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Publications of Karin Shapiro    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Steve Channing and Karin Shapiro, Fulbright Revisited (2011) (A film on one of America's premier fellowship programs.)  [abs]
  2. Paul Weinberg and Karin A. Shapiro (Producers and Directors), Double Vision (May, 2005) (A documentary on South African immigration to North Carolina.)  [abs]
  3. Shapiro, K, A New South Rebellion: The Battle against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Coalfields, 1871-1896 (1998), University of North Carolina Press
  4. Brown, J; Bozzoli, B; Delius, P; Manning, P; Shapiro, KA; Wiener, J, History from South Africa: Alternative Visions and Practices (1991), Temple University Press
  5. Bozzoli, B; Delius, P; Nasson, W; Peires, J; Bundy, C; Shapiro, K; Witz, L, Radical History Review, edited by Shapiro, K; Bozzoli, B; Delius, P; Brown, J; Manning, P; Wiener, J, Radical History Review, vol. 46 no. 7 (1990), Duke University Press  [abs]

Papers Published

  1. Shapiro, KA; Letwin, D; Arnesen, E, Campus activism at Yale: fragmentary memories and reflections on the 1980s, Safundi, vol. 23 no. 1-2 (January, 2022), pp. 56-68 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Shapiro, KA, A conversation with Jacob Dlamini, Safundi, vol. 22 no. 3 (January, 2021), pp. 189-200 [doi]
  3. Shapiro, K, Growing Up with the Country: Family, Race, and Nation after the Civil War, Journal of Southern History, vol. 85 no. 1 (2019), pp. 196-197, Southern Historical Association
  4. Shapiro, K, No Exit? Emigration Policy and the Consolidation of Apartheid, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 42 no. 4 (June, 2016), pp. 763-781, Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles, ISSN 1465-3893 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Bonner, P; Shapiro, K, "Company Town, Company Estate: Pilgrim's Rest, 1910-1932, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 19 no. 2 (June, 1993), pp. 171-200, Informa UK Limited [doi]
  6. Dimock, P; Kelley, RDG; Shapiro, K, Recent Works in African American History, Radical History Review no. 55 (1993), Duke University Press
  7. Shapiro, KA, Doctors or Medical Aids - The Debate over the training of Black Medical Personnel for the Rural Black Population in South Africa in the 1920s and 1930s, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 13 no. 2 (January, 1987), pp. 234-255 [doi]
  8. Shapiro, K, Interns' Attitudes towards Aspects of their Medical Education, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, vol. 56 no. 2 (November, 1979), Health and Medical Publishing Group

Book Reviews

  1. Shapiro, K, Chained in Silence: Black Women and Convict Labor in the New South by Talitha L. Leflouria, The Journal of Economic History (June, 2016), Cambridge University Press (CUP): HSS Journals - No Cambridge Open, ISSN 1471-6372
  2. Shapiro, K, Doing Time in the Depression: Everyday Life in Texas and California Prisons by Ethan Blue, Labor: Studies in the Working Class History of the Americas, vol. 13 no. 1 (January, 2016), ISSN 1558-1454
  3. Shapiro, K, Shattered Dreams? An Oral History of the South African AIDS Epidemic, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. 63 no. 3 (July, 2008), pp. 398-401, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0022-5045 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  4. Shapiro, K, Steel Drivin’ Man - John Henry - The Untold Story of an American Legend by Scott Reynolds Nelson, Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas, vol. 4 (Winter, 2007), pp. 113-115
  5. Shapiro, K, Black Prisoners and Their World, Alabama, 1865-1900 by Mary Ellen Curtin, Journal of American History, vol. 89 no. 1 (2002), pp. 229-230
  6. Macmillan, H; Shapiro, F, Zion in Africa: The Jews of Zambia, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 27 no. 4 (2001), pp. 873-875
  7. Review of Anthony Marx, Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa and Brazil, Journal of American Ethnic History, vol. 19 no. 2 (2000), pp. 129-130
  8. Shapiro, K, Making race and nation: A comparison of South Africa, the United States and Brazil, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ETHNIC HISTORY, vol. 19 no. 2 (2000), pp. 129-130, ISSN 0278-5927 [Gateway.cgi]
  9. Review of George Fredrickson, Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa (November, 1996), South African Sunday Times
  10. Shapiro, K, Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa by George Fredrickson (November, 1996), South African Sunday Times
  11. Shapiro, K, An African American in South Africa: The Travel Notes of Ralph Bunche by RR Edgar, South African Historical Journal, vol. 29 (1993), pp. 297-300
  12. Review of Keith Dix, What's a Coal Miner to Do? The Mechanization of Coal Mining, International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 39 (1991), pp. 121-24
  13. Review of Alan Derickson, Workers' Health, Workers' Democracy: The Western Miners' Struggle, 1891-1925, International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 39 (1991), pp. 121-24
  14. Shapiro, K, What’s a Coal Miner to Do? The Mechanization of Coal Mining and Workers' Health by Keith Dix; Workers' Democracy: The Western Miners' Struggle, 1891-1925 by Alan Derickson, International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 39 (1991), pp. 121-24
  15. Shapiro, K, South Africa’s City of Diamonds: Mine Workers, and Monopoly Capitalism in Kimberley, 1867-1895 by William Worger, Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 23 no. 2 (1989), pp. 335-336
  16. Shapiro, K, Capital and Labour on the Kimbereley Diamond Fields, 1871-1890 by Robert V Turrell, International Journal of African Historical Affairs, vol. 21 no. 4 (1988), pp. 754-755
  17. Shapiro, K, South Africa, A Different Kind of War: From Soweto to Pretoria by Julie Fredrickse, African Studies Review, vol. 31 no. 2 (1988), pp. 149-150


