complex” Chinese translation for Taiwan and Hong Kong, translated by David Tam..)
  5. Meyers, CL, Exodus (Complex Chinese translation) (2010), Ming Dao Press (translated by Tam, D.)
  6. EXODUS--Hermes Classics and Interpretation series (2009) (Modern Chinese translation of 2005 book, EXODUS [Cambridge Bible Commentary Series].)
  7. Meyers, CL, Exodus (modern Chinese translation) (2009)
  8. Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, Excavations at Ancient Nabratein: Synagogue and Environs, Meiron Excavation Project, vol. VI (2009), Eisenbrauns for the American Schools of Oriental Research, Winona Lake, IN (with Eric Meyers.)
  9. Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Israelite Women, Facets (2005), Fortress Press
  10. Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Isrelite Women, Facets. (2005), Fortress Press, ISBN 0-521-00291-5
  11. Meyers, CL, Exodus, New Cambridge Bible Commentary Series. (2005), Cambridge University Press
  12. Meyers, CL, Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Isrelite Women (2005), Fortress Press, ISBN 0-521-00291-5
  13. Talgam, R; Weiss, Z, The Mosaics of the House of Dionysos at Sepphoris, excavated by E.M. Meyers, E. Netzer, and Carol Meyers (2004), pp. 136 pages, Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  14. Meyers, CL, The Tabernacle Menorah: A Synthetic Study of A Symbol from the Biblical Cult, 2nd edition,. with a new introduction. (Fall, 2003), Piscatawny, NJ: Gorgias Press LLC
  15. Meyers, CL, Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, and the New Testament, edited by Meyers, CL, (2000), Houghton Mifflin (paperback edition: Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2001.)  [abs]
  16. Various, Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, and the New Testament, edited by Meyers, CL; Craven, T; Kraemer, RS (2000), Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.
  17. with Meyers, CL; Perdue, LG; Blenkinsopp, J; Collins, JJ, Families in Ancient Israel, The Family, Religion, and Culture series (January, 1997), pp. 285 pages, John Knox Press, ISBN 9780664255671  [abs]
  18. Sepphoris in Galilee: Cross-Currents of Culture, exhibition catalogue, edited by Meyers, CL; Nagy, RM; Meyers, EM; Weiss, Z (1996), North Carolina Museum of Art
  19. Community, Identity, and Ideology: Social Science Approaches to the Hebrew Bible, Sources for Biblical and Theological Study series, edited by Meyers, CL; Carter, CW (1996), Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns
  20. Ethics and Politics in the Hebrew Bible (Semeia 66), edited by Meyers, CL; Knight, DA (1995), Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press for Society of Biblical Literature
  21. Meyers, E, Excavations at the Ancient Synagogue of Gush Ḥalav, Meiron Excavation Project, vol. 5 (1990), Eisenbrauns, for the American Schools of Oriental Research, Winona Lake, Indiana

Edited Books

  1. with E. M. Meyers, Archaeology, Bible, Politics, ad the Media: Proceedings of the Duke University Conference, April 23-24, 2009 (2012), pp. x+ 275, Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns

Papers Published

  1. with E. M. Meyers, Introduction, in Archaeology, Bible, Politics, and the Media: Proceedings of the Duke University Conference, April 23-24, 2009, edited by Carol Meyers and Eric M. Meyers. WinonaLake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns (2012), pp. 1-11
  2. with E. M. Meyers, The Book of Haggai, in The New American Bible, revised edition (NABRE); Witchita, Kansas: Fireside Catholic Publishing (2011), pp. 1115OT-1117OT
  3. with E. M. Meyers, The Book of Zechariah, in The New American Bible, revised edition (NABRE); Wichita Kansas: Fireside Catholic Publishing (2011), pp. 1118OT-1129OT
  4. with E.M. Meyers, The Material Culture of Late Hellenistic-Early Roman Palestinian Judaism: What It Can Tell Us about Earliest Christianity and the New Testament, in Neues Testament und Hellenisticsche-Jüdische Alltagskultur--Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen (WUNT XXX), Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti, edited by Roland Deines, Jens Herzer, und. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, vol. 3 (2011), pp. 3-23, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
  5. Early Israel and the Exodus (October, 2006), First United Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC
  6. “Story of Eve deserves a second look”, Albany Union Times (Religion Section) (November 8, 2003)
  7. Preface, in The Tabernacle Menorah: A Synthetic Study of A Symbol from the Bilical Cult (2003), pp. *v-*ix, Piscatawny, NJ: Gorias Press LLC
  8. C.L. Meyers, “Material Remains and Social Relations: Women’s Culture in Agrarian Households of the Iron Age.”, in Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palestine, edited by William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin (2003), Eisenbrauns (Proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools of Oriental Research; Jerusalem, May 29-31, 2000.)

Papers Accepted

  1. Tabernacle, in Cambridge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, edited by Eric Orlin (General Editor), Lisbeth Fried, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Michael Satlow. New York: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
  2. Cherubim, in Eric Orlin (General Editor), Lisbeth Fried, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Michael Satlow. New York: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
  3. Zadok, in Eric Orlin (General Editor), Lisbeth Fried, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Michael Satlow. New York: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
  4. Zechariah, in Cambridge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, edited by Eric Orlin (general editor), Lisbeth Fried, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Michael Satlow (forthcoming), New York: Cambridge University Press
  5. with E. Meyers, Introduction, in The Pottery from Ancient Sepphoris, edited by Carol Meyers and Eric Meyers (forthcoming) (by Marva Balouka and Anna DiVincenz, with contributions by Eric Meyers and Carol Meyers..)
  6. C.L. Meyers, "Mother to Muse: An Archaeomusical Study of Women's Performance in Ancient Israel", in Recycling Biblical Figures: Papers read at a NOSTER colloquium in Amsterdam, 12-13 May 1997 (Studies in Theology and Religion, vol. 1), edited by Athalya Brenner and Jan Willem Van Henten (1999), pp. 50-77, Leiden: Deo Publishing
  7. C.L. Meyers, Mother to Muse: An Archaeomusical Study of Women's Performance in Ancient Israel, in Recycling Biblical Figures: Papers read at a NOSTER colloquium in Amsterdam, 12-13 May 1997 (Studies in Theology and Religion, vol. 1), edited by Athalya Brenner and Jan Willem Van Henten (1999), pp. 50-77, Leiden: Deo Publishing

