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Wesley A. Kort, Professor Emeritus

Wesley A. Kort
Contact Info:
Office Location:  328 Gray Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone:  +1 919 660 3519
Email Address:   send me a message
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Ph.D.The University of Chicago1965
MAUniversity of Chicago1961
BDCalvin Theological Seminary1959
ABCalvin College1956

Research Interests:

Religion and Modern Culture; Religious and Literary Studies

Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Kort, WA. "Scripture as ground and idea." Refractions of the Scriptural: Critical Orientation as Transgression  (March, 2016): 27-33. [doi]
  2. Kort, WA. C. S. Lewis: A Commentary.  Oxford University Press, 2016.
  3. Mueller, WR. "The Prophetic Voice in Modern Fiction." Una Sancta  (February, 2014): 120-122.
  4. Shelly, B. "Shelly and Scripture: The Interpreting Angel." Journal of the American Academy of Religion  vol. LXIV (February, 2014): 710-712.
  5. Kort, W. "Doing "Religion and Literature" in a Postmodernist Mode." Christianity and Literature  vol. 39 no. 2 (Winter, 2013): 193-198.

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