  1. Shapiro, K, 'A Doer of the Word of God': Archbishop Walter Paul Khotso Makhulu, in Life History, Political Biography and Struggle History (2025), African Minds
  2. Shapiro, K, Campus Activism at Yale: Fragmentary Memories and Reflections on the 1980s, in Struggle for a Free South Africa Campus Anti-Apartheid Movements in Africa and the United States, 1960–1994 (2024), Routledge, ISBN 9781032684253
  3. van der Vlies, A; Shapiro, K; Graham, S, In appreciation: Rita Barnard, Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, vol. 17 no. 1 (February, 2016), pp. 1-2
  4. Shapiro, KA, Durham’s Jewish Community in Transition, Triangle Downtowner Magazine, vol. 9 no. 8 (2013) (Sep. 2013.)
  5. Shapiro, K; Letwin, D, David Montgomery, 1927 – 2011, Radical History Review, vol. 2012 no. 113 (Spring, 2012), pp. 225-228, Duke University Press, ISSN 0163-6545 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  6. K.A. Shapiro, Curator, "Beth El Synagogue, the first 125 years" (2012) (Exhibited at Beth El Synagogue, Durham NC, the Freeman Center for Jewish Life, Duke University, the Durham Public Library.)  [abs]
  7. K.A. Shapiro, William Chafe and Ken Carder, Interview with Peter Storey (2008) (South African Methodist Bishop and onetime President of the South African Council of Churches, Deposited in Duke University's Perkins Library under the DeWitt Wallace Center on Media and Policy and the Living History Program.)
  8. K.A. Shapiro, Curator, "Nelson Mandela: A Light so Powerful," (2008) (Exhibited at the American Tobacco Campus and the Durham Public Library.)  [abs]
  9. K.A. Shapiro, Curator, "Nelson Mandela: A Light so Powerful" (2007-08) (American Tobacco Campus, Durham, NC and the Durham Public Library.)  [author's comments]
  10. Shapiro, K, Tennessee Convict Uprising, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 3 (2007), pp. 1366-1367, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  11. Shapiro, K, Horton, Miles, Founder, Folk School, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 2 (2007), pp. 614-615, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  12. Shapiro, K, Riley, William, United Mine Workers of America, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 3 (2007), pp. 1198-1199, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  13. Shapiro, K, Davis, Richard L., National Executive Board of the United Mine Workers of America, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 343-344, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  14. Shapiro, K, Convict Labor in the New South, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 317-321, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  15. Shapiro, K, Highlander Folk School/Highlander Research and Education Center, in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, vol. 2 (2007), pp. 587-589, Routledge, ISBN 9780415968263  [abs]
  16. Shapiro, K, William R. Riley: Limits of Interracial Unionism in the Late-Nineteenth-Century South, in The Human Tradition in American Labor History, edited by Arnesen, E (2004), Scholarly Resources

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