Book Reviews

  1. Meyers, CL, Was ancient Israel a patriarchal society?, Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 133 no. 1 (2014), pp. 8-27, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISSN 0021-9231 [doi]
  2. Kraus, H; Meyers CL, Gender Issues in Ancient and Reformation Translations of Genesis 1-4, Religion and Gender., vol. Oxford: Oxford University Press.2 no. 2 (2012), pp. 371-374 (
  3. Yasur-Landau, A; Ebeling, JR; Mazow, LB; Meyers CL, Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 50; Leiden: Brill., Strata, the Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society, vol. 30 (2012)
  4. Meyers, CL, Methods for Exodus, Methods in Biblical Interpretation, edited by Dozeman, TB, Shofar, an Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 30 (2011), pp. 218-220 (online, 2010:
  5. Burnett, JS; Meyers CL, Where is God? Divine Absence in the Hebrew Bible, Interpretation, vol. 65 (2011), pp. 3049-3049
  6. Schipper, J; Meyers CL, Parables and Conflict in the Hebrew Bible, Biblical Interpretation (2010)
  7. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, E, 28 Years Later: Couple Recalls Finding ‘Lost Ark, Biblical Archaeology Review, vol. 36 (2010), pp. 44-46
  8. Meyers, E; Meyers CL, Response to Jodi Magness’s Review of the Final Publication of Nabratein, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. 359 (2010), pp. 67-76
  9. Hess, R; Meyers CL, Israelite Religion: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey, for the American Journal of Archaeology Online Reviews, vol. 113.4 (October, 2009) ("". (2009). (downloadable pdf file.).) [pdf]
  10. Bodel, J; Olyan, SM; Meyers CL, Household and Family Religion in Antiquity, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 71 (2009) (The Ancient World: Comparative Histories..)
  11. Niditch, S; Meyers CL, Judges: A Commentary, Interpretation 63 (2009), pp. 196-196 (Old Testament Library.)
  12. Meyers, CL, The Persian Period at Sepphoris, (Ephraim Stern festschrift volume);, edited by Ben-Tor, A; al, IE; Gitin, S; Reich, R, vol. Eretz Israel 29 (2009), pp. 136*-143*, Israel Exploration Society in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem., Jerusalem (with Eric Meyers.)
  13. Meyers, CL, Archologie als Fenster zum Leben von Frauen in Alt-Israel, in Bibel—Alten Testament: Tora, Bibel und die Frauen: Eine exegtisch-kulturgeschichtliche Enzyklopädie, edited by Fischer, I; Puerto, MN; Taschl-Erber, A (2009), pp. 63-109, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart (German translation of: "Archaeolgoy as a Window to the Lives of Israelite Women." Volume 1.1 of 22 volumes, to be published in 4 languages..)
  14. Meyers, CL, In the Household and Beyond: The Social World of Israelite Women, Nordic Journal of Theology, vol. 63 (2009), pp. 19-41, Studia Theologica
  15. Meyers, CL, Getzel M. Cohen and Martha Sharp Joukowsky, eds., Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists, Near East Archaeology, vol. 70 (2007), pp. 62-64
  16. Meyers, CL, Hennie J. Marsman, Women in Ugarit and Israel: Their Social and Religious Position in the Context of the Ancient Near East, Biblica 86, vol. (OTS 49), (2005), pp. 448-451
  17. Willis, TW; Meyers CL, The Elders of the City: A Study of Elders-Laws in Deuteronomy, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. XLVIII (Fall, 2003), pp. 147-149
  18. Clark, DJ; Hatton, HA; Meyers CL, A Handbook on Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, Catholic Biblical Quarterly (2003)
  19. Braun, J; Meyers CL, Music in Ancient Palestine: Archaeological, Written, and Comparative Sources, Notes: The Quarterly of the Music Library Association, vol. 59 (2003), pp. 877-879
  20. King, PJ; Stager, LE, Life in Biblical Israel, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. 331 (2003), pp. 84-86
  21. Arav, R; Freund, R; Meyers CL, Bethsaida: A City by the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee.Volume Two, Bethsaida Excavation Project, in Review of Biblical Literature, ed. Marvin A. Sweeny, edited by Sweeny, MA (2002), pp. 84-87, Atlanta: Society of Bilical Literature [html]
  22. Carmichael, CM; Meyers CL, The Origins of Biblical Law: The Decalogues and the Book of the Covenant, Journal of Law and Religion, vol. XVII (2002), pp. 397–399-397–399 (special issue on Jewish and biblical law.)
  23. Meyers, CL, Having Their Space and Eating There Too: Bread Production and Female Power in Ancient Israelite Households, Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies, vol. 5 (2002), pp. 14-44
  24. with Meyers, CL; Dessel, JP; Meyers, EM, Tel ‘En Sippori, 2000, Israel Exploration Journal, vol. 51 (2001), pp. 99–105-figs. 1–4 (Notes and News: Excavations and Surveys.)
  25. McNutt, PM; Meyers CL, Reconstructing the Society of Ancient Israel, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. 230 (2000), pp. 95–96-95–96
  26. Meyers, CL, Discovering Women in Scripture, Bible Review, vol. 16 (2000), pp. 8-59 (republished: in Renaissance CD-ROM. Boca Raton, Florida: SIRS Mandarin Inc., 2001.)
  27. Silberman, N; Small, D, The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interrogating the Present, Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 118 (1999), pp. 530-531
  28. Schwartz, RM; Meyers CL, The Curse of Cain: The Violent Legacy of Monotheism, Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 18 (1999), pp. 151-154
  29. Meyers, CL; Dessel, JP, A Second Lead Figurine from Tel Ein Zippori, Near Eastern Archaeology, vol. 62 (1999), pp. 53-54
  30. MEYERS, CL, Jachin and Boaz in Religious and Political Perspective, CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY, vol. 45 no. 2 (1983), pp. 167-178, ISSN 0008-7912 [Gateway.cgi]

