| Publications [#294278] of Anne-Maria B. Makhulu
Published Articles
- Makhulu, AM, The "dialectics of toil": Reflections on the politics of space after apartheid, Ethics of Scale: Relocating Politics After Liberation, edited by Jesse Weaver Shipley,
Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 83 no. 3
(Summer, 2010),
pp. 551-580, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISSN 0003-5491 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
(last updated on 2025/03/09)
Abstract: Sixteen years since the end of the liberation struggle South Africa's cities have become crucial spaces of self-determination and lively community democracy. Yet their form has changed very little instead highlighting the persistence of poverty (and racism) within neoliberal, post-apartheid capitalism that the transition promised to end. This article explores the enduring quality of deep economic and social marginalization, specifically in the context of Cape Town's informal settlements, which reflect both collective desires for "rights to the city" and their denial. © 2010 by the Institute for Ethnographic Research (IFER) a part of the George Washington University. All rights reserved.
Keywords: South Africa, cities, Cape Town, informal settlements, neoliberalism