Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Social Sciences Directors Database
Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Social Sciences
Social Sciences Research Institute
Office of the Provost
Duke University

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Curriculum Vitae

Paula D. McClain

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140 Science Drive, Box 90204
Durham, NC 27708
(919) 660-4303 (office)

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Analysis Center, The Wharton SchoolUniversity of Pennsylvania1982
University of Michigan, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research1979
University of Michigan, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research1978
Ph.D.Howard University1977
M.A.Howard University1974
B.A.Howard University1972
Areas of Research

Racial politics and Urban politics

Professional Experience / Employment History

Duke University
Dean, The Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education, The Graduate School, July 1, 2013 - present
Professor, Department of Political Science, September 2000-present
Joint appointments: Sanford Institute of Public Policy
University of Virginia
Professor, Shannon Center for Advanced Studies, 1997-1998
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Professor, Woodrow Wilson Departmen of Government and Foreign Affairs, September 1991-August 2000
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Professor, School of Public Affairs, August 1990-August 1991
Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs, August 1982-August 1990
Acting Director, Doctorate of Public Administration Program, 1990
University of Pennsylvania
Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate, Analysis Center, The Wharton School, September 1981-July 1982
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, August 1980-August 1981
Assistant Professor, Departments of Political Science and Afro-American Studies, September 1977-August 1980
Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Consultant, Social Science Research Center, July 1976
Produced a "Social Science Research Resource Manual"
Annapolis, Maryland
Consultant, Adaptive Systems, February-March 1976
Interviewed Pennsylvania State officials concerning CETA Program effectiveness.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Intern, Office of Compliance, November 1971-June 1974
Responsibilities: Research and reply to Congressional inquiries concerning the status of charges, also participated in the briefing and researching of violations of discrimination in the utility of industry.
U.S. Senator Birch Bayh (D. Indiana)
Special Assistant, February 1971-October 1971
Responsibilities: Research and legislation on welfare, child care, drugs and education. Supervisor: Mr. Gordon Alexander.
Trans-Century Corporation
Administrative Assistant, July 1970-February 1971
serving the Project Director and three other staff members of the Peace Corps Transition Center. Responsibilities included processing and preparation of all returned volunteer invitations; drafting part of the Directors correspondence; advising
National Coordinating Council on Drug Abuse Education and Information
Program Coordinator, April 1970-July 1970
Duties included development of programs on drug abuse education and executing various public relations responsibilities.
Office of Senator Mike Gravel (D. Alaska)
Intern, August 1969-April 1970
Main responsibilities included legislative research and a limited amount of casework with various federal departments.
Office of Congressman Howard Pollock (R. Alaska)
Intern, August 1968-August 1969
Main responsibilities included reception duties and legislative research.
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions

Manning Dauer Award, Southern Political Science Association
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2011 Winner of the Best Textbook on topics of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics published in 2010, Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, August, 2011
2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring, Graduate School, Duke University, April, 2011
Frank J. Goodnow Distinguished Service Award, American Political Science Association, August, 2007
Meta Mentor Award, Women’s Caucus for Political Science, American Political Science Association., August, 2007
Frank Goodnow Award, American Political Science Association
Aaron Wildavsky Award for Best Book in Public Policy, Policy Studies Organization, 1997
Award for the Best Scholarship on the Subject of Intolerance in North America, The Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights in North America, 1996
Award in Recognition of Excellence in Scholarship and Service to the Profession, American Political Science Association, 1995
Best Book Award for Race, Place, and Risk: Black Homicide in Urban America, National Conference of Black Political Scientists, 1995
Miriam Mills Award, Policy Studies Organization, 1994
Distinguished Ph.D. Alumni Award, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Howard University, 1993
National Research Council, National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellowship Program, 1993, 1994
Award for Excellence in Teaching, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, 1989-1990
Award for Excellence in Research, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, 1988-1989
Award for Excellence in Service, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, 1987-1988
Outstanding Achievement Award for Service, College of Public Programs, Arizona State University, 1987-1988
"Best Paper on Black Politics Award" with Albert K. Karnig, Western Political Science Association, 1984
Honorable Mention Acknowledgement for the American Association of University Women's Recognition for Young Scholars, 1984
Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research Fellow, San Francisco, CA, 1982-1983
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Atlanta, GA, Southern Fellowships Fund (Ford Foundation), 1981-1982
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Analysis Center, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1981-1982
one of the Outstanding Young Women of America for 1980, 1980
Visiting Research Student, Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., January-June 1977
Graduate Fellowships for Black Americans, National Fellowships Fund (Ford Foundation), Atlanta, GA, 1976-1977
Departmental Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1974-75 and 1975-76
Lucy Moten Research Fellowship, Howard University, Washington, D.C., Summer 1974
Phi Sigma Alpha (Gamma Kappa Chapter), Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1972
Recent Grant Support

  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute-2019, National Science Foundation, 2019/05-2025/04.      
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Graduate School Award, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, G-2017-9927, 2017/11-2024/06.      
  • Cienciactive - Steven Chavez - E032 Doctoral Fellowship, Cienciactiva, 2017-01-E-Blue, 2017/01-2022/12.      
  • The Effects of Protest Activity on Support for Social Movements, American Political Science Association, 2021/10-2022/12.      
  • Black Voters and Electability in Intraparty Elections, American Political Science Association, 2021/10-2022/09.      
  • SAE Doctoral Engineering Scholarship - Richard Hollenbach, SAE International, 2021/09-2022/08.      
  • Facebook Fellowship 2020-2022, Facebook Inc., 2020/09-2022/08.      
  • Jack Kent Cooke Fellowship - Jose Balcazar, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, 2020/09-2022/05.      
Selected Recent Invited Talks