Articles in a Collection

  1. Bernardo, JM; Bayarri, MJ; Berger, JO; Dawid, AP; Heckerman, D; Smith, AFM; West, M, Preface, vol. 9780199694587 (January, 2012), ISBN 9780199694587 [doi]
  2. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, Sepphoris, in The [Oxford] Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology,, edited by Editor-in-Chief, DM; Nakhai, BA; Abraham Faust, LMW; Zangenberg, J (2012), New York: OXford University Press
  3. Meyers, CL, Zadok; Cherubim; Tabernacle, in Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, edited by Orlin, E (2012), Routledge
  4. Meyers, CL, Women’s Religious Life in Ancient Israel, in Women’s Bible Commentary, 3rd edition. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox, edited by Newsom, CA; Ringe, SH; Lapsley, JE (2012), pp. 354-361
  5. Meyers, CL, The Function of Feasts: Socio-Political Aspects of Religious Events, in Social Theory and the Study of Israelite Religion: Essays in Retrospect and Prospect, Resources for Biblical Studies 71; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, edited by Olyan, S (2012), pp. 141-168
  6. Meyers, CL, Birthstool, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, edited by al, BME; Gruyter, BWD, vol. 4 (2012), pp. 64-64, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  7. Meyers, CL, Food and the First Family: A Socioeconomic Reading of the Eden Tale, in The Book of Genesis: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation, Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature, Vetus Testamentum Supplements 152. Leiden: Brill, edited by Evans, CA; Lohr, JN; Petersen, DL (2012), pp. 137-157
  8. Goodacre, MS, The Talpiyot Tomb and the Bloggers, edited by Meyers, EM; Meyers, C, Archaeology, Bible, Politics and the Media: Proceedings of the Duke University Conference, April 23–24, 2009 (2012), pp. 56-68, Eisenbrauns
  9. Various, Archaeology, Bible, Politics, and the Media: Proceedings of the Duke University Conference, April 23-24, 2009, edited by Meyers, C; Meyers, E, Proceedings of the Duke University Conference (2012), pp. 1-11, Eisenbrauns
  10. Adam, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 9, New York: Cambridge University Press
  11. Ancestral Narratives, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 63-64, New York: Cambridge University Press
  12. Bible: Music and Dance, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 66-67, New York: Cambridge University Press
  13. Hannah, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 214, New York: Cambridge University Press
  14. Illness and Disease: Bible and Ancient Near East, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 271-272, New York: Cambridge University Press
  15. Israelites: Marriage and Family, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 309-312, New York: Cambridge University Press
  16. Menorah, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 423-424, New York: Cambridge University Press
  17. Rebekah, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 515, New York: Cambridge University Press
  18. Women, Ancient: Biblical Representations, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 646-648, New York: Cambridge University Press
  19. Women,Ancient: Israelite, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism, edited by Judith Baskin (2011), pp. 649-650, New York: Cambridge University Press
  20. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, The Material Culture of Late Hellenistic-Early Roman Palestinian Judaism: What It Can Tell Us about Earliest Christianity and the New Testament, in Neues Testament und Hellenisticsche-Jüdische Alltagskultur–Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen, 3. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti, edited by Deines, R; Herzer, J; Niebuhr, UK-W, vol. WUNTXXX (2011), pp. 3-23, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
  21. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, The Book of Zechariah, in The New American Bible (2011), pp. 118OT-1129OT, Fireside Cathollic Publishing, Witchita, Kansas  [author's comments]
  22. Meyers, EM, The Book of Haggai, in The New American Bible (2011), pp. 115OT-117OT, Fireside Cathollic Publishing, Witchita, Kansas  [author's comments]
  23. Meyers, CL, Archaeology–A WIndow to the Lives of Israelite Women, in Torah, The Bible and Women: An Encyclopedia of Exegesis and Cultural History., edited by Fischer, I; Puerto, MN; AndreaTaschl-Erber,, vol. 1 no. 1 (2011), pp. 61-108, Atlanta:Society of Biblical Literature and Leiden: Brill (Series editors: Irmtraud Fischer, Mercedes Navarro Puerto, Jorunn Økland, Adriana Valerio, and Christiana de Groot; also published in German, Italian and Spanish.)
  24. Meyers, CL, Family I. HB/OT, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, edited by al, BME (2011), Berline: Walter de Gruyter (60 volumes, and electronic..)
  25. Meyers, CL, Father’s House and Mother’s House I. HB/OT, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, edited by al, BME (2011), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (60 volumes, and electronic..)
  26. Meyers, CL, Flour for Bread: Did New Technology of the Roman Period Cause a Crisis for Jewish Women?, in Judaism and Crisis: Crisis as a Catalyst in Jewish Cultural History, Schriften Des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, edited by Lang, A; Römheld, KFD; Weigold, M (2011), pp. 237-258, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG
  27. Exodus, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, edited by Daniel M. Patte (2010), pp. 402-403, New York: Cambridge University Press (Bibliography online at:
  28. Meyers, CL, Archeologia: Una Finestra sulle Vita sulle Vita Donne Israelite, in La Bibbia e Le Donne: Collana di Escesi, Cultura e Storia: La Torah, edited by Fischer, I; Puerto, MN; Andrea-Taschl-Erber,, vol. Vol 1.1 of 22 volumes (2010), pp. 65-110, Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe (German translation appeared in 2009.)  [author's comments]
  29. Meyers, CL, Interrogating Terracottas: The Religious Culture of Israelite Women, in Qu(e)rying Archaeology: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary, edited by Terendy, S; Lyons, N; Janse-Smekel, M (2010), pp. 217-227, Calgary: Chacmool, the Archaeological Society of the University of Calgary (published in 2009, but not known to me until 2010.)
  30. Meyers, CL, Household Religion, in Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel, edited by Stavrakopoulou, F; Barton, J (2010), pp. 118-134, Edinburgh: T&T Clark International (Continuum)
  31. Meyers, CL, Exodus, in The New Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version With The Apocrypha, fourth, fully revised, edited by Coogan, MD (2010), pp. 81-140, New York: Oxford University Press (Ecumenical Study Bible.)
  32. Meyers, CL, Arqueologia: Una ventano abierta a la vida de las mujeres israelitas, in La Torah, La Biblia y las Mujeres: La Biblia Hebrea (Antiguo Testamento); ): Colección de exégesis, cultura e histoira, edited by Navarri, M; Fischer, I; Taschl-Erber, A, vol. I (2010), pp. 75-126, Estella (Navarra), Spain: Editorial Verho Divino
  33. Meyers, CL, Joshua, in The Oxford Jewish Study Bible, edited by Berlin, A; Brettler, M (2010), New York: Oxford University Press (2006 publication, now available online: available online: Introduction, with commentary following: .)
  34. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, Images and Identity: Menorah Representations at Sepphoris, in Rachel Hachlili festschrift, edited by Killebrew, A; Segal, A (2010)
  35. Meyers, CL, The Biblical Tabernacle: From Sinai to Jerusalem, in Cambridge History f Religious Architecture of the World: Jewish Architecture, edited by Fine, S (2010), Cambridge University Press
  36. Meyers, CL, Feast Days and Foodways: Religious Dimensions of Household Life, in Household Religion—Towards a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies, edited by Albertz, R; Nakhai, BA; Olyan, S; Schmidt, R (2010) (proceedings of International Conference on Household Religion—Towards a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies. Westfälisches Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Government). Münster, Germany, 1 April 2009.)
  37. Meyers, CL, Frame Drums in the Ancient Levant, in Transculturation & Organology: Frame Drums in History & Context, edited by Graham, R (2010), Ohio: Kent State University Press
