| Publications [#294280] of Anne-Maria B. Makhulu
- with Makhulu, A-M; Buggenhagen, BA; Jackson, S, Hard Work, Hard Times: Global Volatility and African Subjectivities, The University of California International and Area Studies Digital Collection, (also published in hardcopy)
pp. 240 pages pages, University of California Press [24b027x0]
(last updated on 2025/03/09)
Abstract: The description of Africa as a continent in perpetual crisis, ubiquitous in the popular media and in policy and development circles, is at once obvious and obfuscating. This collection by leading ethnographers moves beyond the rhetoric of African crisis to theorize people’s everyday practices under volatile conditions not of their own making. From Ghanaian hiplife music to the U.S. "diversity lottery" in Togo, from politicos in Côte d’Ivoire to squatters in South Africa, the essays in Hard Work, Hard Times uncover the imaginative ways in which African subjects make and remake themselves and their worlds, and thus make do, get by, get over, and sometimes thrive.
Keywords: Africa, the state, crisis, the West, abjection, creativity, involution, practices of the everyday