Lecture, “Race, Politics and the American Political System,”, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health Policy at Meharry Medical College, April 17, 2013  
Pi Sigma Alpha Lecture, “Race, Immigration and Intergroup Relations: Results from Three Southern Cities,”, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina, March 28, 2013  
Keynote Address, North Carolina Political Science Association, Raleigh, NC, February 22, 2013  
Lecture and workshop, Postdoctoral and Dissertation Fellows’ Mentoring Program, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, February 16 - 17, 2012  
“Diversity in the Discipline,”, Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, October 12, 2011  
Intergroup Relations in Three Southern Cities, Purdue University, May 04, 2011  
"An Era of Change or Politics as Usual? Can Women Find Commonality in Politics Across Race and Culture?", Charlotte, NC, May 19, 2009  
An Era of Change or Politics as Usual? Can Women Find Commonality in Politics Across Race and Culture?, Charlotte, NC, 19 May 2009  
"Diversity and Equality in the 21st Century America", Vienna, Salzburg, and Linz, Austria, February, 2009  
Diversity and Equality in the 21st Century America, Vienna, Salzburg, and Linz, Austria, 1 February 2009  
"Teaching the Dynamics of Race and Gender", The Reinvention Center’s National Conference,, November 13, 2008  
Teaching the Dynamics of Race and Gender, The Reinvention Center’s National Conference,, 13 November 2008  
“The New Politics: A Town Hall Conversation on Race, Class, and Gender in Today’s Electorate,”, Smith College,, April 16, 2008  
“Latino National Survey Junior Scholars Conference,”, Center for American Studies, Cornell University, November 1-2, 2007  
“Black Americans and Latino Immigrants in a Southern City: Friendly Neighbors or Economic Competitors?”, Princeton University, October 19, 2006  
“Racial Distancing in a Southern City: Latino Immigrants’ Views of Black Americans.”, The American Empirical Series, Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society (SIQSS), Stanford University, May 31, 2006  
Panel and Conference Participant, “Immigrant Political Incorporation,”, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University,, April 21, 2005  
Keynote Address, “Alabama Public Affairs Forum: Advancing Women and Minorities in Public Administration.”, Auburn University Montgomery, April 04, 2005  
Presented invited paper co-authored with Victoria M. DeFrancesco, Monique L. Lyle, Niambi M. Carter, Gerald F. Lackey, Jeffrey D. Grynaviski, Kendra Davenport Cotton, Shayla C. Nunnally, Thomas J. Scotto, and J. Alan Kendrick, Conference on “Immigration to the United States: New Sources and Destinations,” Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY, February 3, 2005  
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, March 17, 2004  
Delmos Jones Visiting Scholar, CUNY Graduate Center, February 5, 2004  
Department of Political Science, University of Southern California, April 28, 2003  
Department of Political Science, Pennsylvania State University, February 21, 2003  
Department of Political Science, Texas A & M University, April 27, 2001  
Department of Political Science, Rice University, Houston, TX, April 26, 2001  
Department of Politics, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, January 27, 2000  
Department of Political Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 9-10, 1998  
Department of Politics, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, April 28-May 3, 1998  
Department of Political Science, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, November 11-14, 1997  
Department of Political Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, January 29-31, 1997  
Pi Sigma Alpha Lecture, Department of Government, Colby College, April 2, 1997  
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, November 1995  
Guest lecturer, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan, August 1-2, 1990  
Guest lecturer, Ralph Bunche Summer Institute, American Political Science Association, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 13-14, 1989  
"Redefining America: Race, Migration and the Politics of Inclusion,", Georgetown University, April 10-11, 2008  
"Redefining America: Race, Migration and the Politics of Inclusion,", Georgetown University, April 10-11, 2008  
Lecture and workshop, Postdoctoral and Dissertation Fellows’ Mentoring Program, Pennsylvania State University, February 16-17, 2012  
Lecture and workshop, Postdoctoral and Dissertation Fellows’ Mentoring Program, Pennsylvania State University, February 1617, 2012  
Panel and Conference Participant, “Immigrant Political Incorporation,”, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, April 21-23, 2005  
“Immigrant Political Incorporation, Workshop I,”, Center for American Political Studies and the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University,, September 14-15, 2007  
Doctoral Theses Directed

Efren O. Perez, (2006 - May 12, 2008)  
Efren O. Perez, No Way José: The Nature and Sequence of U.S. Anti-Immigrant Opinion., (August 01, 2003 - May 12, 2008)  
Niambi M. Carter, The Black/White Paradigm Revisited: African-Americans Between Race and Immigration in Durham, N.C., (August 01, 2000 - May 09, 2007)  
James A. Kendrick, "'Kith and Kin' Black British Political Behavior (I cannot recall the exact title), (December 30, 2003 - January 06, 2006)  
Shayla C. Nunnally, "Racial Socialization and Political Trust", (December 30, 2003 - May 12, 2005)  
Publications (listed separately)

Last modified: 2025/03/09

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