  38. Meyers, CL, Menorah, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 4 (2009), pp. 42-43, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN (Volume 4..)
  39. Meyers, CL, Offset, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 4 (2009), pp. 321-321, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN (Volume 4..)
  40. Meyers, CL, Beyond the Bible: Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Study of Israelite Women, in Daughters of Zillah: A Retrospective of the Influence of Feminist Hermeneutics on Methodology of the Hebrew Bible, edited by Madalene, FR, vol. 3 (2009), Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press (The Feminist Hermeneutics of the Hebrew Bible Retrospective Project; Recent Research in Biblical Studies.)
  41. Meyers, CL, Problematizing the Study of Cultic Participants, Pillar Figurines, and Cultic Personnel, in The Archaeology of Worship in Biblical Israel, edited by Gittlen, B (2009), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana
  42. Meyers, CL, Comments on Sherds with Incised or Painted Menorahs, in The Pottery from Ancient Sepphoris, edited by Meyers, C; Meyers, E (2009), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana (by Marva Balouka and Anna DiVincenz, with contributions by Eric Meyers and Carol Meyers; forthcoming.)
  43. Meyers, CL, Archaeology, in Feminist Influence on Biblical Methodology: A Retrospective, Recent Research in Biblical Studies, edited by Madelene, R (2009), T&T Clark, New York
  44. Meyers, CL, Women in the OT, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible., Volume 5, edited by al, KDSE (2009), pp. pp.879-882, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN
  45. Meyers, CL, Archäologie als Fenster zum Leben von Frauen in Alt-Israel, in Bibel—Alten Testament: Tora, edited by Fischer, I; Puerto, MN; Taschl-Erber, A (2009), pp. 63-109, Kohlhammer
  46. Meyers, CL, Resolving Marital Discord: Devar Acher on NASO, Num 4.21-7.89, in Reform Voices of Torah (June, 2008), Union for Reform Judaism, Department of Lifetime Jewish Learning, New York (Online Torah Commentary..)
  47. Meyers, CL, Lilly-Work, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 3 (2008), pp. 665-665, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN
  48. Meyers, CL, Laver, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 3 (2008), pp. 587-587, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN
  49. Meyers, CL, Lampstand, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 3 (2008), pp. 570-570, Abingdon Press
  50. Meyers, CL, Lamp (OT), in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 3 (2008), pp. 569-570, Abingdon Press., Nashville, TN
  51. Meyers, CL, Kettle, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by al, KDSE, vol. 3 (2008), pp. 493-493, Abingdon Press., Nashville, TN
  52. with Meyers, CL; Dessel, JP; Meyers, EM, Tell ‘Ein Zippori, in New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E (2008), pp. 1730-1732, Israel Exploration Society, jerusalem (Supplementary Volume; Vol. 5..)
  53. Meyers, CL, Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 514-514, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  54. Meyers, CL, Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 445-445, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  55. Meyers, CL, Noach (Genesis 7:9-11:32), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 53-53, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  56. Meyers, CL, Bereshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8, in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 27-28, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  57. Meyers, CL, Vayak’heil (Exodus 35:1-38:20), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 521-537, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  58. Meyers, CL, T’tzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary (2008), pp. 473-488, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  59. Meyers, CL, Contributing to Continuity: Women and Sacrifice in Ancient Israel, in Women and the Gift: Beyond the Given and All-Giving, edited by Joy, M (2008), Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press
  60. Meyers, CL, Framing Aaron: Incense Altar and Lamp Oil in the Tabernacle Texts, in Sacred History, Sacred Literature: Essays on Ancient Israel, the Bible, andReligion in Honor of R. E. Friedman on His Sixtieth Birthday, edited by Dolansky, S (2008), pp. 13-21, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana
  61. Meyers, CL, Seven-Spout Oil Lamps in Ancient Palestine, in Die Zahl Sieben imAlten Orient: Studien zur Zahlensymbolik in der Bibel und ihreraltorientalischen Umwelt (The Number Seven in the Ancient Near East: Studies on the Numerical Symbolism in Hebrew Bible and Its Ancient Near Eastern Environment, edited by Reinhold, GGG no. 45-54 (2008), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Maim
  62. Meyers, CL, Engendering Ezekiel, in Near Eastern Birkat Shalom Studies in the Bible, Ancient, and Postbiblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M.Paul on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, edited by ChaimCohen, AH; Hurvitz, A; Muffs, Y; Schwartz, BJ; Tigay, J, vol. 1 (2008), pp. 281-297, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana
  63. Meyers, CL, Terracottas without Texts: Judean Pillar Figurines in Anthropological Perspective, in To Break Every Yoke: Essays in Honor of Marvin L. Chaney, edited by Coote, RB; Gottwald, NK (2008), pp. 115-130, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield Academic Press ((Social World of Biblical Antiquity, Second Series, 3..)
  64. Meyers, CL, Women in Ancient Israel: An Overview, in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. xli-lxviii, Union for Reform Judaism Press, New York
  65. Meyers, CL, Grinding to a Halt: Gender and the Changing Technology of Flour Production in Roman Galilee, in Engendering Social Dynamics: the Archaeology of Maintenance Activities, edited by Montón-Subías, S; Sánchez-Romero, M (2008), pp. 65-74, Archaeo Press, Oxford:BAR International Series 1862.
  66. Meyers, CL, R’eih (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 1134-1134, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  67. Meyers, CL, B’chukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 780-780, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  68. Meyers, CL, Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 587-587, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  69. Meyers, CL, P’kudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38),”, in The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 545-559, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  70. Meyers, CL, T’rumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19), in The Torah: A Women’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 451-466, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  71. Meyers, CL, B’shalah (Exodus 13:17-17:16), in The Torah: A Women’s Commentary, edited by Eskenazi, T; Weiss, A (2008), pp. 379-99, Union for Reform Judaism Press
  72. Meyers, CL, Women in the Biblical Period, in Encyclopedia Judaica, second revised;, edited by Berenbaum, M; Skolnick, F, vol. 21 (2007), pp. 151-208, Keter; Macmillan, Jerusalem; Detroit
  73. Meyers, CL, Sarepta, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswisenschaft, fourth;, edited by Betz, HD; Browning, DS; Janowski, B; Jungel, E, vol. 7 (2007), J.C.B. Mohr, Tübingen  [author's comments]
  74. Meyers, CL, Mandrake, in Encyclopedia Judaica, second revised;, edited by Berenbaum, M; Skolnick, F, vol. 13 (2007), pp. 466-466, Keter; Macmillan, Jerusalem;Detroit
  75. Meyers, CL, Women with Hand-Drums, Dancing: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing, Ltd, jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  76. Meyers, CL, Canopy, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by Sakenfeld, KD, vol. Volume 1 (2006), pp. 564-564, Abingdon Press., Nashville, TN
  77. Meyers, CL, Zillah: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem, ISBN available online, 3-1-09
  78. Meyers, CL, Rebekah: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  79. Meyers, CL, Naamah: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  80. Meyers, CL, Mother of Micah: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  81. Meyers, CL, Midwife: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  82. Meyers, CL, Jochebed: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  83. Meyers, CL, Eve: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  84. Meyers, CL, Adah 1: Bible, in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Hyman, PE; Ofer, D (2006), Shalvi Publishing Ltd., Jerusalem (available online, 3-1-09.)
  85. Meyers, CL, Hierarchy or Heterarchy? Archaeology and the Theorizing of Israelite Society, in Confronting the Past: Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honor of William G. Dever, edited by Gitin, S; Dessel, JP; Wright, E (2006), pp. 245-254, Eisenbrauns
  86. Meyers, CL, Jerusalem, in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books, edited by Arnold, BT; Williamson, HGM, vol. Historical Books (2005), pp. 547-556, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois
  87. Meyers, CL, Miriam, Music, and Miracles, in Mariam, the Magdalen, and the Mother, edited by Good, D (2005), pp. 27-48, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana
  88. show, RT; Meyers CL, Women of the Bible—Current Issues, in WTKT-CNN, Tuscon, Arizona; (2003)
  89. Meyers, CL, Engendering Ezekiel, in Festscrift for Shalom Press, edited by Chaim Cohen, Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi Hurvitz, Yochanan Muffs, Baruch J Schwartz, Jeffrey Tigay, edited by C, (2003), Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns
  90. Meyers, CL, Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34), in another view/commentary for WRJ Women’s Commentary on the Torah, edited by Eskenazi, T (2003), New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations
  91. Meyers, CL, Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19), Vayahel (Exodus 35:1-38:20), Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), in Main Commentaries for WRJ Women’s Commentary on the Torah,, edited by Tamara Eskenazi (2003), New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations
  92. Meyers, CL, Engendering Syro-Palestinian Archaeology: Reasons and Resources, in Near Eastern Archaeology (2003)
  93. Meyers, CL, Sarepta, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th edition, edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jungel (2003), Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)
  94. Meyers, CL, Adah 1, Eve, Jochebed, Midwife, Mother of Micah, Naamah 1, Rebekah, Women with Hand-drums, Dancing, Zillah, in JewishWomen: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia (CD-ROM),, edited by Paula Hyman and Dalia Ofer (2003), Jerusalem: Shalvi Publishing Ltd
  95. Meyers, CL, Miriam, Music, and Miracles, in Mary Magdalene: Prophet and Apostle in the Miriamic Tradition,, edited by Deirdre Good (2003), Indiana University Press
  96. Meyers, CL, Jerusalem, in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books (DOTHB),, edited by Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson (2003), Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press
  97. Meyers, CL, Finding Our Foremothers: The Lives of Israelite Women, in Proceedings of Conference on Finding a Home: Jewish Women’s Studies in the Academy, edited by Reinharz, S; Schwartz, SR (2003), New York
  98. Meyers, CL, Menorah, in Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology (2003), New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
  99. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, EM, Haggai, Zechariah, in New American Bible (NAB) revised Old Testament (2003), Catholic Biblical Association
  100. Dessel, JP; Meyers, EM, Tel ’Ein Zippori, in Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land,, edited by Ephraim Stern (2003), Jerusalem, Israel: Israel Exploration Society
  101. Meyers, CL, Hierarchy or Heterarchy? Archaeology and the Theorizing of Israelite Society, in Festschrift for William G. Dever., edied by Seymour Gitin, J.P. Dessel, J. Edward Wright (2003)
  102. Meyers, CL, Peopling the Past: Gender and Representation in Syria-Palestinian Archaeology, in Festschrift for Seymour Gitin,, edied by Amnon Ben-Tor, Sidnie White Crawford, J.P. Dessel, and Amihai Mazar (2003)
  103. Meyers, CL, “Material Remains and Social Relations: Women’s Culture in Agrarian Households of the Iron Age.”, in Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palestine, edited by Dever, WG; Gitin, S (2003), Eisenbrauns
  104. Meyers, CL, Everyday Life in Ancient Israel: Women’s Social Networks, in Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East (Proceedings of the 1999 Mid-West Regional SBL/ASOR/AOS Meetings), edited by Richard E. Averbeck, Mark W. Chavalas, and David B. Weisberg (2003), pp. 187-206, Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press
  105. Meyers, CL, Material Remains and Social Relations: Women’s Culture in Agrarian Households of the Iron Age, in Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palestine., Proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem, May 29-31, 2000), edited by William G. Dever and Seympour Gitin, edited by Dever, WG; Gitin, S (2003), pp. 425-44, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns
  106. Meyers, CL, Rape or Remedy: Sex and Violence in Prophetic Marriage Metaphors, in Beitrage des Symposiums: "Das Altes Testament und die Kultur der Moderne, anlaesslisch des 100 Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads (1901-1971), Heidelberg, 18.21.Oktober 2001,, edited by Hugh Williamson, Konrad Schmid, and Irmtraud Fischer (2003), pp. 185-198, Muenster: Lit-Verlag
  107. Meyers, CL, Joshua, in Oxford Jewish Study Bible,, edited by Adele Berlin and Marc Brettler (2003), pp. 462-507, New York: Oxford University Press
  108. Meyers, CL, From Field Crop to Food: Attributing Gender and Meaning to Bread Production in Iron Age Israel, in The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the “Other” in Antiquity: Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers,, edited by Douglas R. Edwards and C. Thomas McCullough (2003), Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns
  109. Meyers, CL, Where the Girls Are Archaeology and Womens Lives in Ancient Israel, in Between Text and Artifact: Integrating Archaeology and Biblical Studies Teaching, edited by Milton Moreland, edited by Moreland, M (2003), pp. 31-51, Leiden and Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature
  110. Meyers, CL, ‘Where the Girls Are’—Archaeology and Women’s Lives in Ancient Israel, in Between Text and Artifact: Integrating Archaeology and Biblical Studies,, edited by Moreland, M (2003), pp. 31-51, Leiden and Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature
  111. Meyers, CL, From Household to House of Yahweh: Women’s Religious Culture in Ancient Israel, in Congress Volume Basel 2002, Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol. 92, edited by Lemaire, A (2002), pp. 277-303, Leiden and Boston: Brill
  112. Meyers, CL, Tribes and Tribulations: Retheorizing Earliest ‘Israel, in Tracking ‘The Tribes of Yahweh’: On the Trail of a Classic, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 351, edited by Boer, R (2002), pp. 35-45, New York and London: Sheffield Academic Press
  113. Meyers, CL, Making Biblical Women Visible, in Bible and Interpretation (June, 2001) [htm]
  114. Meyers, CL, Chapter 5, "Kinship to Kingship", in The Oxford History of the Biblical World, paperback, edited by Coogan, MD (2001), pp. 165-205, New York: Oxford University Press
  115. Meyers, CL, Early Israel and the Rise of the Israelite Monarchy, in The Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible, edited by Perdue, LG (2001), pp. 61–86-61–86, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
  116. with Meyers, CL; Meyers, E, Sepphoris; Diocaesarea, in The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, 3rd edition, edited by Negev, A; Gibson, S (2001), pp. 454–456-454–456, New York and London: Continuum Press
  117. Meyers, CL, Esther, in The Oxford Bible Commentary, edited by Barton, J; Muddiman, J (2001), pp. 324–332-324–332, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  118. Meyers, CL, Inheritance in Ancient Israel, in Parashat Pinhas: Legacy of Law, Leadership and Land, Numbers 25:10-30:1, WRJ Women’s Commentary on the Torah, edited by Eskenazi, T (2001), pp. 4-24, New York: Women of Reform Judaism/Federation of Temple Sisterhoods
  119. with Toni Craven and Ross S. Kraemer, Preface, in Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, and the New Testament, edited by Carol Meyers, Toni Craven, Ross S. Kraemer (2000), Boston: Houghton Mifflin (
    Paperback--Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2000

    "An Introduction to the Bible: Critical Biblical Scholarship" and “The Hebrew Bible," pp. 1-11 in ibid

    Major entries in ibid: “Eve,” pp. 79–82; “Rebekah,” pp. 143–144; “Female Images of God in the Hebrew Bible,” pp. 525–28.

    Named Women, medium to short entries, in ibid:“Adah 1,” p. 46; “Ahlai,” p. 49; “Basemath 2,” p. 57; “Deborah 1,” pp. 65–66; “Iscah,” p. 97; “Jochebed,” p. 103; “Mara,” p. 114; “Naamah 1,” p. 129; “Tamar 3,” pp. 164–165; “Zillah,” p. 169.

    Unnamed Women, medium to short entries, in ibid: “Wife of Cain (Gen 4:17),” pp. 175–176; “Daughters (and Sons) of Adam, Seth, Enoch, Kenan, Mahalel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah (Gen 5:4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26),” p. 176; “Daughters (and Sons) of Shem, Arpachshad, Shelah, Peleg, Reu, Sereg, and Nahor (Gen 11:10–11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25),” p. 178; “Female (and Male) Slaves (Gen 12:16; 20:14; 24:35; 30:43; 32:5; Exod 11:5; 1 Sam 25:41; 2 Kgs 5:26; Esth 7:4,” pp. 178–179; “Wife and Female Slaves of Abimelech (Gen 20:17),” pp. 179–180; “Women Drawing Water (Gen 24:11, 13),” p. 180; “Mother of Rebekah (Gen 24:53-60),” pp. 180–181; “Maids of Rebekah (Gen 24:61),” p. 181; “Daughters of Laban to Be Jacob’s Only Wives (Gen 31:50),” pp. 181–182; “Daughters/Women of the Region; Daughters of the Jacob Group (Gen 34:1, 9, 16, 21, 29),” p. 182; “Midwife (Gen 35:17; 38:28),” pp. 182–183; “Daughters (and Sons) of Jacob (Gen 37:35),” pp. 183–184; “Hebrew Female Babies in Egypt (Exod 1:19; 2:7),” p. 185; “Attendants of the Daughter of Pharaoh (Exod 2:5),” p. 186; “Seven Daughters of the Priest of Midian” (Exod 2:16-20),” p. 187; “Daughters (and Sons) of Israelites in Egypt (Exod 3:22),” pp. 187-188; “Women (and Men) with Jewelry and Clothing (Exod 3:22; 11:2; 32:2-3; 35:22-24, 29; 36:2-7),” p. 188; “Egyptian Women (Exod 3:22; 11: 2),” pp. 188- 189; “Women with Hand-Drums, Dancing (Exod 15:20; 1 Sam 18:6-7; 2 Sam 1:20; Ps 68: 25; Jer 31:4, 13),” pp. 189-191; “Daughters (and Sons) of a Hebrew Slave (Exod 21:4-5),” p. 192; “Mother (or Father) Cursed or Struck by Offspring (Exod 21:15, 17; Lev 20: 9),” pp. 194-195; “Woman Caused to Miscarry (Exod 21:22-23),” p. 195; “Female Sorcerer (Exod 22:18; Isa 57:3),” p. 197; “Barren Woman (Exod 23:26; Job 24:21; Ps 113:9; Isa 54:1),” pp. 199-200; “Daughters of the Inhabitants of the Land as Marriage Partners (Exod 34:16; Gen 24:3; 27:46; 28:1, 6, 8; Deut 7:3; Josh 23:12-13; Judg 3:5-6),” pp. 200-201; “Skilled Women (and Men) (Exod 35:25-26; 36:6),” pp. 201-202; “Women at the Entrance to the Tent of Meeting (Exod 38:8; 1 Sam 2:22),” p. 202; “Person (Female or Male) Presenting an Offering (Lev 2:1; also Lev 4:2, 27; 5:1-2, 4, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27; 23: 29-30B; Num 5: 6; 15: 27, 30; 19:22; 31:19; 35:11, 15, 30B),” p. 203; “Daughters (and Sons) of a Priest (Lev 10: 14-15; 22: 12-13; Num 18:11, 19),” p. 203; “Blemished Women (and Men) (Lev 13:29, 38; Num 5:2-4),” pp. 204-205; “Women as Legitimate Sexual Partners for Men; Women (and Men) Prohibited from Practicing Bestiality (Lev 18: 22, 23; 20:16),” pp. 208-209; “Women as Bread Bakers (Lev 26:26),” pp. 213-214; “Mother (and Father) Cannibalizing Their Daughters (and Sons) (Lev 26:29; Deut 28: 53-57; Jer 19:9; Lam 2:20; 4:10),” pp. 214-15; “Female (and Male) Valuations in Votary Pledges (Lev 27: 2-8),” pp. 215-16; “Nurse (Num 11: 12),” p. 218; “Wives (and Children) as Booty (Num 14:3),” pp. 219-220; “Israelite Wives (Deut 3:19),” p. 223; “Sterile Female (and Male) (Deut 7:14),” pp. 223-24; “Daughters (and Sons) and Female (and Male) Slaves, Rejoicing (Deut 12:12; 16:11, 14),” p. 224; “Women (Daughter, Wife) (and Men: Brother, Son) Who Lead a Person to Idolatry (Deut 13:6),” pp. 225-226; “Women (and Men) Who Break the Covenant (Deut 17:2-5; 29:18),” p. 226; “Women in Distant Towns as Booty (Deut 20:14; 21:11-14),” pp. 227-228; “Mother (and Father) of Captive Women (Deut 21:13),” p. 228; “Mother (and Father) Dealing with a Rebellious Son (Deut 21:18-21),” p. 229; “Women’s (and Men’s) Clothing (Deut 22:5),” pp. 229-230; “Israelite Women in the Covenant Community (Deut 29:11; 31:12; Josh 8:35),” pp. 235-236; “Mother (and Father) of Levi (Deut 33:9),” p. 236; “Women (and Men) of Jericho and Ai (Josh 6:21; 8:25),” p. 237; “Daughters (and Sons) of Achan (Josh 7:24),” pp. 237-238; “Girls as Booty (Judg 5:30),” pp. 239-240; “Mother of Gideon (Judg 8:19),” p. 240; “Wives of Gideon (Judg 8:30),” p. 240; “Concubine of Gideon (Jerubbaal) (Judg 8:31; 9:1,3,18),” pp. 240-241; “Women (and Men) in the Tower of Shechem (Judg 9:49),” p. 241; “Women (and Men) in the Tower of Thebez (Judg 9:51),” p. 241; “Woman of Thebez (Judg 9:53-54; 2 Sam 11:21),” pp. 241-242; “Daughters of Israel Lamenting Jephthah’s Daughter (Judg 11:40),” pp. 244-245; “Daughters (and Sons) and Daughters-in-Law (and Sons-in-Law) of Ibzan (Judg 12:9),” p. 245; “Mother of Micah (Judg 17:1-4),” p. 248; “Women of Jabesh-gilead (Judg 21:10-14),” p. 251; “Mothers of Ruth and Orpah (Ruth 1:8; 2:11),” pp. 252-253; “Women of Bethlehem (Ruth 1:19; 4:14-15),” p. 253; “Young Women of Boaz (Ruth 2:8, 22; 3:2),” p. 253; “Women of the Neighborhood (Ruth 4:17),” p. 254; “Daughters as Perfumers, Cooks, and Bakers (1 Sam 8:13),” p. 255; “Childless Women (1 Sam 15:33),” p. 256; “Women Kept Away from David’s Men (1 Sam 21:4-5),” pp. 256-257; “Mother (and Father) of David (1 Sam 22:3-4),” p. 257; “Women (and Men) of Nob (1 Sam 22:19),” p. 258; “Maids of Abigail (1 Sam 25:42),” p. 258; “Women (Wives and Daughters [and Sons]) of Ziklag (1 Sam 30: 2-3, 6, 19, 22),” p. 259; “Weeping Daughters (2 Sam 1:24),” p. 260; “Women’s Love, Compared with That of Jonathan and David (2 Sam 1: 26),” p. 260; “Wives and Concubines of David, Taken in Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:13),” p. 261; “Women (and Men) of the Ark Ceremony (2 Sam 6:19),” p. 261; “Singing Women (and Men) (2 Sam 19:35); Eccl 2:8; 12:4),” p. 265-66; “Mother (and Father) of Barzillai (2 Sam 19:37),” p. 266; “Mother of Hiram (1 Kgs 7:13-14; 2 Chr 2:14),” p. 270; “Mother (and Father) of Elisha (1 Kgs 19:20),” p. 273; “Daughters (and Sons) of Heman (1 Chr 25:5-6),” p. 281; “Judean Women and Daughters (and Sons) Captured by Israelites (2 Chr 28:8, 10-15; 29:9),” p. 283; “Singing Women (and Men) Who Lament (2 Chr 35:25),” p. 284; “Young Women (and Men) Slaughtered (2 Chr 36:17),” p. 284; “Women (and Men and Children) in Assembly (Ezra 10:1),” p. 286; “Daughters (and Sons) and Wives in Rebuilt Jerusalem (Neh 4:14; 5:1-2, 5),” p. 287; “Women at Vashti’s Banquet (Esth 1:9),” pp. 289-290; “Women in the King’s Decree (Esth 3:13),” p. 291; “Woman (or Man) Going Unbidden to the King (Esth 4:11),” pp. 291-292; “Born of Woman (Job 14:1; 25:4),” pp. 293-94; “Sister and Mother (and Father) of Job (Job 17:14),” p. 294; “Serving Girls (and Male Servants) of Job (Job 19:15 [and 16]; 31:13),” p. 294; “Virgin (Job 31:1),” p. 295; “Sisters (and Brothers) of Job (Job 42:11),” p. 296; “Sisters (and Brothers) of the Psalmist (Ps 20:22),” p. 297; “Woman in Labor (Ps 48:7),” pp. 298-299; “Those Who Bear Tidings; Herald (Ps 68:11; Isa 40:9),” p. 299; “Women Dividing the Spoil (Ps 68:12),” p. 300; “Young Women (and Young Men) (Pss 78:63; 148:12),” p. 300; “Daughters Compared to Pillars (Ps 144:12),” p. 301; “Young and Old Women (and Men) (Ps 148:12),” p. 302; “Wise Woman Building Her House (Prov 14:1),” p. 306; “Daughters (NRSV, Servant Girls) (Prov 27:27; 31:15),” p. 307; “Women Who Grind (Eccl 12:3),” p. 310; “Women Looking Through Windows (Eccl 12:3),” p. 310; “Maidens (Song 1:3; 6:8-9),” p. 312; “Mother of Woman/Lover/ Shulammite (Song 1:6; 3:4; 6:9; 8:1-2),” pp. 313-314; “Mother of Solomon (Song 3:11),” p. 314; “Mother of Male Lover (Song 8:5),” p. 315; “Female (and Male) Slaves (Isa 14:2),” p. 319; “Women Making a Fire (Isa 27:11),” pp. 320-21; “Queens (Isa 49:23),” pp. 322-23; “Mother of Jeremiah (Jer 1:5; 15:10; 20:14, 17, 18),” p. 324; “Bride (and Bridegroom) (Jer 2:2, 32; 7:34; 16:9; 25:10; 33:11),” p. 324; “Mourning Women (Jer 9:17-20; Ezek 32:16),” pp. 327-28; “Sister (Jer 22:18),” p. 330; “Women (and Men) Remaining in the Land (Jer 40:7),” p. 331; “Mother of Priest (Hos 4:5),” pp. 344-345; “Daughters and Daughters-in-Law of Priest (Hos 4:13-14),” p. 345; “Young Women in Mourning (Joel 1:8),” p. 346; “Bride (and Bridegroom) (Joel 2:16),” pp. 346-347; “Female (and Male) Slaves (Joel 2:29),” p. 347; “Girls Sold for Wine (and Boys Traded for Prostitutes) (Joel 3:3),” p. 347; “Daughters (and Sons) to Be Sold by Judeans (Joel 3:8),” pp. 347-348; “Edomite Women (NRSV Pity) Cast Off (Amos 1:11),” p. 348; “Beautiful Young Women (and Young Men) (Amos 8:13),” pp. 356-357; “No Women Mentioned (Book of Obadiah),” p. 351; “No Women Mentioned (Book of Jonah),” pp. 351-52; “Daughter (and Son) and Daughter-in-Law; Mother (and Father) and Mother-in-Law (Mic 7:6),” pp. 352-353; “No Women Mentioned (Book of Habakkuk),” pp. 353-354; “No Women Mentioned (Book of Zephaniah),” p. 354; “No Women Mentioned (Book of Haggai),” p. 354; “Old Women (and Men) and Girls (and Boys) (Zech 8:4-5),” p. 355; “Young Women (and Men) (Zech 9:17,” p. 355; “Women of the Houses of David, Nathan, and Levi, and of the Shemites, and of All the Families (Zech 12:12-14),” p. 356; “Mothers (and Fathers) of False Prophets (Zech 13:2-3),” p. 356; “Sister Judah (Jer 3:7-10),” p. 541; “Sister Sodom and Her Daughters (Exek 16:46-61),” p. 541..)

  120. Meyers, CL, ‘asab, in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, edited by Botterweck, GJ; Ringgren, H; Fabry, H-J, vol. XI (2000), pp. 278–280-278–280, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans
  121. Meyers, CL, Deborah, Haggai, Mother’s House, in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, edited by Freedman, DN (2000), pp. 332–32-923–24, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans
  122. Meyers, CL, Haggai/Haggaibuch, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und ReligionswissenSchaft, 4th edition, edited by Betz, HD; Browning, DS; Janowski, B; Jüngel, E, vol. 3 (2000), pp. 1374-1375, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
  123. Meyers, CL, Mother to Muse: An Archaeomusical Study of Women’s Performance in Ancient Israel, in Recycling Biblical Figures: Papers read at a NOSTER colloquium in Amsterdam, 12-13 May 1997 (Studies in Theology and Religion, vol. 1), edited by Brenner, A; Henten, JWV (1999), pp. 50-77, Leiden: Deo Publishing
  124. Meyers, CL, "Wellness and Holiness in the Bible", in Illness and Health in the Jewish Tradition: Writings from the Bible to Today, edited by Freeman, DL; Abrams, JZ (1999), pp. 129-133, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society
  125. Meyers, CL, Origins of Ancient Israel, in Reclaiming Jewish History (Selections from the Proceedings of Colloquium 1997), edited by Cousens, B (1999), pp. 31-64, Farmington Hills, Michigan: International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism and the Milan Press
  126. Meyers, CL, Guilds and Gatherings: Women’s Groups in Ancient Israel, in Realia Dei: Essays in Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Edward F. Campbell, Jr. at His Retirement, edited by Prescott M Williams, J; Hiebert, T (1999), pp. 154-184, Atlanta: Scholars Press
  127. Meyers, CL, "sap"(threshold), in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament X, edited by Botterweck, GJ; Ringgren, H; Fabry, H-J (1999), pp. 296-298, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans
  128. Meyers, CL, Wellness and Holiness in the Bible, in Illness and Health in the Jewish Tradition: Writings from the Bible to Today, edited by Freeman, DL; Abrams, JZ (1999), pp. 129-133, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society
  129. Meyers, CL, "Women of the Neighborhood"(Ruth 4.17): Informal Female Networks in Ancient Israel, in Ruth and Esther (A Feminist Companion to the Bible), Second Series, vol. 3, edited by Breener, A (1999), pp. 110-127, Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press


  1. All ABout Eve: The Latest Word on the First Lady (2012) (KIOS-FM, Omaha Public Radio; broadcast time unknown.)
  2. (round-table radio talk show), Women in Scripture, in WAMC, Albany, NY;, WAMC Radio, Albany, NY. (live broadcast, November 6, 2003)

Cassettes and Videos

  1. Biblical Archaeology (September 1, 2011) (with Eric Meyers; Online Office hours presentation, Duke University Webcast, Duke on Demand.)  [abs]
  2. Femininst Theologians Live! An Interview Series (June, 2011) (DVD Interview project for Perkins Divinity School of Southern Methodist University.)
  3. A Conversation with Eric and Carol Meyers: Ambassadors for Peace - An Interfaith Journey to Turkey (2011) (with Eric Meyers; Duke University Jewish Studies website.)  [abs]
  4. Feminist Theologians Live! An Interview Series (2010) (Perkins Divinity School at Southern Methodist University.)
  5. David and Music (2010) (Bible Odyssey. Website Development of the Society of Biblical Literature.)
  6. "Barely Visible but Very Real: Women's Religious Culture in Ancient Israel" and "Excavations at Ancient Sepphoris: Mosaics and Multiculturalism," (taped November 8 & 9, 2003), Niskayuna, NY: Congregation Agudat Ahim
  7. Origins of Ancient Israel (to be aired Fall 2002), CBC (Canada) two-hour broadcast
  8. Focus on Faith (September, 2001), WUNC-TV panel on Evolution and Religion
  9. Women in Scripture (29 June 2001), hour-long talk show for “THE CONNECTION,” NPR affiliate WBUR, with guest host Dick Gordon. Boston
  10. Dig This! (April, 2001), interview with Thomas Levy for University of California, San Diego, Television (to be aired May 2001.) [library-human-series.asp]
  11. Women’s Domestic Roles (March, 2000), (in Ancient Israel), tele-lecture and video for the Carnegie Foundation’s Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, with Seton Hall University
  12. Two Who Were Called: Rebecca and Ruth (February 9–10, 2000), McFadin Lecture 1; “Two Who Called Out: Miriam and Deborah”—McFadin Lecture 2; “Recalling All Women: Eve”—McFadin Lecture 3. Texas Christian University Ministers Week


  1. Amy Kalmanofsky, Dangerous Sisters of the Bible (2012) (manuscript review for University Press of New England.)
  2. Craig William Tyson, Israel’s Kin Across the Jordan: A Social History of the Ammonites in the Iron Age II (1000–500 BCE) (2012) (manuscript review for Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Series.)
  3. Clinton Bailey, Bedouin Culture in the Bible (2012) (for Yale University Press.)

Op Ed Pieces

  1. Story of Eve Deserves A Second Look, Religion Section of the Albany Union Times (November 8, 2003)